Viera 7 Radio: Chill Music for FFXIV Players

DJ Viera 7 Presents Beats from the Bunny Boombox!
Final Fantasy XIV is a video game about annoying your friends with the OST. You should REALLY listen to this one boss theme.

Possible thanks to the work of these amazing creators!
➡ Pixpox @ the XIV M. Archive for their Boombox!
➡ @KipuneV for lending their Cat!
➡ @InokiXIV for lending their Middie!

Enjoy our other videos:
➡ These Edibles Ain’t Shite!
➡ Susano (ULTIMATE)
➡ Stare directly into the Eclipse!

Music: 🎵
➡ Never Gonna Give You Up by Rick Astley
➡ It’s All Coming Back to Me Now by Celine Dion (Written by Jim Steinman!)
➡ Baby Got Back by Sir Mix-a-Lot
➡ My Gunblade Will Go On by Gaius Baelsar

#finalfantasyxiv #finalfantasy14 #ffxiv #ff14 #dawntrail #endwalker


46 thoughts on “Viera 7 Radio: Chill Music for FFXIV Players”

  1. A whole minute long!? 😱😱😱

    This had originally been 4 separate vids, but felt appropriate to stitch them together! There's a couple shorter projects for the coming days as we prepare to Dawn the Trail!

  2. this is quite possibly the greatest ffxiv shitpost of all time the constant female viera voice 7 moan and gaius getting a taste of his own medicine is absolutely peak

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