Welcome to my channel, I am a long lasting World of Warcraft player who has, after playing since Vanilla found a new home in Final Fantasy 14. World of Warcraft has always been a love of mine, but as the years progressed I found my time within the game begin to sour.
Thank you to all the love and support I have received from the Final Fantasy 14 community, even if I play like a scrub
I am very keen to build a community and host competitions with prizes from the Mogshop. Please consider subscribing and joining us all on Discord.
0:00 – Intro
0:16 – Player Engagement
3:34 – Patches
7:14 – Continuity
9:23 – Progression
10:59 – Leaks
13:53 – Outro
Looking forward for #Endwalker expansion
Discord Link – https://discord.gg/mZgmB9yb
Business Email – Tsumoro@gmail.com
#finalfantasy14 #finalfantasyXIV
I agree with your point on Yoshi-P's approach to design where he wants people to have a healthy relationship with the game, I wouldn't use PoE as an example of healthy gaming habits … the game preys in addiction like mad and sacrifices quality to just keep getting people in cuz they keep playing and spending money on that addiction, xiv has a much different approach to game quality and development
The whole point of "it's fine to take a break" is why I like FFXIV. I don't have to feel stressed out for not playing as much as my sub duration have left and can just phase out my playing schedule and play when I feel like it.
They should have started working on an MMO sequel to WoW in 2014 and released it in 2019-2020. I'd say that they haven't done this because they don't want to split the player-base but they're behavior says they haven't done it simply because they're too lazy.
Regarding leaks, it's a feature, not a bug. Blizz could require an NDA to prevent people leaking, but instead they actively invite youtube content creators to take part in betas and encourage them to broadcast everything as a way of promoting interest in the game. It's noticeable every now and then they will not release some story plot twist to the beta in order to preserve that tiny bit of spoiler, like some tiny fig leaf to give the illusion that the entire thing hasn't already been done to death before it even appears in the game.
I love how you bring up WoW basically going "if you don't like raiding then tough", because that is my biggest issue with WoW's gameplay (many other issues with the story though). And I love how FFXIV has so much more defelopment effort put into endgame than just raiding.
Unfortunately there are some bugs… cries in raubahn extreme
One of the things I am so pleased with FFXIV is they do have raids (EX/Savage/Ultimates) – of various skill levels …. and it's all optional. I left WoW in part that I was forced into raids just to get my story end (I left at the end of Cataclysm), and the drama involved with raiding there was too much. I don't feel that unrelenting pressure to raid high end, and can take it at my own speed, while there still being content for better players to really sink their teeth into.
Well Blizzard events are for everyone not only people living in certain countries
I think the one other thing that should be included is that they need to stop using borrowed power systems. One of the useful things about final fantasy is there is just enough homogenization between jobs and skills between jobs that they only need to slightly increase or decrease potencies during patches to get things as close as possible. Wow continues to create a mess for themselves by having crazy systems that are impossible to balance. Sure that does create some level of homogenization but at least it begins creating consistency between updates. The one thing that annoys me the most about WoW more recently is that some classes I love have been nerfed into the ground because of the most recent set of changes on the PTR. Warlock is a perfect example where they had to nerf Malefic Rapture by nearly 50%. That's a crazy nerf and just goes to show that either their systems are two complicated that they can't balance the job or there is something really serious going on.
There are also lots of things Ff14 could take from WoW to improve their game.
i wish a better transmog systems
The most I've heard some say is how FF14 is a game for "Weebs" or call people who play said game Weebs.
Funny thing, I tried opening a discussion on the word and why they should play to a what I'm assuming, is a WoW player. Not only did they insult me over my love of anime, but after I ended the discussion (peacefully mind you), because it was getting me nowhere. They proceeded to hunt me down on another video just to call me a Weeb again LOL.
The fact WoW relies on 3rd party UI mods to play the game instaid of having the game its self show you how to play is just one issue. It also has went from ok rep grinds to horrid slow and ultimately unfun grinds to progress from 1 mission to another. with shadowland you not only have to gear up using drops but a terrable faction power grind that feels like filling a swimming tool with a drip feed and a 3rd grind for extra actions from npcs. Shadowlands should of been Wrath 2.0 but its more like WoD 2.0.
No one knew about male viera till it was announced. It was incredible how tight lip YoshiP and his team are about content reveals.
Nothing else to say really, all good points
Tsumoro, the frist step of your video is to stop calling this company "Blizzard", Blizzard is long gone, like really gone. Dreamhaven = Blizzard. What you have now is Activision which has nothing to do with once the company that did this amazing game (like 12 years ago). Sorry to say this, but you live in a delusion that this current company will lift a finger to improve the game. Heck, they even charge you to make a copy of your toon so you can play TBC. I mean how alarming is this? Are you guys that blind, or naive? You expect this company (which is not Blizzard), to improve? Have fun waiting for that.
The thing with FFXIV raiding is that if you want the Best in Slot then yes you have to raid, but a player that doesn't like raiding can still obtain max ilvl withouth doing so and still feel accomplished. Oddly enough you dont even need to be BiS to complete Savage raiding in FFXIV. Most end game raiders get BiS so they speed run the fights.
Also the scaling isn´t working very well in the Legion content you can encounter some randrom mobs thaat are non Elite/Rare that have a skull instead of the lv wich means their lv is at least 10lv above you own. wich is quite frustrating. And no they don´t like to fix bugs from old content.
I am really not a fan of the FF14 vs. WoW discussion/psuedo elitism that goes on. I've had Blizzard games in my life for over 25 years, and I've grown to genuinely hate the company and WoW by proxy, but even with that bias I can never wrap my head around these types of arguments. This has less to do with things that WoW could improve, and is closer to "This is what I think the game I play does better". Not that there is a problem with anecdotal arguments, but there is a definite lack of awareness in this video. Do you not think that having content and expansions locked behind unskippable story could actually be a negative thing? For me it actually makes FF14 borderline unplayable, and it generates that same FOMO you criticize WoW for. You can go onto the online store for FF14 and actually buy story progression, which is absolutely insane to me and shoots any argument for FF14's storytelling in the leg. In the end it really depends on the individual. I personally don't want to sit through literal days and days of cutscenes just to get to a point where I can play with my friends, and I'm not spending extra money to have the game beat itself. Story in a game is nice, but story telling is far more important, and a game will never involve me in its story if it is the barrier between me and the actual gameplay. There are other points I'd want to make, but most of the criticisms in this video are either about how the companies handle themselves rather than the games, or criticizing WoW for things FF14 is equally guilty of. I can never tell if these types of arguments come from people who are genuinely burnt out from WoW and have moved onto other games, or from people who are purely speculating what its like to play WoW based on what they have heard.
TL;DR: The games are different, and they do things differently, not better or worse.