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In this video, I’ll go over some daily and weekly activities in Final Fantasy XIV that I think are the most worthwhile with a focus on gil and experience rather than gear. From underrated tasks to some advice on making it more profitable – this is advice I wish I’d had when I started playing!
00:00 Intro
00:26 Treasure Maps
01:08 Ocean Fishing
02:07 Retainer Optimization
04:00 Hunt Weeklies
04:38 Masked Carnivale
05:15 Sponsor
06:33 Squadron
07:25 Frontline
08:00 Fashion Report
08:30 Wondrous Tails
09:25 Custom Deliveries
10:23 Doman Enclave
11:08 Leve Allowances
12:10 Island Sanctuary
Music Used:
The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess – Ordon Village
Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer – Downtown 1
Kingdom Hearts 2.5 – Lazy Afternoons
Final Fantasy XV – Safe Haven
Zelda BOTW – Hateno Village (Day)
#ffxiv #finalfantasyxiv
I find that the Leather (level 40), Boarskin and Peisteskin (50), and Wyvernskin and Dragonskin (60) also sell quite well, particularly the Leather maps. They rarely beat out the Gazelleskin or Kumbiraskin for me, but when you have eight characters on a server you've gotta diversify! Anyway, suppliers seem to sleep on the low-level maps.
I had no idea about the Teamcraft retainer helper! Thank you so much – that'll be a huge help, I'm sure. Frankly, a guide on the ins and outs of Teamcraft, and how to get the most out of it, might be really useful.
The long time retainer ventures are good for the Allagan coins, with 3 runs giving enough every week (40 at max lvl) to turn in for the Doman reconstruction. Also, as an added bonus, tend to return items useable got GC daily turn ins, though the coins are the real point.
3 Allowances a day in 2 weeks should be 42 not 100
The field exploration retainer ventures are good if you’re not going to log on again for at least 18 hours. It’s guaranteed to bring back the allagan Gil sacks and sometimes rare minions. If you have at least 3-4 retainers on this you can make decent Gil if you just log in once a day
this is the reason the market place is broke cant even get iron rivets for cheap any more realyt just 0ne iron rivet cost 5000 gill last night wtf its truning in to wows market and that markets borked beyond repair
Leve Tea quest:
I did the math and I do them weekly, so I don't "loose" two allowences (6 each day… 100/6… you loose two)
I'm a pentamelded Instigator, so keep that in mind when talking about crafting it HQ.
Time needed for gathering and crafting: about 1 hour (only tea crafted in HQ not the pre-crafts)
Repairs and Teleport will cost you about 8k gil.
you get back the invested crystals and then some
this makes 42 leves per week so 126 tea (42 crafts)
gil profit (so income minus the telport and repairs) about 409k per week
I can't even be bothered to do weekly hunts. I just join a centurio hunt train every now and then and spend the centurio seals on aetherite tickets.
The moment you said "island sanctuary" I had a fight or flight reaction, but good video otherwise :')
thank you for this video jolsn*!
Ty Josln for the knowledge drop. It's always a welcome for this kind of info vids. I consider myself a veteran but from time to time, there's an activity that i forgot or don't know about that I need to do. 😊
Hunt trains are, without competition, the fastest way to grind tomes and nuts/seals. Everyone should do at least 3 Endwalker hunt trains per week.
This is going to sound kinda crazy but after ~1 year of sending my retainers daily for quick explorations at least 2-8 times a day, I've never ever gotten a venture chest… How rare are them? D:
oh wow thank you so much for this! this information is going to help me immensly!
Everything I'm about to say varies by server and how many other people try to sell the same items as you. And let's be honest, I'm probably far from optimal. For retainer ventures, I send mine on items that are commonly sought after such as acidic secretions, archeornis leathers, deepeye tears, mousse flesh, gelato flesh, gazelle hides, hoptrap leaves, vampire vine saps, lunatender blossoms and a few others. I sell a lot of different loot that sells for at least 500 gil/piece. It's important to diversify and have a lot of different items or else you oversature the market and your own inventory. For island sanctuary, I actually buy dyes instead of materia. The ruby red and cherry pink dyes in particular sell great for their cost, but I pick up all the others as well. (I did that for Firmament scrips as well, which wasn't covered in the video.) For gathering custom deliveries, I personally spend my gatherer scrips on fishing baits that I sell for big fish enthusiasts. The most commonly used big fish baits that can be purchased there and sell decently well are brute leeches, giant crane flies, blue bobbits and stonefly larvae, with a special mention to robber balls and baitbugs that are less profitable per scrip spent but still sell fast due to the large need for them.
For the MGP vouchers from squadron missions, the 15% bonus also counts for claiming tournament rewards. If you place in 8th in a Triple Triad tournament for example, you'll obtain 15% extra MGP from that reward. It gets extremely lucrative if you can get a 15% bonus of a first place reward (~150k MGP). Likewise for placing highly in Verminion tournaments.
hello whats the site you use for retainer ventures ? sorry if i dont get the name on the video im a bad english speaker ^^'
Dont feel the need to disclaim anything… This game has such an easy to take in atmosphere that any semblance of depth leaves me licking my plate for crumbs.
Things like, leveling BLU with Clionids and, soloing Gaius in Praetorium are just the tips of the iceburg for me, so keep going!
I tend to pick up the daily hunts whenever I'm near the board and just killing whichever targets happen to be on the way of doing something else, since they get a little red marker above their heads. Like randomly finding money in your pocket! 😛
Thanks for posting this during maintenance, stuff to think about before the grind begins again.
Allegan coins, for doman
A tiny correction to your section about retainer ventures. Quick Exploration is actually a faster way to level your retainer, also they only take 1 hour. So if you play 6 hours for example and do them every hour, you get 6 explorations done and get atleast like 4x more exp than doing an 18 hour one. Besides that Quick Exploration can also give you random high value items. I recently got a Calfskin Rider Jacket that is worth 1 million~ and many housing items and other stuff worth a lot, yeah it's random, but there is much more than you've told in this video.
This said, I am not even going for the 18 hour exploration, because it is also not worth it if you come back online before the 18 hour exploration is finished, because in that time you could've done quick explorations and gained much more.
A downside to this is that you need way more ventures, but they are basically free. You do some of your dailys, need and greed everything and then turn that stuff in for seals and buy the ventures. Even if you don't do a lot of dailys you will never run out of ventures and also will be safe, because after some weeks you will have multiple hundreds of them and then you can buy Material Container 3.0 or 4.0 for minions and the chance for mounts.
Haha you fool, I already do most of these!
Leve warning:
If you want to farm for Heavensward Anima Weapons, your leve allowances are best invested in getting Amber-encased Vilekin (Necrologos leve in Ishgard) to trade in for Crystal Sand.
I use the Tsai tea method every week. It became so profitable for me that I even levelled some alts just to have more allowances and a bit more control on the mb prices
Isnt that the "home-town-sound" from Zelda – Twilight Prinzess in the back? 😀
Once you have access to the Stormblood, Shadowbringers, or Endwalker tribes, do the tribal quests once a day. Those are worth quite a bit EXP.
Quick exploration I use with desynthing. The level 90 items can not only help you level it for little effort but the loop of seals makes it so I can get the crafting mats for free and the 80 gear can get you the mats used in skybuilder crafts.
3:55. I disagree, I make a lot of gil selling these end game items on the mb to people farming for the supply and provisioning achievements with each grand company. Rich players would rather not craft them. All the items get sold everyday so I assume it's them.
I kind of forgot that the masked Carnivale does have weeklys, and so does the BLU log. Allied seals are so nice to have.