In this thought-provoking video, we dive deep into the often overlooked but equally damaging aspects of toxic positivity and elitism within the Final Fantasy XIV (FFXIV) community. Join us as we challenge the common belief that positivity is always good and explore how it can sometimes mask deeper issues and hinder genuine discussion and growth. We also shed light on the detrimental effects of elitism, which can create a hostile environment and discourage newcomers and casual players from fully enjoying the game. Are these attitudes truly as harmless as they seem? Let’s discuss and challenge the status quo together.
If you’re ready to engage in a candid conversation about the nuances of positivity and elitism in FFXIV, then this video is for you. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to broaden your perspective and contribute to a healthier gaming community.
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They're the same person!
/panically starts reading tool tips
I feel there's definitely degrees of being "toxic" to just trying to give helpful advice. Mind you it does matter on approach and if the other person is actively trying to improve. Not asking for c+ for your test results im just asking for a little improvement . Little improvement here and there= better person in the long run. Also if your the one being told the advice… Take it on the chin and being able to admit you did something wrong is the first step and hard one to take.
dont expect every player in leveling roulette to be an ultimate raider but also… dont excuse not using AoE or tank ignoring mits ect. dont get me wrong, dont be an ass about it. Ive seen people saying that asking someone to do basic shit is "a reportable offence",, like wtf
It's truly a double edged sword personally I prefer having the toxic positive casuals over the toxic sweaty elitists.
But both are pretty bad – I've narrowed down my qualifications however of what makes a good player into three Don't(s):
Don't be a burden. I can't play your role for you, this is a team game, do your job well enough. Don't expect to skate by doing things half hearted.
Don't make excuses. When you make a mistake, own up to it, no BS, no pointing fingers, Ask questions if you're confused, and try not to repeat it again.
Don't be a jerk. Don't kick people when they are down, A good team is a unit, if they fail we fail, we pick people up, we try again, focus on doing your job.
Lol ya people sometimes sucks ass.
good video only criticism is its a little hard to understand because you talk really fast but the point stands and the subtitles help.
I feel betrayed… I never thought someone would come after my gaming habits!😮😮
You're only supposed to get mad at the other guys 😞
For instance a healer only using Cure is totally fine in Copperbell Mines, particularly if it's a new player, I couldn't give a damn. Hell, as a Tank main I could solo the whole F'ing dungeon if I so chose, don't care.
But if you're a healer and you're doing Dead Ends and you're just spamming Cure, you're not using Holy, Dia, Glare, and now & then weave in an Assize, and you don't have Esuna on your hotbar, because you don't know what "enfeeblements" are, then I'm sorry but you are a liability to the group's performance, you should by level 90 know what your job is capable of.
And if not, take 10 minutes to watch a guide, or ask in "The Balance", nobody's asking you to play the game perfectly, but at the same time, it doesn't require much effort to at least be somewhat decent.
Please put in a bit of effort, it's not too much to ask.
This is something I've personally struggled with in my static in Endwalker. We get to the point where we know who is messing up at what kind of mechanic. Even to the point of who sucks at what kinds of mechanics, so we almost just… expect it to happen when certain mechs show up.
And as the raid shot caller over Discord, I have no fucking clue how to call people out on their repeated mistakes, nor help them find why they're so stuck on it, without coming off as an elitist jerk.
Because apparently that happens to be my natural tone of speaking and word selection. I am blunt and abrasive to a fault. I had this same problem in WoW way back when i tried running my own raiding guild.
For me, I'm not specifically trying to keep things positive, i just have a hard time not swinging to the other side of the spectrum and cant seem to figure out where the middle ground is.
Maybe I'm just a coward, because i absolutely loathe conflict
"Critical sage mechanic" tell me… it wasn't… 😵 … kardia? Yeah, uh… basically like you said, bare minimum, read tooltips. It is scary indeed and definitely as big of an issue in xiv as elitism, maybe moreso? I've given up trying to offer advice after being scorched into little aether pieces when I've (nicely!) tried before. Great vid, and why are you still criminally low on subs?!? C'mon fellow WoLs. Just look at this lala. Look. At. Him. 😀 <3
On a positive note I ran a 90 dungeon as Dancer with another Dancer and was asked to partner the tank so everyone gets a buff. They partnered the healer. I said it doesn't work like that and dps is always better but like its a dungeon, it doesn't really matter. A few moments later they partnered me and said I was right and said sorry.
Restored my faith in humanity you beautiful Dancer you ❤
My point being there are plenty of nice people who want to learn and improve that are in the game and I don't mind reminding/teaching someone if something if its in "endgame content". As long as people don't start to nag you about your rotation in a lvl 30 dungeon 😂
(The parner buff stacks for Dancers, but not some of the dance buffs. Source: Balance. Have to add this because when I talk about it someone will say no they don't stack 😂 )
Good video. Honestly was surprised to realize this is a small channel.
Sprouts messing up anything in Labyrinth, especially Ancient Flare, is just amusing. The only exception is when they pull too early when the alliances have to split up and stand on the pads.
From left to right A, B, C… got called toxic for trying to enforce that lol.
I do believe that a big portion of the reason why people behave this way when called out is because the game does makes little to no effort to teach people how to play at a very basic level.
A few months ago, I was helping some friends with their daily roulettes. We got leviathan on trial roulettes. I was playing PLD and we happened to get matched with another PLD. At one point I noticed what the other tank was doing, and oh my god… it was outright painful to watch. They were basically pressing whatever bottom they felt like pressing. And by that, I mean using melee skills out of order, throwing aoes in the middle of them, using shield lob, shield bash and interject at complete random. I wanted so badly to say something, but I believed it wouldn't have an effect.
Another important point is the classic "You don't pay my sub" excuse. It honestly baffles me that people think that just because they are paying to play this game, they have the right to do play however they want whenever they want. That may be true when playing solo, but not when doing group activities. Those required you to display a bare level of gameplay, and the amount of people who lack it is almost unbelievable.
At this point, I'm not even sure what could be done. I always thought that SE should make better tutorials that at least 'point' people to the way the community expects players to play at the very least during dungeons, but I don't know if that'd fix anything anymore.
The biggest problem we have is people throwing a hissy fit the moment a much needed dose of "there's no nice way to put this" type of advice is handed out. If you're the reason my dungeon takes another 5 minutes because you're spamming cure 1 in my expert roulette while I'm tanking things as a full BiS warrior who could literally solo the dungeon if we but had the "Warrior solo" option for dungeon roulettes, then you are part of the problem, and there's no nice way of saying it. Some people need to be smacked in the face with the blunt truth in order for them to learn, and it's very easy to tell who needs it and who doesn't. And my frustration would be unwarranted if it was a rare occurrance. But it has been ALMOST EVERY SINGLE EXPERT ROULETTE!!!! I can't be the only one that's personally tired of seeing these brainless players far too often.
Wait you mean the other people in Expert dungeons aren't NPCs??? shieeet
I don't disagree with you but honestly though, after playing this game long enough you start to give a shit less and less about things like 'Experts' that either you treat them like NPC runs or you simply don't do them (I mean hunts give better rewards anyway for your time). It's equally less worth my time trying to tell someone how to play only for them to likely abuse me than to just pump the DPS and basically solo the damn thing. In Extremes+ sure I'll give advice but I just cbf in any super casual content… not because I think it's fine but it's so mind off that it's hard to even convey the reasoning to play better because the content is just so easy.
I think I understand better now, and agree. PSO2 had (have?) this problem where people would do their damndest to NOT upgrade gear or skills from the time it was introduced. Then they and others who did this would defend this and refer to everyone who had a problem with it sweaty try hards and toxic.
TLDR do not be an asshole or weird, everybody is human and makes mistakes, help when you can or are asked to
Omg a good take 😮
Just don't be a dickhead and try to be decent at the game you're playing with other people. Simple as.
agree with there being a middle ground. it's just a game at the end of the day, and it's just normal content at that.
as an aside, you swallow your words with the rate at which you force them out and it makes it nigh impossible to understand you. I understand the speedy delivery is what you're going for, but I'd suggest working on enunciating your words more and getting the full sound out. i shouldn't need subtitles to follow another native English speaker hahaha.
Elitism is way worse. Sure toxic positivity and bad players will mess up and be useless but they will rarely if ever show up in content where their inability ever matters. Meanwhile elitists and gatekeepers are a huge reason a lot of players never bother to set foot into high end content and their overly negative attitude will actively push people away from the game either from disuading new players from trying the game alltogether or by convincing existing players to be as cynical as them and leave.
Sure you have spaces like the r/ffxiv subreddit where its an absolute echo chamber and any criticism of the game runs you the risk of being perma banned because the mods are absolute fanboys who will silence any and all discussion that isnt completely positive but that is pretty much only an issue outside the game and rarely ever becomes an issue while actually playing the game unlike elitism.
Gotta run Aurum vale to test and see which players are toxic 😂
I think this is a mix of people who have some of the strongest social anxiety in multiplayer gaming history vs people who grew up playing social games and other mmos constantly.
I seen a lot that the team needs to make better tutorials to teach people stuff but honestly i think people also need to read their abilities and do some critical thinking on when they should use them. The game doesnt slap you with walls of text on what a skill does lile other games and I feel like to a point daying get better tutorials is a cope out for the raw lazyness of some gamers that at most mobile game when not playing 14. This i mean mostly for class mechanics and ability usage, i 100% agree i think every 10 or so levels after 50 there should be a mnadatory quest that just runs you through marker and mechanic training.
On the flip side i think some people take the casual content far, far, far to serious. They play like there is a 20 min timer or they will be deleted irl. If you queue up and you got somewhere to be 30 mins later you uh…should probably manage your time better and not play something that relies on other people. And worse offenders are mentors (these are truly the most toxic people ive ever met in this community and sometimes they are nice but know 0 about the game or classes that dont glam for their erp weekend galore) and the ultimate raiders who threw a little $$ at the realnones and have a odd superiority complex.
My thoughts are that honestly people need to read shit more and stop trying to speed run with optimization on content you could literally dps down with quest gear most the time.
i offer corrections when i can or try to show new players how to do certain things phrasing is important though and how you approach someone, if you start off just insulting them then they will leave with a bad attitude and learn nothing.
but if you act friendly and collectively usually the other person will say sorry for messing up or not doing something and in turn ask how to do something. or they will just stay silent which is totally fine no one like to be called out or feel embarrassed in such cases just keep trying your best and if its clear that no progress is being made after repeated mistakes then its ok to quit the duty or instance the only penalty for that is having to wait like 20 or 30 mins to reque a duty/instance. you can use that 30 min break to go out for a smoke or coffee then come back feeling more relaxed and can also ask a friend to even tag along or your fc/linkshell mates if they would like to help or come along.