Final Fantasy 14’s Warring Triad Trials is the perfect example of how content should be done.
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25 thoughts on “WARRING TRIAD! FFXIV Just Keeps Getting BETTER!”

  1. To clarify, ultimate is not a third common difficulty for trials. They are separate insanely difficult boss rush modes where you fight 4-5 Savage+ level bosses in a row without wiping once. They are typically released 20 levels or more after their original content, so the ones based on ARR are available starting in Stormblood.

  2. A little correction on difficulties in FFXIV:
    – Trials have two difficulties for gear progression: Normal and Extreme.
    – 8-man raids also have two difficulties for gear progression: Normal and Savage.
    – We also got the "Unreal" difficulty for trials, which is old trials updated to the current max level as a new challenge which reward currency for vanity items via the Faux Hollows in Idyllshire.
    – Lastly we got Ultimates, which are boss rushes made up of either all extremes of an expansion (currently only ARR in "The Weapon's Refrain" for level 70) or several bosses from one Savage raid (currently "The Unending Coil of Bahamut" for level 70 and "The Epic of Alexander" for level 80) with more mechanics for higher difficulty. Those reward tokens for unique weapon glamors.

  3. The void ark, is not about primals.
    It is about voidsent.
    primals-drain the aether of the land; temper people to be servants
    voidsent-feed on the aether of the people, not the land; and do not temper. think vampire-demons

  4. Hey Accolonn,

    A primer on difficulty for you.

    Trials come in normal and extreme flavours, for example Ifrit Extreme, Titan Extreme, Ravana Extreme, etc. The extreme versions will often feature extra mechanics, and sometimes, entirely new phases. They usually drop jewellery or trial specific weapons, as well as a specific mount. If you collect all the mounts from an expansions Ex trials, then a quest will appear allowing you to get another, often extremely shiny, mount based on the trial mounts.

    Raids come in normal and savage flavours, for example Coils Savage and Alexander Savage. Each fight is separate still, so they're usually shortened, for example the first fight of Alexander, Fist of the Father will be shortened to A1S. They'll traditionally drop higher ilvl versions of the token gear you get from the regular raids, with the last boss usually dropping a mount as well.

    Alliance raids only come in the one flavour, and as you noted, are generally a little more casual in their difficulty. This may vary a little from fight to fight, especially on release, some of the alliance fights can be rough going while people get used to the mechanics.

    Ultimate's are their own separate category of fights, usually being remixed versions of older fights, often changed beyond recognition from the original fight. Usually they'll feature several bosses from the main bosses expansion or raid, fought in sequence and will usually require a very specific execution. For example, The Weapons Refrain in which you fight Ultima Weapon, starts with you fighting Garuda, Ifrit and Titan and they all need to be defeated in a specific way in order for the fight to be completed. These fights are amongst the hardest content available and can often take 15 to 20 minutes of near flawless execution to complete. They reward weapon skins and titles.

    Hope this helped. Glad your enjoying the game. Keep up the good work,



  5. The 'Ultimate' fights are seperate from other 'regular' end game content (Raids, Savage Raids, Trials, Extreme Trails, and Alliance Raids). There are only 3 Ultimate fights in the game (a fourth will be added in the next patch, 6.1). Every Ultimate is a gauntlet of multiple fights one after another, with quite tight DPS checks, hard and precise mechanics, and typically lasts between around 15 to 20 minutes, assuming all (I mean ALL) goes well. Ultimate is not a 'third difficulty tier' of difficulty for existing content like you called it in the video. But you'll see soon enough, the first 2 Ultimates (if you are interested in doing them) are in Stormblood

  6. Accolon should stop and listen to some of these songs from the trial. They also tell a story you wouldn't get else where. Music plays a big role in FF14. Some of the revelation are found from there. I wouldn't go further into it to spoil it for ya.

  7. One fun thing about the Warring Triad, they're a reference to Final Fantasy 6. They were bosses you fought in the final area of the game and their models in this are pretty loving recreation of Amano's art for that game.

  8. Not a spoiler – but completing the Warring Triad quests unlocks an extra set of quests in Shadowbringers, provided you complete another set of quests there. The best part is the story is 100% logical and provides additional background information about some of the characters you've met up to that point. I did Shadowbringers before Warring Triad and wasn't even aware that it would unlock anything, but was pleasantly surprised to see that the devs thought about the connection and took the time to give an extra bit of payoff at the end. I really hate comparing this game to WoW but I remember being so disappointed with WoD not allowing any sort of reunion or interaction between Thrall and his parents.

  9. Accolonn is the embodiment of that fresh prince meme. ‘He got the spirit, he’s a bit confused, but he got the spirit’. Lol I’m happy for him being excited even if he doesn’t have the details exactly right. Having fun is the important part.

  10. Ultimates are manually added when the devs see fit, and are generally considered more based around old content than just a difficulty increase (like I believe they are designed around the current level cap at the time).

  11. "In the moment when I truly understand my enemy, understand him well enough to defeat him, then in that very moment I also love him."

    I've heard this saying many times, but I've only truly experienced it in FF14. The writing is so good at giving you the POV of your enemy and at times you don't disagree with them and you feel sorry for them before you strike them down.

  12. Void Ark is the last of of the "easier" Alliance Raids. The ones in SB and ShB (and presumably EW) will absolutely wipe groups and often have some chunky mechanics to deal with. The only reason they might seem easy to players now is that they are way overgeared and usually get into groups where the majority of players have already done the raid a dozen times and know all the fights.

    If you took even an "experienced" group in with Min iLvl and No Echo it would be a wipefest. They likely aren't accustomed on how to do the fights properly as they've gotten away with being sloppy due to gear. If you took a fresh group in to blind prog it even overgeared, that would also be an absolute wipefest.

    They're casual content to an extent – they aren't nearly as hard as savages because with 24 people there's little personal responsibility and often have few or no dps checks. And you can absolutely get carried while learning the fights as long as enough people out of the 24 are familiar. But try blind progging them when they're brand new and everybody is at the "intended" iLvl and you'd probably be surprised at the difficulty.

  13. wouldnt it be cool if wow took world bosses put them in an instance with a fixed group size instead of the zerg lagfest that they are now, plus you could do a normal, heroic and mythic version.

  14. The warring triad are from FF6 originally where they sort of play a big part of the events in the story in their statue form. There is also an explanation of why they are statues in the first place. The remaster of FF6 just came out and I've been playing through it again over the past week. It was one of my favorite FF games growing up.

  15. So fair warning Acco, someone went into detail but the difficulty curve simplified in FF14 goes as follows for raiding.

    Ultimates, Savage Raids, Extremes and Normal raid, Alliance Raids.

    Some Extremes can be harder than a wing of a Normal raid, and some are easier. Most of the people who bother to do raids ends up in this category. They do punish you, but even an 8 man blind Prog group can usually have the fights on farm in a month.

  16. Side note: some of these side contents are very much connected to some of the stuff you find in the Final Fantasy universe. Such as the Triad. They are a content that's found in FF6 and unironically the legatus they are associated with is the series from which they came from. With that said when you go to other side contents such as the coming up in Stormblood one of them will be tied to several FF series so you're going to have to get your lore glasses on to sit through and figure which series they connect to.


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