What your favourite FFXIV CONTENT CREATOR says about you !


@ZeplaHQ – https://www.youtube.com/@ZeplaHQ
@XenosysVex – https://www.youtube.com/@XenosysVex
@Meoni1 – https://www.youtube.com/@Meoni1

Ever wondered what your preference in Final Fantasy XIV content creators reveals about you? 🎮 Join us as we delve into the fascinating world of FFXIV fandom and explore the personalities behind the screens! From the lore aficionados to the raid masters, each content creator attracts a unique audience with diverse tastes and interests. Discover what your choice says about your playstyle, your love for the game’s lore, or even your fashion sense in Eorzea! Whether you’re a die-hard fan or a casual observer, this video is sure to entertain and enlighten. Tune in to find out if you’re a savage raider, a glam guru, or a roleplay extraordinaire!

#FFXIV #FinalFantasyXIV #ContentCreators #GamingCommunity #FFXIVCommunity #MMORPG #GamerLife #FFXIVFans #LoreLovers #Raiders #Glamours #Roleplay #YouTubeVideo #GamingPersonality #EorzeaExplorers

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32 thoughts on “What your favourite FFXIV CONTENT CREATOR says about you !”

  1. Truth be told while I do see the occasional video from these creators the only channel I watch consistently is this one. No disrespect to them but I simply don’t have enough time to watch their backlog and understand the deep and intricate channel lore they have built up.

    Edit: Also the server issues today Yeesh can’t even finish a leap of faith without getting kicked

  2. Shenpai got me started with the game during the Shadowkeep years of Destiny 2. Absolutely crazy that Lightfall surpassed Shadowkeep as the worst expansion.

    Granted, my buddy Nero and I have been Destiny raiders since the 8th grade, our group was among the top raiders back in Destiny 1. I also completed every raid triumph in the first game for that neat raid skull emblem. Naturally, it transferred over to FFXIV, but him and I took a step back from raiding in Endwalker to enjoy a more casual experience for once. That and I'm nearing my mid-20s (will be 25 in January 2025). I like to joke that I'll be a skeleton by the time God Eater 4 is announced

  3. Partner?!?!?! Fucking GRATS Myth!!! <3 So well deserved! +1 to making this a series, since because it's you, it would all be good fun without toxicity. Bene G is my fave second to you btw. The memes, Myth, the memes. 😀 Well, and that 11 second "Wake up, Emet" vid that was just 100% Emotional Damage, but, yeah >_< lol.


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