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Is white mage better in 6.1, White mage changes in endwalker, White Mage different in 6.1, 6.1 Job adjustments, ffxiv 6.1 job changes, ffxiv job changes, white mage blood lily, ffxiv white mage lily changes, white mage mp regen, white mage mp regeneration
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I finally feel like I'll like playing white mage.
Scholar is my virtue but white mage is the Demon I cling too! (Thats a Gaga song reference btw)
wow! Great Video!! Thank you for all the great info as always! I haven't played in a min, this is helping me get back into it! <3
Coming back to the game after a break for Elden Ring! Thank you for the info. Very well explained. I'm happy as a WHM main.
I felt like they lowered lucid dreaming just for white mages XD, I almost want to go try white mage again. but ug.
WHM main since early 2014 and love these changes. Hopefully now other WHM users can kindly stop letting the tank HP drop to under 5% only to toss a Tera/Benison and maybe a Benny if they're lucky. So many other WHMs treat GCD heals like the plague but with the Misery potency issue finally addressed and done every min cuz 20 sec Lilies this half assed healing can stop.
I'm currently leveling White Mage (my first healer, currently lvl 52) and I'm still pretty clueless. However, these changes look great! Running out of mana in the middle of combat is not fun at ALL
Hello Mr. Stefan Ash I first off want to say I love your videos they are very informative and straight to the point. I have a question I noticed in one of you white mage videos you have your attack buttons on your left Triger is there and advantage to that?
I am beyond excited to be a flower mage in 6.1 <3 <3
darn it i was hoping they would add a charge to assize or tetra or atleast add mp regen to the lily spells which i still dont understand why they are spells and not abilities.
It's no range increase on Holy III but I'll take it. I love the animation of Afflatus Misery, where the White Mage just kind of gestures like, "here have this."
Look, I wasn't a high end player til recently. I've been beating the drum for WHM since I fell in love with it Stormblood into Shadowbringers. Last expansion, we were MP GODS. We were Afflatus Saviors. We cried out BLOOD! BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD LILIES! And we were amazing.
Scholar. Aether Flow. Energy Drain. Instant Cast OGCDs.
Astrologian: Recoups Mana every card drawn. Always seems to be drawing. Lightspeed insta-cast spells. many OGCDs
Sage: The new kid on the block is BUILT to recoup mana with half its OGCD and GCD heals.
WHM glares… WHM is DRK's best friend when nobody else would. But… Assize is its only mana recovering ability. Thin Air as stacks no longer excites. These changes are huge. Especially for that higher tier. WHM is NOT popular at the moment… and I love pure healing. But Astro crushed us. I rarely see WHM in high end duties, my own Static is a Sage/Astro combo.
Casual content, we've been fine, but now we will be better. Astro was here last expansion, when they adjusted the mana costs and gave them mana recovery via cards it helped them out So so much. This is the shot in the arm WHM has needed since Endwalker launched.
Whether WHM is saved or not does not matter to me; as an acolyte of the Blood Lily I am very pleased Afflatus Misery got a potency buff.
I’ve been lvling WHM and just unlocked the Lily so the change came at a good time.
I just dusted off my sch and fallen back in love… now I gotta use my whm again 😂 I’ve been all over my ast and sge
I don't know if this fixes WHM fully but it will def help a lot to at least be able to use lillies without losing DPS. I still think it needs it's own niche or identity because it still doesn't really stand out for anything specific like the other 3 but it's a start.
I played a Holy Priest for years, so WHM was the default choice for me. Glad to see it gets some attention.
Thanks for not making it a 20+ minute video. I was browsing which vid to check on WHM and this seemed like a reasonable amount of time compared to others.
As a complete newbie who just reached lvl 32 on my white mage (first character) I breathe a sigh of relief seeing the cheaper mp attacks early game, keeping up my mp with aggresive tanks has been rough! I obviously haven't played high end but I always thought it made sense for afflatus misery to not be equal to glare spam as you get the healing and a little aoe instead of the extra raw damage and you know your a healer not dps… But im a noob so idk!!
P.s. love the info you provide, must have rewatched a couple of your videos a dozen times umming and ahhing over whm vs sch before thinking "What am I doing just do both you idiot!"
Side note why couldn't they give us one Lilly at least once we enter an instance ?the whm is the only healer being like that now 🙄
In Savage/Extreme/Ultimate it really doesn't matter how much MP you "save" by using Lilies when you're progging a new fight. There will be more deaths and these changes do nothing to address the complete lack of recovery that WHM has.
Thin Air can't keep you going, Assize only recovers 500 MP, and we still lose our Lilies on death. The only real recovery tool WHM has is Lucid Dreaming and we have to use that basically on CD just to not run out of MP doing DPS, so unless you just happen to revive when Lucid Dreaming comes of CD, there's not much WHM can do to recover.
This gets even worse when you realize that the normal GCD heals cost more MP and have a higher cast time than AST, but have the same potencies and duration. And the situation where you would have to use the normal GCD heals is exactly the situation where you're already hurting bad for MP, shortly after you revived since you lost your Lilies.
For some reason Tetra is still weaker than Cure 2. Until EW Tetra and Cure 2 always had the same potency, so Cure 2 getting a potency increase in EW while leaving Tetra behind is really just a nerf to Tetra.
Contrast that with the other pure healer AST.
They get MP every time they draw a card and the cards give them sigils that they can use to get their own Lucid Dreaming in addition to the normal one.
AST doesn't lose the sigils on death, so they can just use it after they revive and will never have MP issues even after death.
AST's healing is also not dependent on their job ressource.
And then there's the fact that ED is just better than Tetra in every way, it heals more, has a shorter CD, and it gets stacks.
That we get faster, DPS neutral Lilies is nice, but really doesn't address the issues the devs created when they castrated Thin Air.
The change to Liturgy is nice but honestly it's just how the ability should've been from the start.
I'll definitely level my whm more now. The main thing that was killing it for me was running out of mp waaay too fast. Now if they could only make lillies ogcd's
Never left WHM, I got what I wanted though.
I love WHM, but I really hope they someday lower Regen to like level 20 or so. Getting lower level dungeons in Duty Finder is so boring because all I can do is spam Cure 1.
I have not played healer in a long time and WHM has been at level 50 for a long time. These changes, plus Trusts in ARR for me to practice might mean I get back into the job again.
Glare and Dia mp cost also cut half or only Stone and Aero?
Lol I just logged on having not read any patch notes and was confused as to why I wasn’t running out of mp anymore. Such a quality of life improvement and makes the class far more attractive to sprouts like myself
I still have problems. The job didn't work due to MP. Yeah, this is nice and welcome, but until WHM has the MP issue fixed, it's still on my never touch list sadly, I'm a former WHM main that switched to SGE this expansion
I'm whitemage main, I had no big problems with playing it, but I also don't take part in savage raids and don't do perfect optimisation. But especially synch to level 50 was pure pain, for example the snow dragon dungeon, the enemies do massive damage and healing drains much mana.
I haven’t played 6.1 yet, but I’m super excited to try WHM (even as SCH main).
It’s the 20 sec Lilies. You get a Blood Lily every 1 min. To put in perspective, I time myself around 1 min Aetherflow and I love it. So I’ll definitely love having the 1 min Blood Lily.
WHM are king of dungeons and will be moreso now due to the super large damage boost from Misery and also getting it sooner.
In boss fights, 20 sec Lilies is exactly what a SGE does, but it’s sorta better because Afflatus Rapture doesn’t have a 30 sec cooldown like Ixochole/Indom, so the AoE raw healing of WHM is gonna be amazing. Weave in Temperance to reduce incoming damage then counter it with a beefed up Rapture. Multi-hits coming in? Stash those lilies, activate Plenary Indulgence, and solo heal Akh Morn. Though in all honesty, it’s not too big of a difference because Addersgall is an ogcds and doesn’t cost damage or MP.
It’s wonderful and didn’t expect them to do it, but it’s gonna be great! I love the slow methodical style of WHM (AST is too much for me), so I’m excited!
It still doesn't compete with other healers.
hehe Astro can go on bench, Welcome Back Wht Mage <3
I love playing WHM and these changes will help! I find the others far too busy with so many different things to be managing. Thanks for putting this video together.