It was so good, it required a separate upload. Special thanks to Timothy Watson for being such a good sport! Watch the full event here:
Music clip by
It was so good, it required a separate upload. Special thanks to Timothy Watson for being such a good sport! Watch the full event here:
Music clip by
Omg. 😂
This was the best thing that happened on my Saturday. I laughed for a solid 5 minutes. Thank you, Timothy, for being such a good sport. <3
this needs to be shared!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If Robyn smiled any wider, her cheeks would intrude on Bethan's and Yuna's camera feeds.
I just about died hearing this on stream 💀💀
Poor man
Would have been better as Mumkhar
This needs SO MUCH views and shares. How is this not exploded??
Robyn's reaction is just the absolute best
I was only able to see parts of the interview (I was working 🙁 ), but the pieces I saw were heartwarming when I heard how the voice actors really do seem fond of the characters they play. 🙂
the world is in fact a better place thanks to this!
laughing might not be the best painkiller but I really needed this after surgery
I did a proper in-tempo remix of this, as soon as Timothy read the lines. It wasn't easy doing it while laughing all the time. But your wish has indeed been granted Alex.
The animatics that shall spawn from this
Thank you for this golden gem! Holy shit this is the best😂😂😂
Knowing that FFXIV devs love to embrace community's memes. we might see Urianger mentioned Milkshake at some point in Post- Endwalker patch … that would be awesome
Whole interview is so GOOD. recommend watching