Thoughts on Meters? PVP? @Desperius FFXIV | Totally Random Questions E005

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12 thoughts on “Thoughts on Meters? PVP? @Desperius FFXIV | Totally Random Questions E005”

  1. Random comment. I don't think Endwalker is a good title for the expansion. Reason is, because Heavensward gets called HW, Stormblood StB, Shadowbringers ShB. So Endwalker will be called…

  2. Great interview.
    I'd like to see more interviews of FFXIV content creators but also of content creator that's recently finished the game like your interview with Night Sky Prince. Maybe Miskakun, Chilli Farmer of Final Fantasy Peasant are three that come to mind.
    Its always interesting to see the contrast in perspectives.

  3. Imo, I do find the PVP fun, now is it challenging? Maybe not. However it's fun to play casually when you want to do something other than MSQ, raiding or dungeoning. Now can it be improved? Yes, however I believe that the main issue with the lack of people doing PVP is that players and even content creators are always pushing this view that "FF14 PVP isn't worth or isn't good", so as a new player it doesn't make them want to play it, let alone even try the game to judge it for themselves.

  4. Good Interview Chris, I have to learn more about this Madman "Desparius" 😉
    Thank you for the invitation and like I said, if Brian and you want to talk about anything on Work To Game as well, just throw out some dates and I will adjust !
    Stay healthy and safe and keep up this awesome format !

  5. I still say to this day, that Guild wars 1 had the best designed mmo pvp to date. And I wish more developers could learn from what they did and expand on it.

    You had near infinite customization for your pvp teams. But what stopped the game from devolving into nothing but spike teams (or burst damage teams like what you see in wow now mainly in RBG's). Was Protective spirit (and its similar spells that had the same effect) and Shield of absorption. These kinds of abilities allowed you to outplay high burst gameplay. And allowed other forms of teams to exist. And the limited amount of abilities you could have at one time meant you could never have a counter for everything.

    This meant there was never a static meta like you see in wow pvp.

    I just would love too see more mmo's learn how to deal with out of control spike damage. And it would be so easy to implement these as limited actions from a large pool to choose from.

  6. YoshiP's advice is evergreen, especially now with all the concerns about mental wellness even in relation to other platforms like Twitter and FB or media or the internet in general — if you aren't getting anything useful and/or enjoyable out of it, the first step you absolutely have to take is LOG OFF. You have zero chance of ever bouncing back if you keep bashing your head against these things expecting to feel different.

  7. Of all my years of playing WoW where pretty much everyone have a DPS meter, i can't say that i have seen that much harrasment when someone was underperforming. So when all of this FFIXV and wow creators started talking about this game, i started to do som research to find out if it was something i would be interested in. And when i heard that DPS meters was frowned upon i was a little shocked tbh. Because like i said, it's not really a toxic thing in my experience. And I played wow for 4-5 years. And in that time i saw it only a few times.


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