Endwalker is officially out today and we are going to have plenty of monk mains/players tackling the EW monk rework. This video I decided to put together some tips and tricks as you start your FF14 Endwalker monk journey
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*My ThunderClap Macro is the pinned comment below, since YT won’t let me use brackets in description*
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| Timestamp |
00:00 Intro
00:41 Perfect Balance Form Shift
01:23 Masterful Blitz Form Shift
02:13 Monk AOE Applies DPS Buff Now
02:45 My Thunderclap Macro
03:39 Lunar Blitz Damage Combo and Finisher Combo
04:41 Celestial Revolution
05:20 Lvl 60 Monk Rotation
05:53 Anatman & Six-Sided Star
06:37 Masterful Blitz Are AOEs
07:07 Riddle Of Wind
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Credited music source: https://chillhop.ffm.to/creatorcred
#ffxiv #endwalker #monk
My Thunderclap Macro
The reason for multiple entries is to make sure that server ticks don't keep from the ability activating and can be used instantly
/merror off
/ac "Thunderclap" <mo>
/ac "Thunderclap" <mo>
/ac "Thunderclap" <mo>
/ac "Thunderclap" <mo>
/ac "Thunderclap" <mo>
/ac "Thunderclap" <mo>
/ac "Thunderclap" <mo>
/ac "Thunderclap" <mo>
/ac "Thunderclap" <mo>
/ac "Thunderclap" <mo>
/ac "Thunderclap" <mo>
/ac "Thunderclap" <mo>
/ac "Thunderclap" <mo>
/micon "Thunderclap""
These last few videos have been a masterful blitz of their own. Got me leveling monk now. 🙂
THANKS FOR THE VIDEO!! It was really helpful!!
The Monk AoE opener is so much more fun and less braindead than it was in ShB as well.
Form Shift Pre-pull>4PF>(Perfect Balance)>Shadow of the Destroyer>Shadow of the Destroyer>SHADOW OF THE DESTROYER>Elixir Field> S H A D O W O F T H E D E S T R O Y E R
It's like we're all in a training montage these last couple days. Loving the videos on monk
I need to look at the ninja macro to help with thunderclap. I think that's probably gonna be the best one us controller players have. I'm really glad you're coming around Jay! Change is hard but this is the best rework we've gotten for monk and when I said they gave us an identity I meant giving us a mechanic other than just positionals and moves we couldn't use! Not saying it's perfect (SSS) I still have barely used. I think over all adding MB as an OGCD and maybe ONE more ogcd would make monk really feel amazing!
I main a NIN and MNK second. It was weird to get used to in the beginning but dam new MNK is fun and the rotation is very versatile. I tried RPR but it seems to be a simple and fast job. I like some level of complexity in my jobs.
I posted a comment about Anatman on a previous video, right before I saw this one. I don't think it's entirely useless. It pauses the countdown on your rotations while active. So if for any reason you have to break contact while mid-combo (such as boss mechanic or animation), you can pause your rotation for up to 30 seconds and continue after, instead of restarting.
Am i the only one who thunderclaps around dungeons just because? I waited until the last second to TC to my healer in the Tower of Zot during an Aoe and i felt like Goku using instant transmission. Also maybe its me but Monk kind of feels smoother. We still need that 3rd PB and or make ROF a 2 Stack mechanic so we can use it by the time we hit our PB the 3rd time in our rotation.
thanks for these videos Jay! Its been so enlightening especially because now I dont have to worry about getting Celestial Revolution hahah and Im definitely gonna try that macro, I was having that "I can't click anyone fast enough" problem xD Much love! keep up the good work ♥
nothing to say this time. good vid
Foundation is needed. We’re not easy af like summoner is now but they’re both the same in interest. All the jobs – except Sam and whm- have been fullfilling to use. Doing mnk/sch/gnb/smn/brd through ew and all worth it. Taking our time with these changes is what’ll help us better optimize them and enjoy them.
keep it up bro
Hey JayTime, I've been enjoying your videos as I feel there is a serious lack of 6.0 Monk content. I'm a new monk and one thing I've really struggled with returning is understanding Monk in full. While it seems simple at first, it is crazy complicated to optimize and hard to understand past the basic combos. I've tried to use your videos to get a grasp but you go so quickly and really jump around and it makes it hard to follow. I would kill for a full fledged monk guide, maybe with some more basic rotations, or some basics that cover all your combos and what to do in single target, multi target, etc..
Once I have a grasp on Monk I feel like your other videos will be a lot more helpful.
Either way thanks for your content.