The True Turning Point of FFXIV – Patch 3.4 Retrospective

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29 thoughts on “The True Turning Point of FFXIV – Patch 3.4 Retrospective”

  1. This is the patch i decided to give Ffxiv a chance… and i do not regret it. It was then a good decision to return on this point. 🙂 i came here around 3.45 almost at the start of far edge of fate :3

  2. Wasn't this also the patch of cooldowns resetting on death? That was such a massive improvement for raiders. Instead of having to wait for everyone's 2/3 minute skills to all reset (or god forbid tank invulns like Hallowed Ground) you could just get right back into the raid. So much wasted time just eliminated.

  3. It was shortly before this at 3.38 that I 1st tried and got into 14 with the at the time 14 day free trial. My oldest screenshot on Steam is dated August 24th 2016 (so 7 years old this coming Thursday) that shows me as a Level 13 Archer (Later switched to Conjurer and became a healer main with WHM & SGE being the only jobs I have at 90)

  4. Haps forgot to mention one of the biggest QoL we got this patch: COOLDOWN RESET ON WIPES

    We used to wait oGCDs to reset or come up with alternate openers and mitigations when various tools weren’t ready.

    This shaved off so much down time between Raid pulls.

  5. Apartments are very important in my opinion, especially if utilized right. Even if you have a Private Home and a FC House, Get An Apartment! The apartment can be in a different district (My Apt is Empyreum, my Private House is Shirogane, my FC House is Lavender Beds), thus giving you a cheap teleport point, at 1/4 the cost of the connected city. If, like me, you use gil for teleports at low-cost distances to save tickets for long range, this can save tickets when jumping from the Shroud to Kugane, just by hopping to that Shirogane Apt and exiting the housing district for low gil cost!
    Not only that, but if your FC and Private Home are small, this can give you extra indoor space for anything. Small house that you decorated but you want a large aquarium that doesn't fit? Toss it to your apartment! A family member of mine uses her apartment as a 'toy display', filled with all the stuffed animals and statues on tables.
    I know some few FCs don't keep a chocobo stable (if very themed designed). With an Apt, you have access to one there!
    Lastly, the apartment comes with it's own storage for indoor furnishings. Not only can you use your private FC room's storage, you now have the Apt's too!
    Finally, and this is big. Apartments are NEVER subject to Auto-Demolition. The only way to lose your apartment–is to voluntarily leave it.

  6. Its wild that by curing Gabu's tempering in shb Alisaie made such a big discovery and the game almost immediately push it to the side

    Yes endwalker msq happened but still….. ITS CURE FOR TEMPERING

    Yes initially it was porxies but still(just realized i said but still twice lol)

  7. This was the patch that truly started the "Balance or Bust" mindset and who could blame people, it was a 20% damage buff for 30s on anyone which you could make 10% damage buff for 30s for the entire party, this was single handedly the worst change to any healer pre Shadowbringers, it killed any sense of healer balance, it was actually decent to go double Ast for healers in savage. The fact it took until patch 4.05 to lower balance is so silly.

  8. I still want to see Squadrons expanded on in the future. I wanna be able to take a squaddie out into the world and use them in place of a chocobo companion, or something. Would give a reason to actually glam them.

  9. I came back to the game after a year break around this time, and seeing the trailer for this got me really excited. I was still working my way through 3.x though but it was still a super good feeling

  10. I'm not a raider, but I agree 3.4 was the turning point for me also. The MSQ in this patch was my favorite even back then, and even more so with what happened in Shadowbringers. I loved the way it incorporated Titan Hard mode for example, and also the live letter beforehand finally got me to do Coil because we were promised additional dialogue if you'd done it. I'd been playing the game off and on since beta, but i think this was the patch where XIV finally became "my game" and i became a lot less casual about it.

  11. this was the first patch released in which I was actively playing the game at the time, I dropped off for a bit after playing around the 3.1 period. it was aroudn this point when I started playing ff14 more regularly.

  12. Honestly, I still barely use the double cross hotbar, even to this day. Just the need to double press the trigger feels not responsive enough to be used on the regular. I tend to use it for non combat things, or set and forget things. Things like tank stance, Kardia, sprint, teleport, return, etc.

  13. I've spent a very very long time playing FF14, and this patch had one of my favorite community moments of all time.

    Sophia's song (Equilibrium) was a huge hit at the time, and I remember a bunch of Reddit threads trying to piece together the lyrics and to understand the story the song was trying to tell. It was such an amazing time as a community.

    Actually, the official lyrics for the song ended up being a bit of a letdown compared to what the community came up with.

    Also, genuinely surprised Happy didn't mention the cooldown reset this patch. That. Was. HUGE.

  14. Oh boy! 6.4 was the patch that I started playing FF14. So all of this was in the game when I started playing. Looking forward to the next retrospective, where I started experiencing the patches as they happened.


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