Theories Before the End | Shadowbringers FFXIV

From dreams, to space, to bread, a fresh loaf of Shadowbringers “analysis”.

0:00 – Dreams, Space and Bread
3:50 – What the echo
11:39 – Emet’s Powerpoint
29:04 – Return to Eulmore

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48 thoughts on “Theories Before the End | Shadowbringers FFXIV”

  1. I do believe that Emmitt scene was establishing his modivations.
    It's essentially the " I would kill a kitten to save a person" standard of morals.
    Or more rather. I would kill a planet of kittens to save a planet of people.
    How the math checks out is up to the individual.
    How many kittens equal a person, ect ect.

  2. I mean one must be bad at math if they cant do devisions.

    He just shows Ryne split into as an example of what is the effect of the “sundering”.

    The more you are sundered, the more you are weaker in every aspects.

    Your life expectancy for example. 100 years divide by 4c you have 25 years as life expectancy.

  3. The Knights Twelve are the statues that are along the road from the Vault down to the Hoplon. They're statues of the Original Knights Twelve.

    "How fourteen instead of two" Because she didn't hit Zodiark once. She did seven times: 1 beacame 2 to 4 to 6 to 8 to 10 to 12 to 14. His example, Hydaelyn stopped at one.

    Ascian Prime works because of the "power of the Echo." Since 2.0, it's been known that the power of the Echo is to break down the boundries of the soul, and to surpass them. Understand all languages, Souls can transplant to other bodies (Sahagin in 2.1 shows this), See the past (Our usual Echo visions), See the future (Canon reason we can retry wipes is we see a possible future, otherwise also AoE indicators are us seeing the future). What Lahabrea and Igeyohrn did, was literally break down the boundaries between each other's souls to become one. While it's not outright said yet, the Echo is really just a swiss army knife that has a billion attachments.

    I can't wait to see you hit the point in the story where I said "F-k it I don't need sleep I just need to finish Expansion" point, which is soon. There are like… 0 places you can take a break without blue balling yourself once you continue the MSQ past a certain point, and I feel pity for your guy/gal trying to break that section up into digestible parts.

  4. Looking forward to watching you guys look back at all these theories after the Shadowbringer story line concludes!

    I honestly don't know if I ever had a theory for the MSQ that came true, but it's still super fun to theorycraft.

  5. Man I thought the whole Ardbert thing was super obvious from the very beginning…. But after watching so many streamers get it just barely wrong so many times I guess it wasn't?
    Though i guess the fact that i'm playing a Hyur Midlander with similar features might have had a big impact on that. In fact, I do wonder if playing a character resembling the player character in the trailers may have also enhance how those trailers hit too…..

  6. Pseudo spoiler about 14 reflections from cave scene…
    Emet touched on the 14 reflections during the cave scene where he said Hydalaen struck a blow so powerful it ended up shattering the fabric of reality. It was strong enough to break it into more than two pieces.

  7. A part of me is so frustrated that I can't explain the echo time-space debacle without saying plainly whose perspective you're viewing it from and the context thereof. All I can really say is the echo is always someone's past…

  8. in 7:07, the knights twelve part. I forgot where I saw the information.
    It say That's a Defense System of Ishgard., they burry something in the statue to make a Enchant Barrier to block attack from Dragon.
    Do you still remember when WoL fight A Mega Giant Dragon on bride?
    Because of this Barrier, so Niddhog's crew can't assault Ishgard from Air.
    So, when the bridge's protective system is destroyed, the dragon can rush into the city from that side. That's why we were on the bridge to fend off the dragons.

  9. When we got to Vaughtry, I was expecting to see him feasting on sin eater. Not the PG way he is in the game, but that he had grabbed one of the female sin eaters and was eating her stomach or something to really match with the horror of the whole thing.

  10. Just FYI, the imagery used for the Source and the 13 shards in both the Exarch's and Emet's power points is not indicative of how it actually looks. While I am unsure exactly how to explain this, the simplest (yet still confusing) one is that the Source and the Shards are in the same physical space but in different dimensions that are separate from everything else in space. It's part of why the First has no equivalent to Midgardsormr, the Great Wyrms or their broods (as Middy was only able to reach the Source).

  11. the way i understood it was that the sundering applied to like the entire solar system, and that it was more akin to alternate realities rather than the sundered worlds existing in the same spacetime, like overlapping tapestries, so it was my impression that each reflection had its own moon rather than sharing the same singular one (this also didn't include Dalamud for me since it was a creation of the Allagan Empire in the source to contain Bahamut)

  12. Okay this video is hilarious, there's so many theories and some of them are somehow both incredibly close while being extremely far away and i can't wait to see the next livestream

  13. I thought it was fairly obvious the Heavensward echo was in the future. The Count's book was there, people talked about the book like they grew up reading the stories in it, and the events that were happening were things we know hadn't happened yet.

  14. This is entirely an aside but while your view count steadily rises, I just want to appreciate the insane amount of engagement your videos have. Hundreds of comments, consistently, every video is really something to be proud of and quite rare as far as XIV content on youtube goes. And it's only increasing.

  15. You should probably start a conspiracy theory wall of theories with the events and their connections, arranged and re-arranged. Maybe it'll eventually start to make sense?

  16. I think you missed something. They know that right now you are presently engaged but not the details. Esteinen is filling in for you while gone. I forget where the dialouge occurs but you've passed it at this point.

  17. Honestly, I think for how long it’s taken you guys to play through the game, that no ending is going to satisfy the overhyping that the game has got from the community. Evidenced by countless streamers and player opinions who let the hype get to them.

    When we played it on release there were no expectations. This is where I think the community faulters. Hyping it up has ruined many peoples enjoyment because people can’t keep it in their pants.


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