Things That Make Me Rage in FFXIV

There is a new patch and so much new content in Final Fantasy 14, but we all know how much the FFXIV community loves drama. Here’s a spicy video for those who need something to get angry at!

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36 thoughts on “Things That Make Me Rage in FFXIV”

  1. as a redmage, i have made many a healer mad, while as healer i always think: "you're a redmage, you're supposed to pick people up not to be picked up! "

  2. 4:30 Those people annoy me as a dancer main too. Not only are they out of range to be healed, but they are generally also out of range for their buffs to properly work (not to mention that the aoe damage caused by Standard/Technical Step would not hit).

  3. As a healer main, for real, I'm not a white mage, but Asylum is now so MASSIVE that not standing in it is absolutely for the foul-minded and if they perish because they are not full hp and die to that raid wide, I WILL tell them to stand closer or suffer the consequences, for I am the true harbringer of life and death!

    … But I'm a sage main, so I don't care all that much, my Kerachole hits everyone anyways. 💅

  4. The amount of times I've died because I was slightly out of range of an aoe heal and the healer couldnt be bothered to use a single target heal because god forbid they miss a glare is way too many.

  5. Wait, the pink thingy-thing-whatever is the reward for this tier's savage??? … I might reconsider going for it this tier (if the armor wasnt so cool that is ^^°) if that thing is my reward -.- As for the ranting person… well, best get friendly and find yourself a static XD

    As for heal range… I'm no healer main, but for dungeon roulettes I mostly pick any of the four healers. And I make it a habbit to stand in the middle of the arena. And if people still dont get the aoe heals… well… cant be helped ^^° Sometimes I ask people to stack a bit closer, but in the end I'm too much of a softy to just let them die 😀 I only let a person die on purpuse once ^.^ To all dps out there: you can actually die to AOE from the Gaius fight in Praetorium XD As for the person I let die? He kept pulling mobs instead of the tank and even pulled the endboss, Gaius, before the tank even got out of his cutscene. I hate that kind of behavior. So, despite it being sup-optimal and wasting gcd's, I kept single-healing myself, the tank and other dps ^.^

  6. Meanwhile, when I play healer, I feel so at peace. Easy gameplay, can save my silly roulettes rather than pray the random WHM realized there are in fact more buttons than Cure 1. =u=

  7. So many of these including the armor not dyeing how you envisioned in your mind is so specifically rage inducing to me I don’t know how you compiled such a good list

  8. We have too many Miqo'te already, make dumplings playable.

    Tell me you're too poor for bling without telling me you're too poor for bling.

    I mean, your FC doesn't necessarily need a house. You could absolutely vacate to make room for someone new that doesn't already own an entire ward, couldn't you?

    The ranged DPS are just making use of their range as best as they can! What, you can't stand two yalms further back to cast your spells? Is Rescue's cooldown not short enough? Truly, this is the definition of first yalm problems. Grow up. And yes, you do smell.

    That sounds like a skill issue. Ever heard of coordination?

    That's because all gear is actually just glamours you cast on your naked body. You only ever actually wear clothes until level 15. If you didn't cast glamours, you'd be arrested for indecent exposure and thrown into the darkest, deepest gaol cell available just to keep that damn skin tone out of everyone's eyes.

    It's never the newbies we're pissed at, it's the guys who have max level other jobs and are leveling something new that choose to speedrun everything at the expense of the newer players. There's always one. I recruited someone into my FC because I took the time to teach him how to effectively tank and complete his map of Sastasha. Yes, the first dungeon of the game. But what about the other players? "You don't pay my sub," "Don't tell me how to play." Great community, by the way, 10/10, would absolutely commit arson against any FC house with too many YouTuber Miqo'te complaining about Namazu houses.

    And now you know why Memora Misera (Extreme) pissed off so many people. At least now you have a reason to do Savage. I don't, I don't give a crap about this mount. But hey! Raiders need cute things, too!

    …Aaaand that's all my joke responses! Please understand this was all in jest and I'm not actually offended by anything. This was me joining in the fun.

  9. As an healer, yes, I feel the urge to let that one that is always out of range die… I want to let them die so much it hurts…

    Then I move and I single heal them exhales

  10. I feel like i got so lucky with the ward i won my private house in

    Whether intentional or not, several houses are pink with colorful trees so i did the same and I call my ward the pink yard ward now

  11. Every single one. Also the headpiece you used in the dying segment? MY AURA HORNS CLIP THROUGH IT HORRIBLY. Why even put a horn style in if it not only ruins every earring, that I could live with, but every single headpiece with a veil?! Grrrrrrrrhrrrr

  12. As a SMN main, I will only rez if a) both healers are down as I’m supposed to, or b) if half the party is gone, there’s no LB3 and the one healer left is already long casting. I have a macro so healers know to not waste their time on someone I’m helping them Rez, but Jesus fookin Christ is pisses me off If im mid long-cast Rez cuz I’ve used my Swiftcast for the Garuda dot (as im supposed to), I get close to the end, then someone else Swiftcast rez, or worse… the rezmage has been alive long enough to spam and I can’t react in time to cancel my Rez…

    Long story short, I feel the pain.

  13. I think the range DPS thing is mostly an issue with players who only play range. I had the same issue at the beginning.

    The staying close to the healer part is not straightforward unless you have actually played one for a bit and understand that the healer can not use single target heals on everyone.

    One misconception I also had was that staying far from the boss would help to avoid AoEs and handle mechanics. But in practice, that is never the case. The game is designed to allow close range DPS jobs to handle mechanics. Staying far from the boss usually just set you up for taking wide AoEs because they are timed to be avoided when you have to move from the center or the arena, not the extremity. The Griffin boss at the end of the Heavensward patches is a good example of this.

  14. Also people spamming ‘heal lb’ on a fight when 4-5 perfectly vulnless people are still alive and the rest of the floor huggers can be rezzed after their survival is ensured 🤷🏻‍♀️ imma not spend that potential damage so you can die faster again

  15. I only ever use the "…" in chat is if I screw up in some way that was nobody's fault but my own, so it's basically a facepalm or me saying "Why did I just do that?", anyone who uses it passive aggressively is just looking to start friction in the group.

    The clipping bothers me as well, and since I mostly use long hairstyles, I adjusted my glamours to mitigate the issue. As for the tail thing, clearly a relic of ARR, hopefully 7.0 fixes it, because it bugs me, but I'm not getting my hopes up. Metal changing with dyes bugs me too, along with some dyes being useless on some items, like who dyes glasses? You're never going to get close enough to see what colour the frames are.

  16. Number 2 is SO TRUE, I play Face 4 Ronso Horn Hroth, their topknot comes with gold and silver accents which makes mixing metals a tad easier, but my OCD struggles with blending metals in glams. 🤣🤣🤣

  17. I FEEL THAT DYE RAGE AND HAIR CLIPPING RAGE ESPECIALLY THAT HAIR CLIPPING RAGE!! so MANY glamour options RUINED because they always gotta add some stupid piece of shit collar that just RUINS the entire top minimum if not the entire fucking set, my long hair will always win over any glamour but AAAHHHH STOP PUTTING STUPID 10 FEET TALL COLLARS ON EVERYTHING

  18. sorry to disturb the angryness in the comments but where can i get the peacock mount?=O its beautiful, pls tell me its easy to get ingame and not mogstore or hard content xD


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