DJ Viera 7 Presents Beats from the Bunny Boombox!
Final Fantasy XIV is a video game about annoying your friends with the OST. You should REALLY listen to this one boss theme.
Possible thanks to the work of these amazing creators!
➡ Pixpox @ the XIV M. Archive for their Boombox!
➡ @KipuneV for lending their Cat!
➡ @InokiXIV for lending their Middie!
Enjoy our other videos:
➡ These Edibles Ain’t Shite!
➡ Susano (ULTIMATE)
➡ Stare directly into the Eclipse!
Music: 🎵
➡ Never Gonna Give You Up by Rick Astley
➡ It’s All Coming Back to Me Now by Celine Dion (Written by Jim Steinman!)
➡ Baby Got Back by Sir Mix-a-Lot
➡ My Gunblade Will Go On by Gaius Baelsar
#finalfantasyxiv #finalfantasy14 #ffxiv #ff14 #dawntrail #endwalker
Bards can only dream of wielding such destructive songs.
OMG she killed Gaius/kenny. You bastard!
your masters lack the strength to do otherwise!
0:14 that lizard girl who simps for G'raha is coming for you Lyna. Anyway play international love cause the dnc is gonna dance, we're going to dawntrail with this one
How does it feel Gaius? To hear your own voice for half and hour, and just for a few Tomestones!
…..are the wonderful FFXIV content creators crossing over? *MORE* please.
ok, hear me out
I'll go get the super glue again.
Now Gaius knows exactly how we all feel every time we get Praetorium. Now make him listen to it for the next ten years.
Was that half a second at the end of all I want for christmas???
😂 the one time you actually feel bad for Gaius
A whole minute long!? 😱😱😱
This had originally been 4 separate vids, but felt appropriate to stitch them together! There's a couple shorter projects for the coming days as we prepare to Dawn the Trail!
this is quite possibly the greatest ffxiv shitpost of all time the constant female viera voice 7 moan and gaius getting a taste of his own medicine is absolutely peak
Love the 'classic' music…was hoping for the last bit to be so old too, it still contained the g word
bangers after bangers! ✨✨
How very….glib
See now I think that would PRECISELY be Ameliance’s jam. It would drive Fourchenault up the wall.
Ayo Kipune Cameo!
Nice Kipune cameo!
Such Devastation was Nova's intention!
Gaius dies of cringe from his past self.
I would go to a club with this entire playlist playing.
cat jamFinally! Gaius gets the faces justice for all the times i had to sit through his unskippible monolog. Also, I was right about one of the songs.
I thought Nova was a bun and not a Troll! But now we know!
Oh no…. OH NO….. Lyna, run!! You broke G'raha!! As soon as LizArd sees this video, she's going to come after you like she did Emet-Selch!!
new NovaFunBun video
looks inside
Kipune V
There was definitely confusion had for the first few seconds! 😵💫
It's too soon for the last, pls spare us. She can't be freed before time is doe, we are not ready.
So does the helmet change your voice or something, Gaius?
0:58 AaAaAahh, such an inspiration 😁
Gaius should've died to the Black Rose, this was way more horrifying for him
Gains is more of a Phil Collins kinda guy. And like the days of Genesis.
You thought I wouldn't notice that sneaky Mariah Carey at the end? 👀
The slo mo Viera voice 😂😂😂😂
Bringing up Gais's embaracing memories right back. How very glib. I love it.
I was expecting to see LizArd tackle Lyna for smashing the Exarch, but that crossover would have been too strong
how very glib
102.3 FunBun FM
I heard Mariah Carey at the very end…
I'm scared
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I was fully expecting Rick Astley, just not this early in the video 😅
Hahaha Amazing, best use of my mod 😂
Viera7 Viera 7 Viera 7!
So dastardly..!
Gaius paying us what he owe!