UNBOXING the Final Fantasy XIV Encyclopedia Eorzea Lore Books and Poster Collection đŸ€©

Geek out with me as I unbox the official Final Fantasy XIV Encyclopedia Eorzea Vol.1 and 2 and Poster Collection! đŸ€© I got these books from the Square Enix Online Store. This video is spoiler-free!

0:00 Unboxing Encyclopedia Eorzea Vol. 1 & 2
0:50 Opening Box 1
2:04 Opening Box 2
3:53 Table of Contents Book 1
8:19 Poster Collection
13:43 Opening Box 3
15:44 Table of Contents Book 2

💎 If you haven’t played FFXIV, you can start your free trial here: https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/

🟣 Check out these books on the Square Enix Store!

Encyclopedia Eorzea Vol. 1

Encyclopedia Eorzea Vol. 2

Final Fantasy XIV Poster Collection


40 thoughts on “UNBOXING the Final Fantasy XIV Encyclopedia Eorzea Lore Books and Poster Collection đŸ€©”

  1. 🟣Geek out with me as I unbox the official Final Fantasy XIV Encyclopedia Eorzea Vol.1 and 2 and Poster Collection! đŸ€© I got these books from the Square Enix Online Store. This video is spoiler-free!

    0:00 Unboxing Encyclopedia Eorzea Vol. 1 & 2
    0:50 Opening Box 1
    2:04 Opening Box 2
    3:53 Table of Contents Book 1
    8:19 Poster Collection
    13:43 Opening Box 3
    15:44 Table of Contents Book 2

    💎 If you haven't played FFXIV, you can start your free trial here: https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/

    🟣 Check out these books on the Square Enix Store!

    Encyclopedia Eorzea Vol. 1

    Encyclopedia Eorzea Vol. 2

    Final Fantasy XIV Poster Collection

  2. Hi! I watched your other video where you talked about your experience running through the game and I thought it was wonderful. I never can recapture that feeling of playing through the game for the first time again but seeing people that just completed it helps bring back just a bit of that glowing energy for me!

    I'm not on your server but I can still visit (they allow server and data center hopping for free!) so if you need some help with whatever you are working on I'd be happy to assist. I've been playing for a long time and have done or at least know about most of the content in the game.

    Name is Kael Morgain from Hyperion.

  3. I remember getting my books. My sisters gave me a wtf face back then when i got them because they don't play but i treasure my books so much! Glad to see a fellow fan geek out hard like i did!

  4. The excitement you have for this game, and gaming in general, is very obvious in your videos. Your first video popped up on my feed several days ago and I immediately subscribed after watching it. I look forward to many more videos.

  5. you know, when you open up your map there is an "up arrow" to the right of the map, over the zoom slider, if you click on it twice you'll be able to see the world map :p

  6. I have all the art books of each expansion and even the cookbook, I always regretted not having the Encyclopaedias from their original runs back in 2016 and 2019 I believe. So when they announced they were printing more about a year ago I immediately preordered.

  7. How is it everyone gets their lorebooks and I have to wait an entire year!? And they're still not delivered! Like… this isnt funny anymore 🙁

    But you keep yon "geeking" ^^

  8. Well you dont need to take it apart you can litteraly go find and buy wall posters for FF.
    Also im not entierly sure but there is i think 3rd Volume that came out if im not mistaken but i think its Japanese only or maybe im just miximg stuff.

  9. Would be cool for you to do mini recaps of each expansion with your reactions to best moments from them too. Also if you have crying videos, those would do so well!

  10. A Chihayafuru framed picture on the wall? Wow, such an ignored masterpiece that is. That’s what I’d call excellent taste. Season 4… maybe in ten years!

  11. Regarding your question of how they keep the lore straight; Banri Oda. He is the team's loremaster. It is literally his job to sift through everything written for the game and make sure it all fits together before its added to the live game.

    With an ongoing game like this, I imagine that is a ridiculously complicated task and time consuming. All the love, honor, and respect to Banri Oda. He and Natsuko Ishikawa (the game's main writer) are doing the lord's work.

  12. I have nearly all of the FF14 Merch at Home (even the fatter Cat Sitting bag) and a Signed Version of Encyclopedia Eorzea 1 by Yoshi-P and Koji Fox from Fanfest 2017 in Frankfurt. Its all such a Good Quality. Ive bought the Poster Collection 2 Times cause i took all of the Posters, Framed them and then put in on my Wall behind my Desk. Looks soooo good. Really hoping we get a encyclopedia Eorzea Volume 3

  13. Ooo, that encyclopedia looks amazing! I'll take a closer look at it! Thanks for the video!

    You'll pick up crafting no problem once you start. My only recommendation is to do them all at the same time. That way you'll have the same gear for all of them at the same time.

    Ohh, last recommendation, since you JUST got into FFXIV and are SUPER into it. Go watch the Endwalker fan fest, if it's still out there. It's a LONG video, and you could skip the first part technically (OMG, I'm going to FFXIV hell for even recommending a skip) as it pertains to the class reveals and gameplay stuff you've already experienced. The real parts you might like are the developers interviews along with the head writer. Also, there's the music. OMG the music.


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