Things You Can Do in the FFXIV Free Trial (but maybe shouldn't)

There is so much you can do on the FFXIV trial (well except for PvP at the moment) but does that mean you should do everything …


12 thoughts on “Things You Can Do in the FFXIV Free Trial (but maybe shouldn't)”

  1. That's an impressive amount of time you've been playing the trial. I hope full subs won't give you too hard of time about that. Always feel that their is a bit of resentment aimed at Trial Players for taking advantage of this generous offer.

    I might try to get that tiger mount, because I don't really care for the Triceratops nor Victor mounts. Why does it feel like Tigers are always super hard to get in MMOs?

  2. Appreciate warning people from doing Blue content without the level 70 abilities, it sucks that the system works out that way but it makes it so you don't have to redo everything for every different level on top of already having a horrible mess of bar management for switching roles and builds. It will probably be even more of a problem when Blu cap hits 80 if they don't eventually move the trial up to Stormblood, but I get the feeling they might do that near the end of the expansion.

  3. I've been subscribed to the game for two years. I started crafting and gathering back in 2020, when I first started. This is absolutely NOT something I'd recommend.
    Crafting is simply much easier when you don't have to gather all the raw materials AND crystals yourself. Gathering as well is so much better when your inventory isn't going to get clogged up with things you don't entirely need, especially in the case of Fisher.
    What I DO recommend, absolutely, 100%, is getting as close to every goal you want to attain as possible before subscribing. I didn't have the option, as the full game was bought for me as a gift, but going back to level things like Paladin and Warrior and Dragoon up through ARR now that I've completed the game makes me feel like a burden on my party.
    When you can't progress past level 60, you don't get the same sense of guilt for leveling with other players. They can see the sprout and will usually give you a break. Once you don't have a sprout or a flower, though, people start expecting better things from you.
    So level all your jobs to 60 before subbing. Rank up in your Grand Company and unlock Squadrons, too. Max out your GC rank. Buy 4.0 crates to start getting Stormblood minions early. Grind out tomestones during Moogle Treasure Trove events so you can collect Kamuy mounts without a farm.
    Get as much done as possible, because trying to do it later is never fun. And there's plenty more for when you ARE subbed, so you won't run out of things to do.

  4. Free trial player here o/

    Just dropping in to say that I have successfully soloed every ARR A rank and assuming sabotender bailador is the primary culprit holding you back from this, I recommend trying on SCH. Due to the frequency and piercing nature of 10k needles, it can quickly wear out WAR self healing while simultaneously nullifying the benefits of tank defense, but not shields. It is a tedious and unforgiving 10m worth of solo with some modest mp management, but none the less, a possible solo.

  5. I've been on the trial for 1200 hours since March and I tried going for that fishing title thinking it was just another sidequest. I was horribly wrong. My last few hurdles before buying the game will be Necromancer and chocobo racing! I have a perfect iv chocobo I just need to breed them until I get them to max pedigree. And finishing my triad card collection.


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