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9 thoughts on “Urianger LIED… AGAIN! – #FFXIV #LIVESTREAM”

  1. I’ve been put in Uriangier’s position many many times and it always sucks. It never feels good to have to betray the people closest to you for the better good. Luckily, the few friends I have are understanding in that way. But either way it always feels like crap to do something like that.

  2. I love how Urianger is simultaneously one of the most conscientious scions, in the sense that he always thinks about everyone else, but he's also extremely pragmatic.

    "That the brightest light might shine, duty did compel me to walk in darkest shade"

    In HW he pretends to ally with the ascians to get information from them, realises that the First is about to fall, arranges events to save the First, and saves our bacon. He's always on our side.
    In SB he's absent a lot, except for when he gives us the Aetheric Siphon to beat Fordola.
    In ShB, he's G'raha's confidant, a man willing to lie to his best friends to save their lives. Because as he tells Ryne, if you're going to try to do good, you have to ever weigh life against loss… and not look back and worry about the past.

    I love this sneaky asshole.


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