Was A Realm Reborn as good as I remember? A Final Fantasy XIV Retrospective & Story Recap

A retrospective and recap of Final Fantasy XIV A Realm Reborn’s main story. Was it as bad as so many players say? Well, it certainly has its ups and downs!

This whole thing came about as I wanted to go back through the story in the run up to Dawntrail’s release. FFXIV’s entire 10-year long story arc surrounding Hydaelyn and Zodiark came to an end with the fourth expansion, Endwalker, and I wanted to take a look back and see what it did well, and where it could be improved. This retrospective series is based on a more casual perspective of someone playing the game as a (mostly) single-player JRPG, as opposed to going over every aspect of the MMO (which would take SIGNIFICANTLY longer!). So get ready for some dodgy voice acting and awkward pacing as we revisit A Realm Reborn in 2024!

These videos will be released weekly until we’re all caught up with the current pre-Dawntrail storyline. Afterwards, I’m undecided. I’ve got a few plans – either more Final Fantasy retrospective content (and probably other games as well!), or I might look at making a series where I take on the obscenely time-consuming task of getting every achievement in Final Fantasy XIV – it takes several YEARS to finish!

Either way, I hope you enjoy these videos and consider subscribing to the channel so you don’t miss any future uploads!

00:00 Introduction
01:17 Our Journey Begins
09:01 Dungeons and Combat Basics
15:12 Trials
17:13 Midgame and Pacing Issues
26:16 Base ARR Endgame
37:41 Patch Quests Introduction
39:06 Seventh Astral Era
55:26 Coils of Bahamut
01:00:30 Crystal Tower
01:09:27 Before the Fall
01:19:40 Final Thoughts and Outro

#FinalFantasyXIV #FFXIV #arealmreborn


20 thoughts on “Was A Realm Reborn as good as I remember? A Final Fantasy XIV Retrospective & Story Recap”

  1. Gaius logic: Wants to rule over all of Eorzia, and will do so by force if he has to. Having a massive army, willing to go over bodies to reach his goal.

    Lahabrea: Puts a little hole in the ground, to show off some of Ultima's power.

    Gaius: Oh no this goes too far for me! This was not my intention!

  2. A good video. And a good recap, but I'm worried this is going to be… a long project. A long, long, loooooong project, considering how many hours you get out of just the MSQ.

    Well, godspeed.

  3. I’ve watched several summaries of ARR and this is easily the most engaging one, capturing the important events in a way that is informative and engaging. Really looking forward to the follow ups.

  4. Hey ! Fantastic video that was a pleasure to watch !
    If I can add a fun fact about the poor voice acting in ARR, It's not just a problem in English, but in French too. And like for english voice cast, a big improvment was made during Heavensward !

  5. 32:00 if anything having only you on the magitek reaper makes most sense doesn't it? It's not like there's multiple Maggy's. But it would be very difficult to design the dungeon to only allow one person to use it..

  6. The algorithm has blessed me this day. I think this is the first time I've been suggested a channel under 1000, let alone 100. Here's hoping you have much success!

    The whole "Sister playing as brother" thing that you complained about with Nael with the Coils Raid series was ENTIRELY due to a general communication breakdown and translation error ALL THE WAY BACK TO 1.0! Nael was always intended to be a girl, and Japan's lack of gendered pronouns made it easy to disguise it, but it was never communicated to the English team, so they did everything assuming Nael was a guy. By the time that Raid series went out, then they realized just how big a hole they had dug, and had to desperately throw something together to make it all make sense.

  8. I think there's a lot about arr that I still really enjoy, especially in comparison to a lot of fans. however the one thing that really annoys me is how many cutscenes there would be during the dungeon. it always gave me a lot of anxiety doing them, trying to read the cutscenes as fast as possible and sometimes having to skip them because someone accidentally pulled the boss before I got there. of course, everyone was lovely and didn't mind waiting, but I'm very glad that's no longer an issue, with any cutscenes after the initial one being very short, and big story moments waiting until after you leave the dungeon

  9. This is an excellent recap. Just the main msq and the raid stories. I started this game when endwalker came out so it's all still relatively fresh to me. But I'm happy to have watched this all. It will be a great thing to see as we approach dawntrail and refresh my memory on everything. Count me along for the ride!

    Also I'm really glad you basically skipped over the boring filler stuff before titan and garuda. Cause even slimmed down like it is now it's still a boring slog and cuts the pace of the story so badly.


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