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Full Endwalker Playthrough Playlist:
Full MSQ Playthrough Playlist (to Shadowbringers)
PLD Glamour:
Head: Voeburtite Circlet of Fending
Top: Edencall Mail of Fending
Hand: The Forgiven’s Gauntlets of Fending (Metallic Silver)
Bottom: Omicron Trousers of Fending
Feet: Bonewicca Protector’s Sabatons (Metallic Silver)
#FFXIV #FinalFantasyXIV #Endwalker
I'm not crying, you're not crying….
The musical change at the end absolutely killed me on my playthrough. The whole final area is one gutpunch after another but that's the first one that really got me
Oh my stars… this place hurts so so much. Pain. I was so broken, especially after the last one.
I had watery eyes from when I first set foot on the final zone up until the very end.
G'raha's was the one that hit me the hardest. Shadowbringers was so important to me.
The Ea explaining the eventual heat death of the universe with that filter in their voice is just bone chilling, quality VA work
I need a dating sim with Graha as a character you can date.
To close in the distance one must make sacrifices, but some are more painful then others. Stay strong Warrior of light, one final push is all that's needed.
And then there were 3
Oh fun fact about what the Ea discovered: It’s an actual thing. Inevitable Heat-Death of the Universe. Of course thanks to multiple things there is reason to think that our universe will be reborn, but the amount of time this would take is much longer than even sextuple the time the Milky Way has been around… But hey if humanity will live to even see it, we gotta deal with the hear and now.
This stinky catboi made me ugly cry in not one expansion but two! I also chose option 2, I'm not strong enough for these damn promises ; ~ ;
Hearing G'Raha's request and screaming "YES YES, OF COURSE I'LL MARRY YOU!"
Close In The Distance destroys any emotional barrier you attempt to field.
Out of everyone we would have taken on a new adventure, it would have been those three. Walking forward without looking back is a heavy burden indeed.
"I'm not ready" describes me throuought endwalker
I must say you are holding together much better than you did in Shadowbringers. Still, the need to hug you is stronger than ever.
This song hits VERY DIFFERENT in this zone then it did in the launch trailer grabs tissues
The next episode is gonna be a tragedy and a treat at the same time.
Estinie and Graha broke me the hardest. I ugly sobbed, quite loudly. I ugly sobbed watching this again. God, this game…
G'raha's always gets me more than the others.