Hello Albsterz Here, today we are going to talk about the Toxic Side of FFXIV.

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  1. That has nothing to do with FF XIV, in this game you can wipe a lot of times, nobody will be toxic. THIS is only because of Asmongold. When you are a very big streamer as him, many peoples talk shit and do hate speech etc. You can see it at every big streamer in any game.

  2. people saying ffxiv doesn't have a toxic side is like trying not to acknowledge that humans in general have a mean streak. i've had people literally tell me to kill myself because i had lag (i was on ps3 with crap internet) and died doing the extreme primals in ARR. people suck in general. it's just, you have to be the bigger person and move away from that group of people.

  3. It's his chat that's mostly doing the toxic behavior. A good portion of it was there long before he joined the FFXIV community.

    That's not to say that there aren't any toxic players on the FFXIV side, there most definitely are. As we saw on his first day here. But when he started reporting them in FFXIV, they stopped mostly in-game.

    And so they joined the chat which was already toxic to begin with.

    But, then again, "Asmongold" is a character. He plays things up to entertain his audience. Sometimes he succeeds, sometimes not.

    Here's the thing about Alexander Savage that not many players know about. A3S and A4S were extremely brutal back in the day. PepsiMan was literally nicknamed the Static Breaker. These two fights were overtuned to an insane level, and couldn't originally be completed without exploits. That's how bad the DPS checks were. They have since nerfed it, but only a little bit to make it doable but still unforgiving.

    And him doing this right after King Thordan EX didn't do him any favors. The fight was created to give players better weapons to be able to defeat PepsiMan. That is why that EX fight is so hard. It's actually a Savage Raid disguised as an EX Trial.

  4. Honestly you cant expect 100% friendly gamers when in real life not everyone is friendly, and it is weird that asmon is letting people get to him when in fact he says bad things about chat and vice versa all these years.

  5. While, yes, FF XIV has toxic people in the community, putting what happened to Asmongold heavily on that community is a bad look on you. Asmongold has always had a very toxic chat, which gives the FF XIV players that hate him or got suspended because of their in-game actions towards him a fantastic place to kindle their hate in an environment that’s already hateful. You talk as if it’s all on the community’s fault that he got bullied into potentially stopping. I’m not saying the community is free of guilt, but we don’t bear the full responsibility on this.

  6. I can understand asmon.
    But these are the Backseat gamer wich already did the content and part of the guys who dont want asmon to play Ff14.
    And these are freaking pricks all together. Let that man play the game and have fun and when he shares his expirience with you be
    1 greatful
    Or 2
    Not a prick if you dont like it
    Asmon came to FF as a sceptic as someone can be and started to Love it and these freaking pricks take that away from him. And the same ppl would rage the hardest if you would do the same to them.

  7. This is sad because I've never experienced this myself and I have played since ARR launch.
    I even watched his savage video on Youtube and found it really entertaining.
    I'm both surprised and sad that he feels this way.

    Sidenote, this and boosting is two completely different topics. Please don't put them together.

  8. I'm sick of people going "aha!, I told you so! ff14 community is toxic" Keep 99% of us out of it. The majority of people were like "you got this man" but he always picks out the worst people to call out then makes a blanket statement about everyone. One minute he said it's because he said everyone found it boring, the next he said because everyone was toxic. Most people actually don't savage raid in 14 and thus have no reason to even go "you're doing it wrong!" or "you're bad". When you do have genuine support and help for him, it's information overload. Even as something like "chat, what quest to unlock?" results in him having information overload so then he completely disregards all information.

    My point is, as soon as you say stupid blanket statements like "toxic 14" or "toxic wow" in a place like asmons chat or related to asmons chat, you start a war of people screaming at each other acting righteous. Cut that shit out, I just wanna have a stream on in the background while I wait for pvp queue. The best thing I think you can do is generalized support an encouragement also if you have any doubts in your head that the information in your head about where a quest start is, or what a mechanic does, might be incorrect. Then simply say nothing, you just muddy the waters and no-one is going to give you a medal when you have the right answer.

    I think on ff14 when we were all watching 400 viewer streamers and people were giving help and support, there was this perception of "oh, 14 is so helpful". People are applying the same methodology to 10k-100k streamers. These "new-age Mentors" have good intentions but they've never had to make themselves heard in a massive sea of voices, so they shout loader, get angrier, start pointing fingers at each other.

    I'd like him to continue raids, simply because I do find it fun to watch. But anything else he's been doing has been fun to watch because he's an entertaining dude in general. 14 is my main game and I've been following asmon for years n years before the recent exodus, simply because he was entertaining.

  9. minimum item level and no echo means literally nothing. those fights (especially A3S) have been nerfed to the ground. coupled with how item level sync works and sub stat syncing the fights themselves have been made much much much easier. the playerbase are also much more knowledgable. The guys in that group with him (including the sprouts) all did that content before. Those "sprouts" were characters made specficially to join Asmongold and linger like little star struck kids on him stream for their 15 mins of fame. so no… he's not doing hard content and watching him clear three fights in a few hours is very very very expected.

    as for his chat. They do not for a minute represent the greater community and are a small portion. most in fact are as we all know simply asmon fans and watch w/e content and game he plays be it DnD or FFXIV

    finally…. Asmongold is playing like absolute shit. not using CDs, not doing basic mechanics and uses the excuse of "I'm reading chat" or "entertaining his chat. mate those fights are 10 mins long and not using a single CD is just bad play, not being distracted. it is not toxic for his chat to simply point out "use a cooldown"

    side note… boosting is unaccepted because if you dont like story based games thats fine. but watching these streamers come over, attempt end game content and failing to mechanics which the game shows you as your level is just stupid. "you would have known if you actually played the game" its nothing to do with skipping the story. I dislike the FF14 story and skip it myself. (I have made an alt and read the whole story from 2.0-5.5 and still hate it) its 100% about going into the game, not understanding it and being shit. then judging the game on that merit. who on earth buys a game…. then pays again to skip the game…. makes zero sense

  10. Yeah, hard disagree on this. This has more to do with Asmons community that he built and fostered moreso than it has to do with XIV's community. Don't get me wrong I am not trying to say that XIV is without it's bad apples, EVERY MMO has them, but this isn't coming from the XIV community. Weird how Zepla, MrHappy, Sly, or Jessiecox don't seem to have these issues, but Asmon seems mired in them. I'll go a bit further and say it seems to surround people in the OTK stream group moreso than anything else.

  11. We had so many streamers before but this drama almost never happened. It happened to big boi like asmon then suddenly whole community is bad.
    Yes community can be hostile if talking about skipping but if you look at quinn case then you understand why. People like quinn exist in game, came by boosting then do their job poorly and blame everyone else for that. For asmongold, its his chat in general bad, i checked his subreddit so many people disappointed that he didn't do the thordan trial with min lvl and no echo, its just his chat being toxic.
    One thing i dont like with ffxiv chat in general, they want streamers to do certain things in story for small lore or hoping the streamer get realization from it.
    Also in my opinion streamer also at least able to handle their own chat, because the chat reflect their streamers.

  12. people should realise with this big number + WóW andys under high copium will attack streamer no matter what, Since pretty sure they are in denied WoW wont have content for a long time now. The thing about his chat was always toxic. When he play FF14 it get better but you know those mmo player not FF14 player that have a certain amount of play hour. Those people hiding behind your neck remember when asmon fans force him to react to FF14 remember that. Remember when those people calling FF14 garbage weeb game that trash people play it. Since it wont moderate enough it grow on negativity instead of positivy. But it got better since he play FF14. Always remember that Asmon has connection to all the other big streamer that has toxic enviroment. So you can tell 1+1 that the toxicity of people getting high because people will use any action to copy things and insult people. THe funny thing if you watch few other streamer that has mostly 10k view it can be rall wholesome. You need to know how to handle and moderate those bad apples before its getting bigger.

  13. Yeah, because every community doesn't have it's share of toxicity. I'd even argue it's less of a thing in FF14 due to draconian policy.
    First of all, disregarding morally superior zealous like "super nice community" cperson in twt screenshot, do they even have any concrete evidence on percentages of his own chat that is notorious for not having too bright of individuals populate it, talking smack, versus people from the "evil toxic ff14 community"?
    Nevertheless, one phenomena I haven't observed in any other community and it's toxicity, is that moral police, like the twitter guy in video, pointing fingers at entire community every time drama happens, even though it happens to far lesser extent than many of other communities out there, Why do they have to be like that?

  14. Every community have his toxic side. And IMO the more chill part of the 14 community is the one who just focus on story or the social aspect of the game that we know is fucking huge. The issue comes with those who raid or think that are pro players. You have in one hand those who want to enjoy watching smiling with the wipes or the kills doing the "you can do it man", and those who will shit on you every time they can.

    Honestly i don't know about his chat, is fucking imposible follow something with the huge spam he gets, it even surprise me how tf he can retain some of the info in chat with all the spam, but his sub reddit…. holy fuck it went crazy the past week.

    For those that say is just his chat… is not.

    I enjoy watching the man, and that was a sad intro, but i'm glad the ERP part that follow that was fun af.

  15. Idk Albsterz, I've seen multiple comments from supposedly longtime Asmon viewers say that this trend is nothing new for him. He fights with his chat, gets demoralized, quits streaming for months, comes back and starts the cycle over again. He quit raiding Mythic on stream because of similar reasons I'm told. At some point you have to wonder if his love of not having sub/emote mode and not banning people at the drop of a hat for toxic comments is at least partially responsible for the current situation. Look I'm not saying the mean comments are justified, but I am saying that they are not proactively prevented.

    Then you add on to this a very silly bet that Asmon wanted to make and also have everyone like play along and be 100% positive about when he's claiming he can beat the hardest content in the game as a new player in a tight timeframe before the new expansion. Why make the bet at all? To play up his character? Tons of people who knew what that entailed told him gently that it was unlikely, but he doubled down. Was he really thinking that bet would make the stream cooler and more exciting and not just ripe for stress later on? This while also ignoring standard FF raiding conventions like pull timers and being considerate to melees and healers. When you go to a new game, do you not try to do as the Romans do, just a little? Then he tacked on the Necromancer title to boot.

    It's like the tale of Icarus and the wax wings, except Icarus has an audience of thousands of viewers. When you fall to hubris, some will weep, some will shrug, and some will point and laugh.

    I sincerely hope the best for Asmongold, but if Zepla and Limit can stream prog and have fun with only a bit of toxicity, so can he. Not that I need him to, he can skip all hard content in the game if that's what makes him happy.


  16. I enjoy his stream but you know with the high number of view + when people contantly make videos about him 🙂 there are always people coming around that wanna get attention. 60k view 50k view wanna have a good time to enjoy the stream with jam to the music and the rest 10k are vocal loud of people of negativity. Problem when 2 of the coins clash eeach other into a war chat. There are streamer has this specefic rules those people that enjoy the his stream ignore them all and block them. Mods need to handle it. Dont give those people attention since then people keep doing it. Because we know troll exist to ruin people fun. Just focus on the streamer and give positive vibes and negativity could be rain down just by ignore it. Since if the people point finger at each other it always getting bad. Albs thanks for the video 🙂 Dont forget whoever wanna join a mmo game should them welcome them so long they dont harm you. I never see on my DC (almost no one is toxic just a little argue) I have a blast playing FF14. Alot of helpful people so I dont care what happen outside because I dont like Twitter in general ( cesspool)

  17. people shouldnt not forget that they shouldnt take everything what asmon said on his stream because his language is something else. He use alot of slur words to any character spell wrong names on the character. Putting game with real life aspect to be funny. I still enjoy his stream if you dont put everything seriously what he gonna take on the character. He use words like F### Bi### Shi# disgus#####. 😛 Since he knew himself that he is a As#### haha but try his best to entertain people. But he take everything from real life and use the meme of Blizzard here and there.

  18. Are we talking about his own twitch chat or in game chat? Because if it's twitch chat I'm not sure how that's FFXIV community toxicity. That seems to me to be twitch toxicity. I don't know how many people in that chat are FFXIV players to begin with.

  19. You're blaming the community but don't you think these explosions of streamers coming onto FFXIV has something to do with it as well? FFXIV gained the reputation of nicest community because of the core members. Mostly consists of veterans who has been around since the beginning. Then suddenly FFXIV gotten the limelight attracting millions of newcomers into the game. Usually it takes months or even years to acclimate newcomers to be part of the core community but this influx of people made the community implode onto itself and mutated into bipolar groups of people barely qualifying as a community. It's nobody's at fault here. If you believe FFXIV could accommodate these influx of people and continue to be like the former self than you are a fool. Also, if you think the current state of FFXIV is the same community who gained the positive attitude then you are also a fool. So don't pretend that this is a FFXIV community's fault.


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