Some hardcore FFXIV fflogs parsers got really mad at Xeno for getting Rank 1 Warrior Clear in TOP (Omega Ultimate Raid). This is Xeno’s reply.
Rank 1 Omega Ultimate Clear:
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Brooklyn Chan: @Fallen_Ra1n
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imagine having so much free time that you not only cleared a ultimate several times, but then took the time to shit on people who stream this for a living over a parse. It's a co op game, get a life.
bro, I checked the r1 parse on DRS summoner, am pretty sure my rotation would have more DPS cause I fukin calculate it on excel based on the up and down time.
turns out he has RPR, BRD, DNC, AST and SCH as his damage support.
At that point I don't really care about r1 anymore hahaha
As a giga casual in FF14 and sort of casual in WoW (did a bit of heroic S3 and hit 1400 M+ before taking a break). Whenever I see logs my brain turns off because I have zero understanding of logs. Its funny to watch people lose their minds over them though.
I wanted to see those parsers back in ARR and beginning of HW when did not existed those stuff, they would probably be flaming who did savage calling them no lifers while being in the game for 20 hours just chatting.
And my god, I really hope one day my biggest issue in life, that I spend time thinking about, mad about, and waste time on it, is someone's else rank in a video game, because it means my life is hella good.
So I wanted to say, for all the hate you've gotten for that video, I have equal praise for you posting that video. TOP is my very first ultimate, and I'm doing it with warrior, which is a job I have NEVER raided with before, and all things considered, its going well. Your video came at a time when my raid leader was asking for us to start optimization in early phases to meet dps checks down the line and for as much as I love the balance discord, I need the footage to understand how and where you use things and there's very little in the way of parsing videos for warriors on TOP. So thank you for being there for me in my time of need. You're the best <3
Console players seeing PC players get mad over parses and add-ons: 🤨
I'm not a hardcore player these days, just don't have the care or worry for it anymore. However, when I was the type to care about BiS, proper food and pots, and spreadsheet calculations I still didn't care about rank 1 parse. Why? Even I knew that rng and damage variance in calculations was a thing. This meant that the fight for #1 literally came down to crit luck and a 1~3% damage variance. As long as you can provide constant contribution to what is going on is the main factor. Following the ABC rule and knowing how to do your job…everything else just comes down to petty dick measuring where someone is always going to get butt hurt and make excuses.
I am new and my one goal is to clear an Ultimate or Savage but it feels impossible finding a group. Congrats on Rank1
You even LB3 ed in P6 beginning. so…
I remember having rank one on Levi for A1S for a while all because I got a complete bullshit string of lucky crits on a double decimate add phase with a pot. My group couldn't phase skip at the time and I only had the Sephirot weapon. There was more than one person salty with me for that one and I can't even blame them.
As a old player not crazy player but i think decent player, it baffle me the number of player that just look at the log of the others to know if someone is good, in my 2 years of being a raid lead never did i choose someone in my roster because of their log, also people that trash talk Xeno doesnt even realize how good is Xeno and how much time it take to be so consistant in each fight and get good log or they think they do but they doesnt.
Its even funnier when they trash talk Xeno while using addon that help them since they dont know what it really is to do fights without them and obviously Xeno doesnt use any addon that help in any way (he would get ban instantly because of how much attention he get).
Keep going Xeno your the one that inspired me to do my best in this game !
Everyone getting mad at him meanwhile it doesn't change the fact he's still rank 1
And all of them like said probably use add-on tools to assist them heavily in their runs so they can focus on damage as much as possible.
All I see is people having brainrot over a number
the only way you can't hide any plugins is, full window screen capture on your obs or install reshade to reveal all shi*s on their monitor.
I don’t understand how those guys could possibly believe that he could lose a use of IR and still get rank one. Crit variance is huhe yeah, but that’s even MORE huge
dude, claimin a guy does something by pullin crap out out the blue like that person did about xeno and splatoon is some straight up schizo type shit.
lmao "Stay mad I guess?"
Brooklyn removed that video of theirs showing use of mods pretty quickly lol what a clown
these people malding over their rank 1's and I'm over here pogging cause I got my first 16.
congrats req …because you lack any braincells you have allowed xeno to turn you into content and are now helping him make more money through this video …..truly a genius you are ..amazing….
What is opposite of love? It’s hatred. Your man mode is too attractive 😂😂
I don't get why the fuck someone is so angry over a parse. Top players should properly each other up and not shit on each other. Mutual respect for skill issues so much more impactful than shitting on achievements
Normally I don't give a shit about parse discussion but opened this anyway and seeing you hop right into that Discord was absolutely hilarious. Keep on keeping on
This is hilarious, think ill come back a little bit before Dawn Trail. Tekken 8 and FF7 Rebirth until then.
As Conan says, "With a keen eye for detail one truth prevails."
It's funny how Hisshi No (guy who was #2 on the log) is shown as anonymous 🤣 Dude actually made his logs private this is so funny
I started playing in 5.3 and in December started my first ultimate prog (DSR) and my entire team agreed we will not be using third party tools. Even if I get a grey, I'll be happy just participating in such content, it has definitely made me a better player. Shitting on someone doing an ultimate regardless of parse just makes no sense.
The brooklyn guy actually ruined one of my top runs by not holding on p1.
You see, on rpr you want to 2 min communio, harvet moon into plenti havrest to dmg male and female
Since we killed it way too fast it was still on cd and fucked up my whole rotation and we struggled to kill p2.
This Mf excuse was: sry i had good crit so i could not hold.
Fucker cared more about his parse than actually clearing the fight……..
The fact that he bitched about sand bagging while ruining my whole run (all ress was messed up) cause he had good crit
Fucking disgusting
I can't stand people like these. Perfect examples of the Dunning-Kruger effect