@ZeplaHQ –
@XenosysVex –
@Meoni1 –
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Truth be told while I do see the occasional video from these creators the only channel I watch consistently is this one. No disrespect to them but I simply don’t have enough time to watch their backlog and understand the deep and intricate channel lore they have built up.
Edit: Also the server issues today Yeesh can’t even finish a leap of faith without getting kicked
What if you are a myth samael fan uhhuh roast me over that 🙂
Oh an I used to have a male blood elf in wow names Samæl
Mr. Happy and Synodic Scribe. Two of my favorites for different reasons.
Haha who else is here after suffering from the ddoss today ! I hope some mega virgin out there is happy with themselves
true and real
And you've recently also become a honorary Intellectual. (the real reason you didn't pass was because you were 3ft too short, don't let Myth know).
I dunno,… child labor is kinda iffy on this one. At least give him extra in his allowance.
I fucking love Meoni because he simps for a good minion like me.
My favorite creator, though? SarahJane. She's like Zepla, but Aussie version.😁
I fell in love with FFXIV for the memes. BeneG is a pioneer in that regard.
Drak, AvyCatte, and CiderSpider!
Of those 3, Zepla is the best. Can't stand Zeno, and I barely know of the other. But none of them compare to a certain cheeky, pantsless lalafell.
Call me basic all you like but jocat is my favorite still. Followed closely by ciderspider and grinding gear
Do Zane.
Viera as even more basic bitch has me screamingg! SHAKE THE TABLE MATE pathra and cole evyx 🫣
RathGames, CiderSpider, and AvyCatte!
Yeah Imposter syndrome, is brutal! =_=;
Cant stand any ff14 creator. All vids are the same
What about CiderSpider, Misshapen Chair, and Mister Happy? In a future follow up, perhaps.
I guess I’m bald now
Shenpai got me started with the game during the Shadowkeep years of Destiny 2. Absolutely crazy that Lightfall surpassed Shadowkeep as the worst expansion.
Granted, my buddy Nero and I have been Destiny raiders since the 8th grade, our group was among the top raiders back in Destiny 1. I also completed every raid triumph in the first game for that neat raid skull emblem. Naturally, it transferred over to FFXIV, but him and I took a step back from raiding in Endwalker to enjoy a more casual experience for once. That and I'm nearing my mid-20s (will be 25 in January 2025). I like to joke that I'll be a skeleton by the time God Eater 4 is announced
I'm surprised you didn't include your fellow lalafell, Pint.
Partner?!?!?! Fucking GRATS Myth!!! <3 So well deserved! +1 to making this a series, since because it's you, it would all be good fun without toxicity. Bene G is my fave second to you btw. The memes, Myth, the memes. 😀 Well, and that 11 second "Wake up, Emet" vid that was just 100% Emotional Damage, but, yeah >_< lol.
Pathra! She fills my drama-less life with juicy stories haha
My 3 main CCs are Preach Gaming, Grinding Gear, and Mr Happy. Outside of that i dont really watch any other FFXIV content creators. Maybe the occasional Pint or Cider Spider vid.
Synoptic Scribe, DrakGamestein and Sufferhymn
I'm very happy your past few videos showed up on my feed. Your energy is wild. Now what does it say about us if you are our favourite creator?
big inhale
Wait-hold on
BIGGER inhale
No-no, not yet.
Avycatte please 0w0
Zepla is giving auntie. Oldie but goldie as some say.
I’m sure Xenos is a great dude. But trying to watch dawntrail leaks while hearing him smack his lips and chew his food drives me batty. Like, damn dude, it can wait 😛
shenpai got me in to the game coming from monster hunter world XD
Cider Spider is the only one I watch regularly.
New react feed for @XenosysVex