The Rudest City? | First Time FFXIV

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My first time playing Final Fantasy XIV! Edited and abridged for your convenience!

My life of adventuring continues! Riveting fetch quests! Snooty Merchants! And way, way, way too much eel pie. Like seriously. Why is this a thing?

Originally livestreamed on April 30, 2022. This was also my third ever livestream so uh, yeah. I got better. This is also the first video I’ve put real effort into editing beyond just cutting down highlights so I’m kinda proud of myself for that! I’m super excited to continue making these and continuing to improve them!

Episode was made from this stream:

This video was sponsored by Hello Fresh! Check out their awesome offer!
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Chat Guidelines:
1. Just Be A Good Human. I don’t want to have to make a big list of specific examples so please use common sense when chatting.
2. Keep it family friendly. No crude stuff. Swearing is ok.
3. Backseat gaming is encouraged here! I need all the help I can get. Thank you.
4. No spoilers. Don’t be that person.
5. I try not to interrupt dialogue and cutscenes but I will always read and/or respond to chat as quickly as I notice it come in.
6. Ask me anything! I’ve listed some example subjects in the “Who Am I?” section down below.
7. Criticism/Suggestions are welcome! If there’s something I can do to improve the stream or if there’s something you’d like me to do/try, let me know! You won’t hurt my feelings. I’m new and want to get better as fast I can.

Chat Commands! Try them out!
Be sure to suggest commands you want added!
– !lurk – random messages to let us know you won’t be chatting
– !collab – See who Grayson is playing with!
– !hug + user/etc – give someone or something a big hug!
– !pointless – ???
– !discord – link to join Allen’s Secret Server!
– !8ball – ask a question and the 8ball will answer!
– !love + user/etc. – find out how much you’re in love with someone or something!

What to Watch Next:

Check Out My Newest Video: Newbie Plays Terraria! –
26 Views – Mar 4, 2023

Check Out My Complete Playlist of FFXIV:

Check Out My Best FFXIV Moments:

My Socials:


Discord: Allen’s Secret Server


Who Am I?

Glad you asked! I’m Grayson Allen! I love all things paranormal, spooky, and just plain weird. I’m also into anime, manga and light novels. I used to live in Japan and can still speak Japanese. I love playing RPG’s and weird indie games but I’ll give anything a try at least once. I’m willing to talk about any of this stuff and more so feel free to ask questions!


5 thoughts on “The Rudest City? | First Time FFXIV”

  1. Welcome to Eorzea! I hope you have a good time here 😊. Main Story is very solo player friendly if you don’t feel like interacting with others yet ❤. I’m looking forward to more videos about your adventures 😊

  2. Thanks for stopping by! Please consider subscribing if you want to see more videos like this! I'm working to improve with each one and your support really means a lot to me! I'm always open to feedback as well! Thanks again and I hope you have a nice day!


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