We got this Co-Healer! #finalfantasy14 #ffxivmemes #ff14 #ff14memes #finalfantasyxiv #ffxiv


14 thoughts on “We got this Co-Healer! #finalfantasy14 #ffxivmemes #ff14 #ff14memes #finalfantasyxiv #ffxiv”

  1. As an AST main having an awesome rando co-healer alongside me is top tier. Like nothing tops not overwriting each other’s major heals and taking turns using them for high damage phases to just keep it smooth like butter so the dps can shine. (Thinking of you M4 last 20%)

  2. I've only had this experience with a friend doing EW normal raids and YES it felt amazing being in comms and just communicating "you got this person?" "yeah I got them" "Swiftcast coming up" etc. That's how I thrive with communication but alas got no friends to do content with at the moment like that so PF it is and wishing for the best.


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