Here I describe nothing but 100% true lore of the male bunbun bois that were recently added with Endwalker. I swear this video totally doesn’t have any intentional inaccuracies put in for humour.. I’m sure it’s obvious that everything is true. I hope you enjoy.
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Finally, I was waiting so long for this video xD excellent as always
I heard that bunbois are often more effective in some roles, but only by a HARE
All the bunny bois that left the forest just wanted to find and protecc their Amazonian buns from thirst.
I'm pretty sure the narrator actively turned into a bun bun boy during the editing of this video
Male and female Vierra are physically indistinguishable, this line is being over interpreted. I doubt this refer the the genitalia, to me this is only implied to be about their facial features and body build.
What the f do their names mean though?? I can't believe they STILL didn't tell us! I mean they made the damn things, they must know what it means.
3:50 Or too gay XD
How do they make babies??
Sometime I feel like some of the information we get from male Viera is just the Dalmascan Viera or something just trolling anyone who asks about them and has a laugh afterwards