FFXIV: Moogle Treasure Trove – Event Details & Rewards!

https://eu.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/special/mogmog-collection/202207/ujz24q0uim Watch Meoni LIVE on TWITCH …


29 thoughts on “FFXIV: Moogle Treasure Trove – Event Details & Rewards!”

  1. Uhhhh, sudden news that I don't think anyone is reporting on cause' I haven't seen anything about it.. The Y'shtola Bring Arts figure has suddenly disappeared from the SE Store and is being sold by scalpers at like $250. I don't know why this has happened but I'm concerned that SE might abandon the figure all together due to the issues the tail had. I HOPE there is going to be a reissue or a new better version and that's why they stopped selling it, but I don't know. It'd be kinda frustrating if the only good statue/figure is the $980 one (I don't mean Nendroid or Minion styled, I like those, but I'm talking about a standard statue, this was the ONLY statue for Y'shtola.). Hopefully we get some news about this and it doesn't just fade away into the aether (I'd expect we'd get something due to Yoshi-P himself being a fan of Y'shtola.).

  2. I think I will go for the earrings because never know when it could be used for a Fashion Report. The other items are just good if you don't have them or something you would like to get easily. And the MGP is always good if you have nothing else you want or interested in. Thanks for the video!

  3. Oh nice. I always wanted the lunar kamuy on my trial account. That'll be my 3rd kamuy and the one I like the most. I'll try and grab the pets and orchestrion scrolls too. Not too interested in the earrings and I have everything buyable for scrips. Still decent loot.

  4. Thank god I already made 100M gil these last few months selling the diadem emotes and hairs, theyre gonna tank in price after this its hilarious

  5. Urgh, another set of earrings you'll rarely ever see on your character (either because helmet, hair or both). I wish I started playing a year earlier so I could get the Inferno Jacket; it was around when I started but I had no clue on how to get the tomestones.

  6. Conspiracy theory time: They're doing an AIMING set because they're planning a Phys Range for Next Expac already. I'm gonna be keeping notes on the moogle tomes now to see if that holds ANY water at all.

  7. Oh nice! I'm definitely getting the Neo Aiming, still in ShB not post so I cant get 80 poetic gear yet (nvm that's too bad they are not HQ, rather buy it for how cheap it is on mb). Looks like just the earring monkey and emote for the other. :]

  8. I only need the earring, monke mount and the minion, been farming the minion for a while in pyros with no luck so can’t wait to get it. I’m just happy to farm some Ivalice cause I love those raids

  9. You can buy the gorilla mount from Enie in Firmanent with Skybuilder scrip – likewise the hair style.
    And may I say if you like Namazu then do the Namazu tribal quests and get the music from there. Just to reduce the tomestone grind.


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