The Transition From #WoW to #FFXIV | Final Fantasy XIV

Hello! I’m fairly new to #finalfantasy14 and I’m deciding to Chronicle my Departure from #WoW , My Transition to #FinalFantasyXIV , and my experiences through the game. I’d appreciate it if you would SUBSCRIBE and follow my TWITCH. If this kind of Content interests you, LIKE the video and COMMENT below.

“Trying to leave the world in a better shape than when I found it”

Sunday- 7PM-12AM CT
Tuesday- 8PM- 12AM CT
Friday- 7PM-?? CT


9 thoughts on “The Transition From #WoW to #FFXIV | Final Fantasy XIV”

  1. I play Wow for 14 years almost non stop until now than I totally quit to play it
    I try Final Fantasy XIV for 5 hours
    and I concluded is not worth a monthly fee subscription
    so now I'm looking for a game
    and my criteria is just one such is no monthly subscription

  2. I get it man, I started playing recently and I feel happy all the time just looking at how much better the community is also the art style and the armors resonate with me more than any other mmo , I'm on heavensward right now and all I feel is just straight happiness like I found something I was looking for the subscription is so worth it seeing that the coolest things in the game you can get them just for playing and not have to deal with the frustration of seeing the best cosmetics/mounts are on a cash shop I'm sure I have spent more money on gw2 for that reason only and in ffxiv I just wanna get to the endgame so I can get some crazy looking mounts and armor

  3. There was this one time I was waiting for a FATE boss to spawn for a relic quest requirement. I flew over there on my mount, and just floated over the spawn area for a min or so waiting. And i looked around a saw someone else floating in the air above me. so i flew up and faced them, and did a wave emote, and decided to strike a conversation and said "are you waiting for this relic quest boss to spawn, too?". He replied w/ "nope, mine is over there. but i think the one you're waiting for literally just despawned before you got here." and i was all, "awww man, dangit! i hope this isn't a long wait!". and we just hung around chatting about what we were doing in our own relic quests, until his FATE boss finally popped up. off he went, and we wished each other good luck. That was just one of many pleasant random conversations i've had in the open world in my time w/ the game. i've had bad apples for sure, but the good experiences far outweigh the bad ones. I enjoy the good player interactions like this just as much as the game itself. 🙂

  4. SAME! 100%
    I have the exact same experience. Quit WoW switched to FF14 and I see all the things i've missed in WoW for years. I am so happy to just PLAY & have fun.
    There are people everywhere doing RPG stuff. I am free to do what I want to when I want to. I'm no prisoner of systems on top of systems with weekly chores. I just log on and decide what I WANT to do in that moment.


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