The Worst Take on Reddit about Gearing and Raiding in FFXIV

Xeno Rants about a Reddit post about how the gearing system and progression should be in Final Fantasy 14 , written by a poster who does not do Ultimate Raids. Tell me you don’t play Final Fantasy XIV without telling me you don’t play Final Fantasy XIV.

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Channel Editor: Leo Coman (Discord: leo.coman)

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41 thoughts on “The Worst Take on Reddit about Gearing and Raiding in FFXIV”

  1. You know this is a braindead shit take when the post doesn't exist anymore. Wish I could've seen how far in the negatives it was before the OP shat themselves and backpaddled.

  2. Anyone that says increasing the tome cap being bad is completely delusional. I capped tomes every patch this expac, and if I bought a second tome weapon I physically couldn't get BiS on every job before the next savage tier (2 patch cycles btw) because the tome cap prevented me, and I'm not an ultimate raider, so just imagine how much worse it would be for someone who did, when they have half the time period to gear jobs to BiS just to even enter

  3. Personally, I just hate how gearing feels in this game. Every major patch, the current gear is scrapped and we get a new iL cap but like, you don't actually get stronger 😂 it all feels kinda pointless so I stopped stressing about gear long ago but it is still rlly annoying that the cap is only 450. I play all roles and most classes and gearing just ONE class is hell

  4. Party finder is in a really bad place specifically because of exactly what Xeno says in this video. 1 Lack of midcore content pushing midcore players in to harder content that they lack the ability, time and dedication for and 2. Poor fight design that pushes players to cheat. Party finder is a disaster right now in my opinion.

  5. Ah yes, there are the same number of Roles since ARR… Because you can absolutely play RDM with a full Speed set from BLM. Because all the healers want the exact same substats. Full fucking Clown Mode.

  6. What an absolute candy man. He clearly only plays one job. Why would anyone not want to gear more jobs. I like playing at least 8 of the jobs and gearing each of them is miserable with the 450 cap. For years I put up with it but this expansion I just decided enough was enough and once I capped my main I never capped again. What's the point waiting 5+ weeks to get gear for one job. I could be dead in 5 weeks. I'm logging in to have fun now, not in 5 weeks.

  7. The Gear Reward System is something I dislike.. I mean why does the Savage Fight only reward one chest if 1 of the 8ppl is new? why isn't it just like the other weekly lockouts?
    But then again, FFXIV's Samurai Gameplay is so shit, that I don't give a crap about Raiding because Samurai already has been reduced to spamming Shinten like a Bitch.

  8. As a casual myself, here what i usually do in a day-to-day basis, clear roulette, clear Normal Raid for alt gear on resets, and find aome inspiration for glam. But post EW is really not much to do beside that, cause island sanctuary don't offer much interaction other then setup routine or sometimes got around to gather for next sets of routine. VC just went stale after a few days and rewards take ages plus I dont have friend to do hard or savage version. So not much else i can do now. A bozja definitely would help, maybe some fishing content like netfishing or the Mahjong Championship!

  9. I think the current gearing setup is fine for the first 8 weeks of prog. This allow HC and competant MC groups to progress and complete the tier in the "maximum" timeframe and get their first BIS.
    After that, they should make it easier. Double the tome drops for raids with 4+ new players who have never cleared the fight before, and drop an extra coffer, and replace the 1-per-week limit with a 1-per-week, per job class. This encourages people to go in multiple times a week on alternate jobs, help out newer players, and makes gearing faster.
    Once the next patch hits, let criterion drop currency that can be exchanged for upgrade materials or tomes, and increase the weekly tome limit from 450 to 600.

  10. The only thing I particularly dislike about the gearing and raiding experience is the crafted gear. I think the game would be better without crafted gear. Doubling up on tomes and removing crafted gear would be a lot more enjoyable, not to mention FAR less of a gil sink. I think crafted gear not only vastly increases progression speed (because they're demonstrably not tuning most encounters around it, nor could/should they) but it feels pretty bad to know every tier you either need to grind materials and craft it yourself, or dump a bunch of gil and get it off the marketboard — or some combination of the two. For a lot of raiders, I've seen them purchase gil to bypass this requirement so it clearly encourages bad behavior on that part of things.

    Game's raiding was a lot more fun when you had to use a combination of tome gear and progression gear, so it felt like more progression every time you got a piece. I found myself not caring as much as the game has gone on, and also playing the game a lot less. It became some very streamlined experience of one expert a day and log out or spam experts in one day and not log in except to raid.

    Obviously, many people will disagree — they want their crafted gear, AND they want a raised tome cap. Raised tome cap on its own won't bring me back though. It gets exhausting participating in PF where everyone is expecting an instant clear because everything was first second cleared by a stacked team with full crafted gear and one of your DPS is not only not fantastic but also undergeared from the jump because you 100% need crafted gear to be able to participate. I've seen people leave and rage at each other and it just adds a lot more stress into something that should be enjoyable.

    I also believe the tome cap should be removed much more quickly than it is, if it even gets removed at all. By the end of say, the first month, month and a half that's catch up time for players or players to try other jobs. That should be for players to return and get moving, not spend time in weekly dungeons before they're able to come in to a raid because of the vast gear difference.

    Oh, and yes — tome upgrade items should be available much sooner as well. It's insane that it isn't. Also this guy actually praised relic weapon grind? Hoo boy.

  11. Personally I think we just put too much emphasis on high-end content in general. Yeah it's cool and the fights are cool, but no one's forcing you to do it. Lot of people are just peer pressuring themselves into doing stuff they probably don't want to do for whatever reason (wanting to stay in a static with friends, playing Keeping Up With The Joneses, etc.). It's part of why I never do PVP, I know I'm going to hate that content so I refuse to do it.

  12. It's impossible to gear your alts, the only gear you can put on them is the things you need for the casual content… it's a bullshit system, they punish the people who want to play with multiple jobs and the people who want to farm out the gear.

  13. Personally I wish there were more spaces like Gold Saucer. It's crazy how the singular place for completely leisurely fun party game stuff for 10 yrs has been one area from ARR.

  14. With recent videos like this my static agrees and came up with a lot of different ideas for gearing. Here are some of my personal hot takes.
    Raise tome cap to 1000.
    Daily roulettes do not have a daily cap for rewards. Spam roulettes to your hearts content.
    Role Raid Lockouts. Run the same savage fight multiple times a week. First is run normally. Anything after if you run it with a different job role get an extra book (max 5 per week).
    We also agreed about the alliance raid being raid equivalent. It would certainly shake up the bis gearing and add more theory crafting. This includes extremes.

  15. One thing that i would change to the weekly tomestone cap, the problem here is that if Ou dont cap it every week you will not get enough tomestones for every job. It takes how long ? 7 or 8 weeks to buy the bis items for only one job?

    So jnstead of a weekly cap , make it so you can get a maximum amount of tomestones that increases each week. Week 1 = 450, week 2 = 900 …. so players that just reachnlevel 90 can catch up by farming the same amount of tomestones fromm the weeks before.
    It only takes two days to get 450 anyway

  16. This is the 'sense of pride and accomplishment' argument in another form.

    'I think the feeling of progression should trump the ability to enter a super high-end fight'

    -So it's more important to feel like you're progressing than it is to streamline the gearing process to enter the high-end fights available for the people that want to? For people trying to be a flex pick (can be tank, DPS, or healer), even with just three jobs to gear for that fight takes a while due to tomestone weekly caps – players are already grinding tomestones from the same few endgame dungeons and raids to do that – over the course of the patch. People don't want to 'hurry up and wait,' especially in a game that encourages you to try other jobs and job roles. And those jobs so far get increased by two (excluding BLU) every expansion. Something's gotta give.

  17. Id say im all in for faster gearing for everyone. All they had to do is release the tome cap and everyone can get their gear at their own pace. Also why not they can contribute more means to obtain other gear for midcore content to end game content. Reward changes for Bozja and Eureka content as example. Can be many mediums of grind to keep the content alive in many ways even on pvp. Its all about creativity

  18. Even midcore players like seeing big numbers and faster clear times, man. Why is that guy so against efficiency? I want to finish gearing my jobs already so I can go work on other stuff. My fishing log looking sad af rn, and I haven't even finished decorating my house yet. 😅

  19. the writer of that post definitely just clears the tier by doing 4 hours a week, clearing a million weeks into the tier and thinking his experience is representative of actual 'raiding'. People need to start realising after week 4 the tier's dmg checks are non-existant and the actual raiding and challenge comes from playing in those first 4 weeks, maybe even shorter than that. He sounds like some people in my fc who act like they know all without ever clearing fights week one. I would love for them to try clear a 3rd even 4th floor week one, and see how miserable the dmg check is. Would be the perfect reality check for casual andies.

  20. I'm not good enough at the game to ever get BIS, but I'll always want gearing to be as easy as possible for others that are. The caps are incredibly low, and that should absolutely change.

  21. i started the savage tier late this last patch because its the last one and the bis doesnt matter for anything aside from criterion or ex which the rewards dont interest me, i cleared 9 to 11 4 weeks in a row without LOOT only books. and im going to my week 5 in a row without loot today lets go

  22. The reddit poster is kinda correct. You really don't need BIS to enjoy FFXIV. You can always want BIS but never need it. I feel like mod core is relative. Some people might feel like extreme is Mid core or such. But it's really depends on what is easy in the game as a Individual or so

  23. Unlocking savage does nothing, why do people keep repeating it. The biggest gate for almost everybody who's interested in raiding isn't even the raidgear(besides weapons maybe). God you can probably now get your missing piece from 9-11 for free or like a 500k each mercrun. Ppl have more than enough of that.
    But getting another 2k tomes for BiS for a 2nd job is just disgusting. On healer I'm missing over 500crit when I'm fully raidgear without tomes. Some jobs like Healers, Tanks, Nin get absolutely wrecked by missing tomegear
    And farming tomes for another 2 months to finally be able to play healer or tank or w/e at the level I'd like to is just way too long. The main reason to stop playing for me is not being able to get BiS due to restricted tomes. The timeframe is just way overdone

  24. Too many braindead NSFW mod junkies and it shows with how bad PF has been performing this expansion. I just quit savage raiding entirely until next tier because my sanity can't handle wiping to a basic mech. Even the unreal fights have been such a time sink due to pf's coddling towards mediocrity.

  25. I stopped raiding after I disgraced and out-parsed a guy I apparently shouldn't have because my rotation was hella different than his and wasn't optimal. Sheesh raiders are different today. 😂

  26. One thing I find insanely annoying apart from raid loot lockout is the fact that you have to do all fights in order or you forfit loot. Why can't I do p12s on tuesday with my static (which doesnt care about p9 10 11s and then do 9 10 11 later on my own over the week? What is the point of forcing the order?
    And another thing, I lost one p11s book, somehow? Maybe full inventory. But lemme ask you this: Why are there books to begin with? Why don't I just get +1 to the book from the turn I clear and it is shown under currencies?
    We dont have all our capped and uncapped tomes in our inventory, neither do we have to carry around all beast tribe and grafter, gatherer scrips with us. Also we dont carry around mounts with us in the inventory to use. So why are my retainer full of pages, full of totems, tomes, books, trade in drops, etc. ?? What is this bunch of trash collecting? Make a "Raid" tab under currencies and put the books and totems in there ffs.


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