God’s timing is perfect. Stick with Him, hand your dreams over to Him and He will do more than you could have possibly hoped or imaged – way more than you could ever dream on your own.
Final Fantasy XIV © SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. All Rights Reserved.
Our vision is to cultivate loving spiritual communities across the metaverse.
We believe the church can be anywhere at any time with anyone. Everyone is welcome even if you do not believe in God. Where two or three are gathered, Jesus is there.
Website: https://vrchurch.org
TikTok: https://tiktok.com/@djsotolive
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/vrchurch
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/vrmmochurch
We’re a fully volunteer-led, board-governed non-profit organization. Support what VR MMO Church is doing at https://vrchurch.org/donate
All music is used with permission from the copyright holder.
Start: (0:00)
Oihy: (0:10)
Kingdom: (9:44)
Kinrath: (16:00)
Koko’s response and closing prayer: (29:32)
Hello there. I go to church physically. But I am looking for another group. I reside on Gilgamesh server. How do I find you?
I'm glad to see community that is sharing the love of God and of virtual reality. I tried something like this on World of Warcraft and failed miserably lol. Maybe I'll see you guys around Eorzea Sometime