The FFXIV community shares their favorite stereotypes about themselves!
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#finalfantasyxiv #ffxiv #funny #memes #trend
I adore this new ending theme and animatic so much!
The Xeno clip 💀
not Bakool Ja Ja's baby girl ending up here 🤣
"We're FFXIV players, of course we have a jar for *insert waifu/husbando here*'
We're Final Fantasy XIV players, of course we don't read the PF, assume a different strat for a mechanic is being used, cause a wipe the first time we get there as a result, and leave the party causing a chain reaction that destroys an otherwise competent party!
Yes, I'm still very upset over P7S. Happened so freaking much.
When a tank has 4 vuln stacks right before congaline mechanic in ex2💀
We're FFXIV players, of course we move in small non overlapping consecutive circles.
Got flashbanged seeing my Twitter here 😂
That Xeno edit killed me!
Man, not 1:33 calling me out as I'm actually sipping my Mt Dew Baja Blast Zero while sitting in a Secret Lab chair…no candy bar though.
left from right is easy, I wanna know larboard from starboard
drak or "kids georg" is a statistical outlier and should not have been counted
Of course we hate each other.
Too bad the Twitter algorithm made me miss being able to contribute.
"We're Final Fantasy XIV players…"
"Of course me reference all of the NEST memes."
"We're Final Fantasy XIV Players. Of course we love…"
To be emotional vampires every time a sprout hits That Emotional Damage cutscene. And that one. And Especially That One >D
Also, LOVE the new ending segment, Drak. <3 Just as good as the Stormblood one!
When I saw Kougaon’s comment… I couldn’t wait to see what Drak had cooked up. 🤣
2:18 LOOK GARY THERE I AM! After contributing my own, ive never felt so called out by the other replies.
Surprised there wasnt a "we know what Dynamo and Chariot are"😂
"of course we have a mental breakdown when the static can't form for the 20th time and falls apart"…
No I don't have PTSD shit up
>makes hans read the Cruise Chaser song
I'm sorry Hans…
We're Final Fantasy XIV players, of course we went to Vegas for FanFest and almost got heat stroke while waiting in line. It was all worth it for physical Squapes.
"Ofcourse we dont have sex"
Drak, 3 daughters and a newborn son : "We, huh?"
We are Final Fantasy XIV players, Of course we never let that one friend in our FC forget that one time in Savage we almost cleared on the last pull before lock out until they weren't paying attention and nuked the party so we wiped and had to start from Square one all over again
Little Sun trying to throw shade while standing on the 13th
Of course we leave after 1 clear after joining a farm party.
…Of course we can count from 1 to 8
“Of course we say oh this mechanic was from [insert name from other savage raid/extreme trail]!”
Yeah,this is very true lol