The Truth about FFXIV Dawntrail

Dawntrail is the next latest and greatest in the Final Fantasy XIV saga, but how is it truly shaping up? FFXIV is celebrating its 10th year anniversary, with Dawntrail marking a MOMENTOUS MOMENT with an entirely new adventure with a level 100 cap. The next FFXIV expansion launches with an incredible amount of new content: graphics overhaul, Viper and Pictomancer as two new classes, eventually Beastmaster, new Final Fantasy XI based raids from FFXI’s very own Shadowlord as titled “Echoes of Vana’diel”, a ton of side content including new crafting and gathering questlines and much more!

But will it be any good? Why did I initially not feel as hype for this great expansion? Taking a deep dive I explore the disconnect between Endwalker post-patch and the Dawntrail prepatch and where they diverge.
Things are shaping up, and I hope it’s all for the better (I’m going to play all of it as per usual.)

This is The Truth about FFXIV Dawntrail.

#ffxiv #finalfantasy #dawntrail

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25 thoughts on “The Truth about FFXIV Dawntrail”

  1. Yup been at it since ARR another 2 year expansion with the same exact shit on a different coat of paint. Yoshi P said theyd make it into an MMO not a single player gamr … and then hes homogenized tanks in action trailer….. got lazy with summoner… etc. Bunch of shit. But newbie gen zs will buy it!!!

  2. Been playing since SB but played the beta of ARR but this game has always pulled me on as I am a fanboy for FF but I am excited for this regardless. The fact they have so much more content planned is astounding. Will I like it? Probably but idk some people are just unpleaseable I guess 😮

  3. I think part of it is because you love FF4. I don't, and genuinely didn't like the Endwalker patch MSQ. I was SOO happy in the 6.55 MSQ that we FINALLY are moving on from boring FF4 rip-off filler quest. (Yes, I know it will most likely be revisited in a later expac, maybe I'll enjoy it then)

  4. The story may not hype me as much as shb-6.0, but the content offerings surely does and I hope they stick the landing. Field operations, variant & criterion (hope they fixed the reward structure), cosmic exploration (ishgard restoration-esque), deep dungeon, beastmaster.. it's shaping up to be the most content dense expansion since stormblood.

  5. I like your perspective! You're positive.

    I get sick and tired of people always measuring things by their worst characteristics, especially when they're just subjective things. Like, hello? Hundreds of people spent years of their lives to make you something they felt was awesome? Why the disrespect? It doesn't make you sound cool, it doesn't make people want to agree with you just because you're "passionate", it makes you a complainer. And no one actually likes complainers. Acknowledge the good with the bad.

    Rant over. Did like the video, though.

  6. I dunno, I mean, I thought the trailer was good. Show off the two classes, show off the new race, and some of the areas we'll be going to and the general theme of the expansion. Seems like they did all a trailer really needed to do. In fact, ShB's and EW's trailers had misleading information (the voice lines in ShB's trailer being spoken by a gremlin were actually said by Emet-Selch, while the "Paladin WoL saves Alisaie's life in a lush green battlefield is actually G'raha doing it in the snows of Garlemald") that I felt was kinda 'meh'. They didn't need to be cryptic with DT, they just needed to give you an idea of what the expansion's theme is, and some of the features you might see within it.

  7. I think the game's just hit the point where it's found a solid formula and will simply build on that. We're used to big, sweeping changes in either a new kind of content or a new job doing something different from the rest, but DT has been set up to not have to do that. And that's not a bad thing, although I do think a lot of people will be ready to scrutinize it after the community's general consensus with EW.

  8. Honestly im for this being a more down to earth expansion. we just saved the world, I think we deserve a vacation. its like the beach episode that happens after all the grand drama happened. if the world was in danger every expansion then it would get stale and boring. we need the more low key adventures to space out the grand world saving

  9. Honestly, even though the devs said it'd be a new adventure, I cant see how it'll completely disconnect from everything that's happened. To many loose ends.

    Given how the post EW msq dealt with the void amd "fixing" that world, I think that lays the initial idea that going forward, we might be more or less start working towards un f+++ing the other reflections. That or the fact that someone on the new world wants to rule so they can invade Eorzea now that Garlemald is defeated, there is a similar parallel with hydaelan and Zodiark gone creating a power vacuum for some external aggressor to try and take control.

    Who knows, frankly. While i do want something fresh, I am going to be annoyed if DT behaves like the world almost ending was just a cloudy teusday and no big deal.

  10. I do love, with how dark and depressing the last couple of expacs were, we get something fairly light and bubbly. I loved the Zero storyline, but I'm also happy they listened with how much we loved best bunny boi. To go along with our bestest cat boi from the side story. Maybe Zero will be main crew after Dawntrail; perhaps even during. The Scions need some new members afterall. Expecially since a certain someone went back on his promises (at least apparently) AGAIN… Like… MY DUDE… COME ON… lol

  11. The problem is that we have nothing to grab onto for this expansion. Usually the post expansions do a good job of building up context for the next chapter but that didn’t happen this time. The fact that it’s a totally new story didn’t help either. I’m looking forward to the story but I’m not head over heels like before.


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