What To Expect from JP Fan Fest? FFXIV Dawntrail

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37 thoughts on “What To Expect from JP Fan Fest? FFXIV Dawntrail”

  1. That’s exactly what I want from Fem-Hrothgar. I still want them to be big furry muscle. But actually stand up straight and just generally appear larger. Not Au Ra size difference, but at least a head taller between Max Male and Min Female

  2. If new job is not a caster, I'm done with FF XIV. Sick of melee.
    I'd love Time Mage (caster/support/buffer) or Oracle (caster/support/debuffer). I'm betting for Geomancer tho (basic list of spells/builders, spender changing based on floor type).

  3. My only hope is that next expansion the 8-man raids are handled much better. First tier was really solid, but second and third were fun to prog at best, absolutely awful at worst. P10S being the only exception, imo. Reclears are not fun at all in tier 2/3, and I hope they address that. Eden had a couple problems, but I felt reclears weren't really one of them save for Shiva but that's Lights Rampant. For Pande, its both people failing to reclear, and fights just dragging on and on, Hi P7S and P11S.

    Only other thing I want announced is better Relic Weapon grind. I give Mandy weapons some slack as Covid no doubt hurt EW development (It did hit about six months after ShB launched) but still, the grind is unrewarding compared to StB, ShB or even HW, though the second to last step can bite me.

  4. I feel like the raid will be FF5 related. With the mention of Galuf and being that Krile is supposed to be in this more if they arent main story related I can see it taking place in raid. Maybe even see Lenna and Bartz?

  5. Since green mage doesn’t work in ffxiv because of the buffs and debuff playstyle could it be that green mage is the new limited job? And the new magical job is something completely different?

  6. I'm trying to recall which fan fests Island Sanctuary or Ishgard Restoration were announced in as still hoping for another restoration location (Garlamald seems the most obvious potential for that, maybe building a new capital or even rebuilding one of the now independent provinces)

  7. Do you think that the story will be separated? As is currently, my friends are having a big barrier to go through to even reach endgame ( around 300 hours of story ). I think its too much

  8. people get disappointed (or absurdly angry ) because they don't like to use their brains. So someone trying to set those expectations right is almost a PSA.
    (and no, afaik MrHappy is not part of the dev team so these are all probabilities, high or low, not certainties. And even if he was part of it, he'd be under NDA and would not be allowed talk about those things)

  9. ppl rly expected to see job trailer already? that's wild… they literally release the new job trailer for all claases when the expansion is like, literally about to drop. the only trailer we will get is the new job and maybe a teaser for new limited job. theyre 100% still tweaking jobs

  10. I really hope they wont mess with AST too much and make it a braindead job like SMN… the only reason why I enjoy healing rn is bc of AST and the difference betweeen the other healers…

  11. I’m in the camp that the second city is a major Hrothgar settlement. I feel like it’d make a very smooth transition to revealing female Hrothgar after talking about a big Hrothgar city.

  12. Only confirmed thing more that they will talk about is the new Island Sanctuary style content that wasnt ready for EU fanfest. Also wording for the limited job reveal was little odd, paraphrasing but "The developement has started and we are happy to reveal more very soon".
    Additionally final fanfest usually reveals more major QoL changes to the game like they removed belts in EW.
    Im only hoping for more suprised tbh since JP and EU fanfest reveals havent really knocked my socks off so would be cool to get something entirely out of left field.

  13. I feel like they MIGHT mention some GENERAL broad brush-strokes of AST/DRG changes, and then EXTREMELY general things on some other Jobs (e.g. "everyone will have new actions") that reveal effectively nothing. I think there have been some cases in the past where Jobs had major reworks that they kind of gave some general overview of in advance, though I can't remember if it was fanfest or liveletter, it still seems there might be SOME hope there. But yeah…probably won't be as much as people would like to see.

  14. I must be the only person who didn't think or see anything related to Hrothgar at all when it came to those feet, because they firmly looked hyuran to me. There was nothing about them that stood out and said "These are the feet of a Hrothgal" that I could see.

  15. It's a pretty minor gripe, but I kind of wish they didn't have a second city each expansion. It's a bit annoying that they split it between the useful vendors and the market board, and I think having one main hub with more players there would make it feel more alive. But again, pretty minor gripe.

    Also, Time Mage!!!!

  16. I have seen so many job action trailers by this point, I know we still have to wait a while for those. But it is always something to look forward too. That said I am a bit scared, bc for me mnk after a long time is in a really good place right now, so hopefully they wont change too much.

  17. Looking forward to femmgars though had a lot of fun watching the EU fan fest with friends trying to make every Segway about femmagrs/hrothgals. Guess we will se how much I get to do it before they reveal (tbf figured it’d likely be at the last one anyways). I always forget when the job action trailer happens so thanks for the reminder there. Otherwise looking forward to finally seeing the second job. Still hoping for some kind of pictomancer/something armed with a paintbrush but I’m fine if it’s not – would like it to have a unique weapon though if possible

  18. i am really excited to learn the new class, and while people have been speculating, i really am throwing my hat into it being another original class. the New Limited class i do have a more focused thought on with it being a class from other FF games.


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