FFXIV Short Guides: Desynthesis

A short guide with visual direction about the desynthesis skill in FFXIV.

Backing music :FFXIV Akadaemia Anyder (OST)

twitter: https://twitter.com/TheNerdyAries


11 thoughts on “FFXIV Short Guides: Desynthesis”

  1. I have a crafter as high as 78 and I've even beaten Endwalker MSQ, but I don't see a quest available from Syntgoht (and it isn't in my completed quests either) can anyone help?

  2. im lv. 90 not done with EW, and i have a ton of gear because i want to glam it.. but holy fuck its confusing, and then its like ok I can desynth this… BUT wait! should i? shit.. curse me, im a hoarder.

  3. So I have goldsmith 400plus desynthesizing and blacksmith 300 desynthesizing why am I getting more rare drops out of my BS than my GS? Just wondering if BS is better for rare drops. Because I never get rare drops with GS not once but with BS all the time.


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