Next Location for 7.0 Revealed? – FFXIV Theory


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33 thoughts on “Next Location for 7.0 Revealed? – FFXIV Theory”

  1. I think you are missing an important part of the “meta lore” in this breakdown. ALOT of the story of ff14 has until now been a very long retelling of ff4. Right down to the dwindling party at the end of 6.0 and the visual style of of the wol job choices in ads. With us meeting golbez and zeros character design being a clear throwback to one of the main characters of ff5 I think we may be setting up the start to an epic ff5 homage.

  2. My prediction for 7.0 has always been Mericydia ever since Diamat returned there in 5.5, and for the jobs I think we will get Hammer wielding budhist monk style tank that Gosetsu will teach us and mammeteer using puppetmaster for Ranged DPS (with possibly using scout armor),
    Unlikely but thats what Im hoping XD

  3. I'm leaning toward while reinforcing our relationships with the Tribes, we learn that they, like us, have crude Aetherytes which they have connected with tribes on Merycidia. they Bring up the crude Aetherytes back in 2.0 and havent touched it since then because of our obviously strained relationship with the Tribes. That would be a good way to set up travel to Merycidia.

    Kobolds, Slyphs, Sahagin, Amaljaa and the Ixali. 5 tribes, 5 zones and the 6th probably being the starter Merycidia zone with the nontribe groups

  4. I got a feeling that the next climax expansion 10 years from now, we'll have the entire reflections fighting for their own lives. Perhaps even coming together with grown up Ryne as gunbreaker to take the mantle of deceased Thancred.

  5. Good video and thank you for addressing the relationship in room I know everybody loves our favourite cat lady but let's be honest the only reason she wants to create travel between worlds is to see her boyfriend

  6. 2 things I have questions about, not attacking just looking for clarity:

    1: I am pretty sure YoshiP said that the 6.X story would be self-contained, and that we would have an idea of where the expansion is going by 6.5. This leads me to think that all of this void stuff will be wrapped up by then, and that it is not an option for the MSQ going forward, but maybe something like a restoration story (maybe raid like eden, or maybe even field exploration like Eureka)

    2: Did Golbez specifically mention sending the voidsent to the Source? I thought he left it kind of vague and just mentioned sending them from the void to go feast on light and experience deaths embrace. If so, could this not also be The First? We have seen that fractures between the 2 exist through the 5.X role quest capstone, and it could be a means to bring our friends back to The First to fight against a void invasion there.

  7. Maybe I'm crazy, but I want a Gridania themed expac, with maybe New World on the side because we need to travel there to figure out something relating to the elementals? They could have a mix of new areas from Eorzea + the NW.

  8. I doubt Golbaz want invade The Source, To bring balance to 13th his target must be the 1st.


    He want to process calamities on 13th for rejoining his reflection to end his suffering. If He truely eat aether from Zodiark fragment, that aether must effect his personality to want salvation, to rejoining like nature of the voidsent.

    And 7.0 I guess It's about The Void and Meracydia and 1st. Talk about return the balance Why the hell I think Warring Triad will be big thing in next expansion.

  9. I feel like we always get a strong clue as to where we're going for each expansion, but then they find some way to twist it or make it way more than we expected, so I think Meracydia is a strong guess, especially if it includes Corvos.

  10. I agree that Meracydia seems the most likely option, but I don't know that I share your ironclad confidence in it. I think there's a different swerve they could give us, in order to allow Meracydia to grow in importance across the next expansion.

    That is: "Former Garlemald" expansion.

    You already recognized that Corvos/Locus Amoenus (that's "ah-mee-nus," Latin is weird about oe/ae as vowels) would make a great deal of sense as a port of call. But there are other parts of Ilsabard and Othard that could serve too, which have been gently referenced without getting fanfare.

    Corvos would provide both our first capital city and the opening zone (likely the Crystarium/Sharlayan equivalent.) Things would proceed north and east from there. Northward would go to "outer"/"former" Garlemald: Nhalmasque (the very first nation conquered by Garlemald) and/or Landis (an early conquest, homeland of Noah van Galbranth), then the Knowing Sea, and finally the Dalvalan Grath. Eastward would scoop up Dalmasca Inferior (Greylic's Bend for the western half, Golmore Jungle for the eastern half) and Nagxia, with Valnain acting as the second capital (and, likely, the Eulmore/Radz-at-Han equivalent.) That's six solid zones, all of which have some amount of foreshadowing, though much of it is rooted in the Bozja content that not everyone has done.

    If I had to rank my confidence in the four most plausible expansion locations, it would be as follows.
    Meracydia: 45%
    "Former Garlemald": 25%
    New World: 20%
    The Void: 10%

    I don't think anywhere else makes sense at this time. As you say, we've done a ton of adventuring outside of Etheirys, and have just been given a LOT of reasons to stay focused on it. So I think the Void is plausible but unlikely at this time, but has a strong chance of being an expansion later on (perhaps 8.0.) The New World is big enough to merit an expansion all on its own, and while some seeds have been planted, it's all pretty soft-touch, high-concept stuff. "Former Garlemald" isn't as solid as Meracydia, but we've (technically) gotten an actual cutscene set in Valnain (meaning they know what they want the city/region to look like), we've had several hooks noting that there's more to know about these places/friends and allies we've worked with who might reasonably ask for our help in the future (including someone claimed to be Princess Ashe), and we're ripe for a plotline about how to re-build a culture that's been buried/erased (vs. the current "discover a new purpose because our old cultural purpose was evil" plotline of Garlemald proper.)

    Meracydia remains by far the most plausible option, and has gotten a lot of build-up. Further, a "Former Garlemald" expansion could be being set up now for payoff in 8.0 just as hints about Meracydia began dropping in the patches for Shadowbringers, 1.5-2 expansions later. I'm just not supremely confident that that's the only realistic option.

  11. OK SO.
    I agree with you. Meracydia is VEEEERY likely. But instead of centering the whole expansion on the one continent, it could be a mix of Meracydia, the void and either corvos or the new world (I want to see what became of the G-tribe too)!!!

  12. I wouldn't mind Myricedia to be the main landmass we explore in 7.0. Out of all the current job classes that could be the main job for WoL that place, I think Summoner will be it. Since Summoner has such an intertwined history with Myricedia; only coming about in the first place as one of many results to combat that land's primal nuisance. 🙂

  13. I have to chuckle a little because literally every point you've made is stuff that I've been saying for months. At this point I think I'd be more shocked if 7.0 wasn't a Meracydia expansion xD

  14. The one thing I'm still thinking is that 7.0 is supposed to be like a new start since the story of ARR ended.
    So to me, 7.0 absolutely needs to be larger than any expansion so far.
    Even though a normal expansion generally has the ability the establish the lore of that expansion and the characters within it, it just feels weird that we are going to a new start and it's only 6 areas worth of content. And if only 3 of those are in the new continent, it's going to feel lack luster of an experience.
    I would much rather wait a bit longer for the expansion if it meant they built a fully fledged world in the new continent and not just a couple of zones.

  15. They said Krile will play a major role and AFAIK that there will be a big event leading up to 7.0. I doubt it will be cataclysmic because we already had one end of the world. Zero and void story still didn't connect to Krile. Does she or Students of Baldesion have connections with Meracydia or void topics? She may be the next go-to NPC when we will want to go back to void as we already engaged with most of the scions but now she is still main NPC for the Alliance Raid. 6.5 will see the final Alliance Raid and after which the 12 will likely "go away" (die, return to the star or whatever) which likely will have consequences that can lead to 7.0.

    IMHO they will likely come up with something unexpected. Like they don't like things just for the sake of having them (like say rebuilding Garlemald).

  16. I don't have anything wrong with golbez being a fragment of Azem. Feel like he wants to die to no longer suffer the thirteenth and probably weight of failure to save it if he's Azems reflection. Then again I don't mind if it's anyone else either, or no one important really. Who knows.


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