Did you do ARR’s story a long time ago and forgot most of it? Did you skip it?
Embark on this adventure along with Plushie as he tells you the story of A Realm Reborn under 46 minutes!
With a bit of comedy and opinions… and a pretty nice pace, you could enjoy it just like a movie!
Also, if you enjoyed it, please make sure to like, comment and subscribe to motivate me to do a Part 2 as it is a lot of work! (so that the video gets boosted a bit up!) ♥
➤ My socials
★ https://twitter.com/iamPlushie
★ https://twitch.tv/iamPIushie
Thanks to all the people that helped me!
I plan on making a credit scene if I ever make the Part 2 video!
Your opinion is very much needed in the comments 🙂
FFXIV – Ultima Theme
FFXIV – On Westerly Winds
The Game Archivist (YouTube Channel)
FFXIV – Prelude
FFXIV – Saltswept
FFXIV – Without Shadow
FFXIV – Whisper of the Land
FFXIV – What comes of Despair
FFXIV – (FFVIII) Blue Fields
FFXIV – Imperial Will
FFXIV – Sacred Bonds
FFXIV – Dawn of a New Era
FFXIV – Daring Dalliances
FFXIV – Bliss
FFXIV – To The Sun
FFXIV – Skullduggery
FFXIV – Primal Judgement
FFXIV – A Sailor Never Sleeps
FFXIV – The Parrock Theme (Freedom)
FFXIV – The Maiden’s Lament
FFXIV – Spoken without End
FFXIV – Wicked Wind Whispers
FFXIV – Below
FFXIV – Paradisaical Predicaments
FFXIV – Shade’s Delight
FFXIV – Landslide
FFXIV – Intertwined
FFXIV – Tears for Mor Dhona
FFXIV – Intertwined
FFXIV – Fog of Phantom
FFXIV – Crystal Rain
FFXIV – Skylords
FFXIV – Fealty
Youngscrolls – Dagothwave
FFXIV – Landlords
FFXIV – Conundrum
FFXIV – Cold Salvation
FFXIV – The Last Stand
Nintendo 3DS – Mii Maker
FFXIV – Dreams Aloft
FFXIV – The Waking Sands
FFXIV – Breaking Boundaries
FFXIV – Emerald Labyrinth
FFXIV – Steel Reason
FFXIV – Tactics Ogre (Ultima, the Nice Body)
FFXIV – Penitus
FFXIV – Ultima 2
FFXIV – Cradle of Hope
FFXIV – The Seventh Astral Era
➤ Special thanks to
You! for watching
Kero Arai for lore help confirmations
TaruTV and Whiiskeyz for their advices
Sebastian Scaini for his tools
@PoppyTotolymo for her many, many, many help
For helping in visuals
Niyo Ori@Seraph
Sockies Watanabe@Seraph
Minfilia Warde (anonymous)
Papa Lymo@Balmung as Papalymo
Lord Haurchefant@Halicarnassus as Haurchefant
Soul Ripper@Seraph
Soli Herja@Marilith
Inquisitor Guillaime@Adamantoise as Guillaime
Shtola Rhul@Halicarnassus as Y’shtola
Thancrred Waters@Seraph as Urianger (yes, yes.)
Acting Antecedent@Balmung as Minfilia
Thanccred Waters@Marilith as Thancred
Koyo Ra’ri@Seraph
Penelo Nabradia@Marilith
Lucien Waters@Marilith
Luoyi Yulan@Halicarnassus
Asa Lyn@Seraph
Potemkin Ladd@Seraph
Bread Crumbs@Halicarnassus
Noa Emi@Seraph
Erinyes Nofather@Halicarnassus
Silvare Ayris@Halicarnassus
Stephanvien Brightsun@Halicarnassus
Alena Shepard@Diabolos
Luna Fujioka@Marilith
Killhare Caerbannog@Halicarnassus
Vesper Greythorne@Coeurl
Dorothea Yascaret@Maduin
Victoria Meezer@Seraph
Raikhal Elysium@Exodus
Kiyoko Kinoko@Seraph
Solaire Riktorson@Seraph
The Seraph Free Company “Meteor’s Survivors”
(David Jones, Curriation, Ser Bill) YouTube membership
(Curriation, Mikelo, x_Niyo, Pjamma,) Twitch subscription
For their financial support!
0:00 A Realm Reborn in a nutshell
0:05 Intro
0:53 A Realm Reborn: Part 1
1:00 Hear. Feel. Think.
1:05 Gridania Intro
1:56 Gridania Adventurer’s Guild
2:14 Who is Hydaelyn?
5:30 What happened to Edda?
7:00 A Realm Reborn: Part 2
7:02 How to join the Scions of the Seventh Dawn
8:56 Pray return to the Waking Sands
9:48 Ifrit
10:07 How to join a Grand Company
10:15 How to unlock your chocobo
11:13 A Realm Reborn Part 3
12:56 Meeting Lahabrea
13:05 A Realm Reborn trailer explained
13:39 What are Lahabrea’s intentions
17:21 Pre-Titan quests
19:12 A Realm Reborn Part 4
19:20 Waking Sands Empire raid
19:40 Noraxia’s Death
21:06 Who is Cid?
22:00 Coerthas
24:54 Haurchefantwave
27:42 Great job, Alphinaud facepalm
28:43 FFXIV Sussy baka
28:50 FFXIV Among us
31:20 Corrupted Crystal quests
32:37 Go touch grass, Alphinaud…
37:26 Thancred Waters Lahabrea
38:14 Rhitahtyn Sas Arvania fight reworked
41:00 Gaius in the backrooms
42:46 Warrior of Light’s death?
43:25 Lahabrea fight reworked
44:50 Gaius defeated
45:47 The end of A Realm Reborn ♫
#FinalFantasy #FFXIV #MMORPG #FinalFantasyXIV #ARealmReborn
★ Please read this pinned comment! ★ 💜
This video took me about 2 months to make!
I really hope you can give it a try! I think it gets a lot better prior to 8 minutes as I was finding myself on the making of this 🙂
– If you enjoy it, please consider liking/commenting/sharing (or even subscribing if you haven't!) so that I can make more of this in future! –
Keep up the good work ! <3
Thanks for the recap
It's still funny going down memory lane in ARR. Some parts I remember and others I have forgotten. Thanks for putting this all together.
Amazing work Plushie 😍 !
I'm currently in HW (re)doing the MSQ and even though I went through ARR a few times, I still forget some parts including some dungeon's off-stories. It's nice to have a proper recap of the story with a touch of humour.
The editing is super good! I had forgotten so much of this😮
Beautiful work as always Plushie! I loved this.
Ah! That was great! I've been looking forward to this, and you didn't disappoint! Thank you for all your hard work! I especially love all your asides and dramatizations, they were amazing. PS, you comment about us seeming like the bad guy after Rhytatyn was very on point. The first time I asked that was when they sent me on suspicion alone to kill some Quirin for stealing chocobo eggs
Thank you for your hard work! I have been writing all the story down for my significant other so I can read it to her while she plays, and this video reminds me so much of it! I watched every second of it! thanks again! <3
Love all of the little in-jokes tossed into the background throughout!
It is nice to see a nutshell of the whole main quest with the shorten quests and changed instances. I'm too lazy to play anew or in ng+ for nostalgic feelings. If you want to continue this time expensive videos I will looking forward to the next part 👍
This was well worth the wait ^~^ It's so nostalgic to see you going back over all this and describing it all, reminding me of the things I forgot and making me lament on the things I remembered. Great work on all this, I know it wouldn't have been an easy feat