War criminal Pekora lands in FFXIV as a Lalafell! [Eng Sub]

Pekora tries out FFXIV… and chaos ensues.

【The Sauce】
Usada Pekora 兎田ぺこら
Source: 【FF14】ほぼはじめてのオンラインゲームデビュー!!!!!!!ぺこ!【ホロライブ/兎田ぺこら】※ネタバレあり

【Extra Stuff】
Stalk me on Twitter: @DranDran2

If you have any clip requests let me know in comments or Twitter!

#hololive #Vtuber #VtuberEn #ホロライブ #Pekora


35 thoughts on “War criminal Pekora lands in FFXIV as a Lalafell! [Eng Sub]”

  1. when pekora streams your favorite game and looking forward for her ARR and HW reactions but inconsiderate people destroyed pekora and your enjoyment by being a nuisance. 🙁

  2. And, just prior to the Endwalker release, a new wave of simps flooded the servers. Lag hell has increased even more. I havent really played in months because of how instable my realm is T_T.

  3. it's a shame that it will be unlikely the hololive girls will play ffxiv on stream because of how bad the stalking is. I hope all the players doing that got reported.
    maybe they can record their playthroughs off-stream and upload them afterwards; I really do want to see any new players' reactions

  4. Same goes to Asmon when he 1st time play ff14.. All those player crowding him with their "flashy mount" until he can do anything to progress his story due miss click NPC with others player that crowding him

  5. She was aiming to end the stream after she gets the slime king hat but they literally ruined everything.

    This is also the reason why Fubuki doesn't stream it anymore. Same with Moona and Iofi. Though they still play it off-stream. At this point, if a slew of FFXIV playthroughs are in schedule, sponsored or not, the staff needs to contact the game's Mods for this.

  6. Very very good. Thats how you make your favorite vtuber never play again your favorite game: by harrasing the f out her just for 5 seconds on her screen. Morons

  7. I was utterly disgusted with the fans following her around in that stream. Fair enough you like Pekora, but don't go around crowding her, blocking NPCs and popping all of your effects at the same time.
    There's a difference between fandom and fanaticism and you could tell she was trying to be professional in handling the situation, joking and not saying anything negative to the fans, but it was clearly ruining her experience.
    The fact that she had to finish the stream early because she couldn't play the game is proof enough.


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