We tried EX1 without Green Icons | Worqor Lar Dor EX No Healer Challenge | Joonbob FFXIV

With all the new tools we got in DT, I was curious if it’d be possible to clear the recent raidwide/DOT-heavy Extreme Trial without …


32 thoughts on “We tried EX1 without Green Icons | Worqor Lar Dor EX No Healer Challenge | Joonbob FFXIV”

  1. This was a fun watch, and it was interesting how you used the Tank and DPS mitigation to overcome the mechanics in (like the 2 tank/6 of everyone else stacks). In general I love your guides, the visual clarity of how you present mechanics is unmatched IMO in both style and readability.

  2. My group did a 1 healer p12 run and it really showed how nuts healers are. Not even accounting for something like scholar / sage trivializing content.

    Good job with this. Your explanation really shows the holes that healer fills.

  3. GG! I didn't believe this could be possible with how much damage there is in this fight. But you could feel the "if we had a healer, this would be so much easier." That poor Pala MP bar…

  4. Proof that yet again! that Dawntrail Content requires no Healer mhm-mhm and validates the healer strike ( big jk obviously )… and the return of Hissatsu: Kaiten ( not so jk big obviously ) d(^-^d) great job

  5. Been watching your vids since Shadowbringers, when I first got into raiding they were a lifesaver cuz my smooth brain couldn't handle such complicated mechanics lol, but your guides always made them very understandable. Thanks for the content Joon, looking forward to more vids in DT!

  6. I'm so impressed ! I guess healers mains can complain about game balance, that's a matter, but I'm seeing that clear, as the one for TOP no healers, as a real challenge and a way to play the game in a way that was not intended but is sure hella fun !


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