The Weapons Refrain: Ultimate | Walkthrough / Guide – FFXIV

Written guide by Clees:

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00:00 Intro and Markers
1:14 Garuda
12:33 Ifrit
22:22 Titan
30:38 Intermission
32:08 Ultima
33:50 Ultimate Predation
38:25 Active Phase 1
42:35 Ultimate Annihilation
48:35 Active Phase 2
50:54 Ultimate Suppression
57:04 Aetheric Boom
58:28 Primal Roulette


22 thoughts on “The Weapons Refrain: Ultimate | Walkthrough / Guide – FFXIV”

  1. Ah, my first Ultimate. Still my favorite, might be nostalgia. Loved the pacing, the music and the mechanics. Despite it being the easiest of the three.

    Anyway, gg on the guide. Keep em coming.

  2. Even tho ive done every single savage raids without echos, these ultimate fights looks so hard that i really dont have time to practice as much as needed to clear the fights..and peeps are saying this is the easiest ultimate fight so i really dont wanna even look out the other ultimates cuz this looks so hard that normal players never gonna beat this fight…but anyway thanks for the guide again Ilya👍🏻 i hope this helps some groups that are trying to beat this

  3. Is that late wake on garuda really a bug? I always thought it was intended to make it easier for players to awake Garuda on a blind run unitentionally (at the time nobody was expecting a fight with a "puzzle")

  4. While most the guide is masterfully explained, I believe the Friction mechanic in the beggining was not much so. It's hard to intuit by it that:

    1. All players need to be hit by both Friction casts;
    2. Off Tank, Healers, Ranged DPSs stay inside the Gigastorm | Melee DPSs, Main Tank stay out;
    3. OT cleanses his 2 thermal low stacks first;
    4. OT, Healers and Rangeds immediately cleanse the stack they acquired by the 1st Friction cast | MT, Melees keep their 1 stack;
    5. OT, Healers and Rangeds leave the Gigastorm and stack with MT, Melees;
    6. OT Healers and Rangeds get 1 stack from 2nd Friction cast | MT, Melees get 1 more stack from 2nd Friction, standing now with 2 stacks;
    7. Each Melee DPS will get into the Gigastorm one at a time to cleanse their 2 stacks, while leaving room for healers to heal their cleansing.

    I feel like 1 and 4 and 6 especially are not very clear in the explanation. Outside of that, this is an outstanding guide, the best I've found so far.

  5. Thanks for this video! Been wanting to get my feet wet with Ultimate for a while. This video was helpful and I feel comfortable with looking for a team now to start prog!

  6. Good guide, but I am afraid that one thing is left unexplained. How do you decide WHERE to position yourself, (like which intercardinal to go to) after killing nails? And how do you decide on which cardinal to start, before moving clockwise to dodge the 4 crimson cyclones?

    I assume that you always place yourself 150 degrees clockwise from the nail you kill first so that you can go to the first dash by moving clockwise if you do the reserve Z kill order, but I'd like a hard confirm, considering I can't find any other good guides, and most kills do not do Reverse Z like you do Ilya.

    Finally, does the crossfire happen always after the 4rth dash? Ifrit in your footage charged 3rd, but his afterburner happened after 4rth.

    A closing note: I feel like this guide was made a bit 'rushed' compared to UCOB, feels like you explain some mechanics a bit too much, while important mechanics like these are left up to the intepretetion of the viewer for some reason.


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