Endwalker is almost here, so I’ve called in the FFXIV experts in our FC to guide us sprouts & lapsed players in what content would be ideal to check out, as it’ll elevate our Endwalker experience!
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0:00 Intro
0:50 Finish MSQ!
1:21 Indulge In ALL That Lovely Story Content
5:09 Get Those Jobs Ready!
6:24 Wrap Everything Up
9:54 Empty Those Bags & Fill That Wallet
11:05 ….Play FFIV?
12:08 Outro
I hope one day I'll see you try Elder Scrolls Online too!
Definitely do Crystal Tower before starting Shadowbringers. It has some awesome payoffs.
Still working on my Hoverbike so no time for anything else
I really like the outro with the remix of Wind on the Plains and Blood on the Wind.
A piece of advice for new and older players alike: Never say never to any content even if it falls outside of your usual comfort zone. And don't think there is a window where you have to do things or feel like they are lost forever, people will always be willing to join you, be it due to boredom, or the same reason you are doing said content or for a different goal altogether. For example I am currently trying to finish my Blue Mage spell book, I post a pasty finder for X spell and people usually join me within minutes, either because they want the same spell, or because the specific dungeon is something they want to clear for MSQ So no que + blue mage speed clear = win or simply cause fuck it why not help a fellow player?
Also remove the eureka is a massive grind from your mind, if you are crafting a relic it will take you about a week of playing the content for an hour or 2 at peek hours, if you are doing it solely for the story you can do it within a few days. Just do your Eureka challenge log > party up with prep groups and use potions of harmony. Eureka was severely nerfed so is now really easy and fast to get done.
The answer is "Whatever you want. You won't get hit by FOMO because everything will still be there for you when you're ready!
…but also, might want to do Bozja stuff while people are still running it if you want those weapons."
After hearing up sam, smn and DRK, I can finally start grinding away on getting maiming gear for reaper. And if I get that done before expansion I may finish living drg lol
I'm not even worried about getting through the MSQ and being ready to hit it on day one, I'm having too much fun with the existing content!
I’m pretty much good until early access goes live. Outside of getting dueling titles out of Bozja/Zadnor….just chilling until Nov.
Good call about making rm in inventory…I definitely need to get rid of some junk and make space b4 EndWalker.
I'll be on starting on a series of vacations when it comes out. I'm going to enjoy a slow burn through FFXIV rather than try to blaze through it. Still need to complete the Crystal Tower to move onto Heavensward.
Things to do before endwalker….. Maybe finish the MSQ …..Bellular!
need to do – Finish 5.5
Should probably do – get i520 at least since the new endwalker gear probably wont drop until 82. Level up enough 80s to do all the Role quests.
Do for fun – Play FF4. Endwalker is going to be full of ff4 references. FF4 remastered just came out and is pretty good, and ff4 is fairly short so its not too hard to do over a weekend or two.
He's still a level 52 ninja though…..
I started playing new game plus and completely forgot about the star shower from the first bit of the game. Really shows you some things were so far back but become much more relevant much later on.
Edit: the downscaling should be going from in a basic way for people to understand 1000 to 100, the value will be the same cause everything is downscaling but there are always issues with making sure you don't miss anything.
Thank you for making FF14 content
If you are leveling alts the moogle treasure trove is an event you don't want to miss I believe it's coming back on Oct. 15 . Some content during this event will reward you with a special moogle tombstone that you can trade for items like hairstyles ,minions, mounts, and etc.
I'm rushing through the story since now that I know I can do new game plus I wanna just get to the end of the msq so I can take my time doing the story, or something like that but every time i log in I seem to just hang out with friends in limsa for a few hours lmao
I'm putting my attention towards levelling all of my jobs.
Thavnir music
What version of Blood on the Wind is that??? It sounds like both at the same time and I can't find it on YouTube.
I just noticed it was another channel. Have fun, man!
Personally, as a Sprout waiting for EW to some out to buy the game, I'll just do the MSQ for every expansion, than do the raids afterwards anyway, they're fun!
I can't recommend the PSP version of FF4 enough gorgeous art style and features the SNES OST which simply is the best and it's beatable in about 25 hours or so <3
I love this video and ffxiv is my fav game etc etc more algorithm fodder.
Such relaxation! This is my intent!
You need to stop pretending to be a sprout man, its pretty obvisous you played this game alot.
i love the effort you put in the video tho.
Show us your real character <3
We've got like a month until EndWalker, so unless you're someone who can devote many hours in the next month (or buy a boost) you ain't going to make it if you're just starting now. Especially if you actually want to read all the text and watch all the cutscenes. ::: When I started I did mess around with lots of jobs, gathering, and crafting so I didn't have the most focused path to 80. When I finished 5.0 I did the /playtime. I believe it was 21 days, and I had leveled before they cut 1/3 of the ARR MSQ out. So even if you do it twice as fast as I did you're still looking at 10 days!
The first step of the relic weapons for shadowbringers is super easy. You essentially buy four things from Rowena that cost you a whopping 1,000 poetic tomes.
Which by the time you level up to 80 you will be looking for things to spend poetics on. 
Only if you’re close to finishing MSQ, feel free to rush it.
But if you’re far back and haven’t been focused anyway, no need to rush now unless you’re interested.
I’m one of the first to HIGHLY recommend the MSQ, I JUST finished 5.55 and it’s incredible and highly recommend. But there’s plenty of fun, we don’t need to prescribe fun if you like gold saucer, crafting, dungeons, hate story, etc.
So yea
no rush, there’s plenty to do 
Also even though I finished MSQ, I have plenty of endgame and raids to do, but unlike WoW, I’m not locked to JUST one level 80 job. Plenty to do, and unlike WoW, there’s literally NO pressure for ANYTHING.
In WoW, if I didn’t raid I felt like I wasn’t playing 95% of the game and felt bored. In FF, if I don’t raid, I don’t mind because I got alt jobs, the side content zones, ocean fishing, gold saucer, raids still anyway of course, etc etc.
The fact it isn’t required but still is fun is important. There’s always the argument of “it’s useless if it doesn’t give you power” it happened in WoW, and I see it in FF forums, but making half with power and half with not is a great balance and really keeps things healthy.
These new videos are excellent. Also the music choices slap.
I've been playing 14 for a little over a year now and still haven't beaten the MSQ.
I've been so distracted by all the other content in the game. I've leveled nearly all my battle jobs to 80. All that's left is DRG, NIN, and WAR.
I would argue this expansion launch will only be matched by WOTLKs. With players getting to see the end of a story they have followed for a decade.
The best part is that you don't have to rush anything like mounts/titles, as content is not getting removed. Fuck end of expansion FOMO.
You're not even level 60 bellular, go actually play the game before being a sucmbag clickbait journo
I decided to do Eureka “for the story”. Oh boy
You should get Matt to host these videos since he's (I'm assuming) the one writing these. Belluar said he wanted to make an LTT style multimedia channel and getting the other people on the team to start making videos would also help lessen the burden on Belluar himself. Being a game dev and running 3 channels is a sure fire way to make sure that he's not gonna get to Endwalker until 2022.
11:14 Meteor? lolno
Thank you for reminding me about Coils! Put a group together through PF and finally completed it after all these years. I wish I had done it earlier. The story there is really good!
As a ffxiv vet, grade A+ video. Im actually extremely happy with this. Thank you for this one for sure!
I love the new transitions!
Now my end-game contents are Ishgard Restoration (I need those glamours and levels!!) and Save the Queen (only doing 2 relics for my 2 main jobs). Since I only have 1-2 hrs/day, the progress has been quite slow and I know I’ve been taking my own sweet time. But hey at least I’m progressing lol!
Cecil is an asshole is the reason I gave for anyone asking me why I wont play ff games until I picked up ff14 a few months back. Dude job changes on top of a mountain and then gets wrecked the entire way back down because he's trash after the job change and the game decided that was the ideal moment to introduce an ambush attack to the start of battles that basically wipes your party before your turn starts. Guess I didn't do enough random encounter grinding because I was trying to enjoy the plot.
YES. PLAY FF IV, actually one of the best FF games ever!
What I like about this game is you can experience ANY content at your own pace. On the other hands, they're cutting old contents in Destiny 2 right now and you will never get to play them as a new player.
Awesome content! I would be relaxing but I've found a decent static that wants to do endgame stuffs….so no rest for me. Thats okay though I'm loving the game and don't mind.
Part of what I love about seeing this game grow so much is seeing the growth in content creation. You're channel was a quick subscribe. My outlook has always been, the more the merrier, and has not changed and I'm excited to hear more about your teams thoughts on everything gaming going forward.
PLEASE tell me what is the music at the end… i cannot recall for life of me where it plays in the game and im losing my mind