The Rising Event made me WEEP | FFXIV

This event truly is the ultimate love letter to the Final Fantasy XIV player base and for the short time I have been playing it has always made me so emotional. What a beautiful message they have taken the time to say to us. I love this game and it’s team so, so much.


23 thoughts on “The Rising Event made me WEEP | FFXIV”

  1. The Rising event this year has felt more special to me than usual. It's my 7th anniversary being in the game since it was the same year my father passed. With Endwalker coming up it felt more important to me over how much time and emotion I've put into the game. I've gained and lost friends over that time as well as get married in-game (still together too!). Much has changed yet I'm still here awaiting the beginning of the end…..

  2. It never ceases to amaze me how much the team behind FFXIV values their player base, taking seemingly every opportunity to let us know. Sure, they're not perfect – no one is – but I doubt we'd be getting quite this level of appreciation from the guys at [Other Big MMORPG].

    Part of that is, of course, cultural differences between JP and NA but it feels like it runs deeper than that, like it's more personal for Yoshi-P, Koji Fox, Soken-san and everyone else. I'd like to think they enjoy putting out this game every bit as much as the players enjoy consuming it.

  3. Me: This event is gonna hit Bree in the feels
    5 mins later
    Me: Yes, yes it did…

    It also hit me in the feels too. I may have only started but I from previous mmorpg experiences, the anniversary events would always just be a bunch of small trinkets or stuff that didn't quite really feel special. Instead this small quest with not a single battle in sight really hit me. I wished that maybe I was there for the adventure through all its ups and downs but even then to have a thanks from the devs to the playerbase in such a personal manner was something that I don't think I've experienced before.

  4. How did I never notice you had the same hair as Momodi?! And I guess even most of your facial features? There's some minor differences if I look really closely but at a glance it's the same!

  5. The lily… that makes me think of Irises. Those were said to be planted along graves, to help guide the dead to heaven. 🙂
    Gahh what to say… since the very first rising, it made me cry too every time they do this. It's a huge way to say how much He and they care. They aren't just a part of the team who makes and develops the game, they're a part of this world we adventure in too. They love it just as much as we do. Gahh 😀

  6. You would have loved some of the older Rising events, especially the one leading up to Stormblood. I still enjoy them, but they're much smaller than they used to be. I'm guessing they're busy with Endwalker, and figuring out the server issue with so many new players, and with Yoshi-P doing double duty with FF16 as well

  7. The first Rising event had to have been the best event yet. They took you to a special workshop where all the developers had an NPC, artwork and drawing boards were all over the walls and you could talk to each one individually for a thank you . I think I still have it recorded somewhere I will have to post it on my Odysee channel at some point. The rising event is special and I love it, but the first one they did IMO is still the best.

  8. It was so crazy seeing reactions to this event from WoW refugees this year. I've been playing this game since it launched, so I've come to expect the yearly gesture of thanks from the dev team, but seeing them smiling ear to ear over something as simple as the producer of the game giving them a simple thanks is incredible.

  9. If you think this was rough I can only imagine what the one where you could speak to each of the leads would have done to you. Stay true to yourself and never apologize for getting emotional during things like this, because the XIV goes out of their way to make sure we have the best experience possible and they're hell-bent on making sure they're grateful for us 🙂

  10. Boy, time sure does fly. Apologies for the long comment ahead.

    I started playing this game back in 2013, a few years into college. I had heard of the game and how much trouble it was in during its 1.0 version. I remember hearing about plans to nuke it and start over. I've never been one to pay much attention to games in the MMO genre, but I think that, in retrospect, the fact that this game came out in PS3 is what put it on the radar for me. I liked FF games, I had a PS3, so it felt pretty accessible to me. I figured, hey, why not? So I signed up for and eventually entered the beta.

    FFXIV was the first MMO I ever played so damn near everything about the genre's conventions was new to me. Didn't even know what a tank was, or why my icon was blue and some other people had red and green icons haha. I kinda rushed through character creation and made a marauder in Limsa, did a few quests, a mixture of MSQ and sidequests, and just kinda got lost exploring. I remember being in awe at the different vistas as my mind tried to piece the different zones and how they connected to each other… I also remember being kinda frustrated when I realized I was stuck on an island and wouldn't be able to explore the other zones until later. This frustration was more so due to the fact that I had convinced my best friend to play the game with me but she started as a lancer in Gridania, and we couldn't meet until we'd at least gotten airship access. That is another thing I remember from the beta… Maybe it's just me, but getting to level 15 felt like it took… a WHILE, at least back in beta.

    I looked forward to every weekend, which is when the betas were held. One of my fondest memories in this game has definitely got to be standing in front of Sastasha and looking for a party to head into the dungeon. That is something I miss, to be honest. We didn't have Duty Finder at that stage of the beta so you had to sit your ass in front of the dungeon and hope you could get into a party. Anyways… I remember we tried going in with a full party the first time around… lol. Of course, we realized we couldn't, and basically had to split. I met a group of 2 DPS and a healer and we headed in. As I said before, I didn't know what the hell a tank was, but spamming overpower sure helped keep enemies glued to me haha. Anyways, after we finished the dungeon we added each other on PSN and promised to meet on next weekend's beta test. I made it a point to buy a wireless keyboard, cause chatting via the PS3, letter by letter, was a pain in the ass… Anyways, we kept going and playing through the beta. I remember how excited we were to get our chocobos at level 20… Unfortunately our little group started to drift apart when the full game was released. People moved to different companies or created new characters in different servers. Good thing was, my best friend (who had her reservations prior to beta) decided to keep playing the game with me, and she does to this day.

    This is already pretty long and yet I can't well express just what this game means to me. It's always been there, in the good times and the bad (especially these last few years). Even in instances when I was playing new games, I could always go back to FFXIV to level a new job or do something else. It has grown up with me.

    Nowadays, while I remain in a Free Company, and do still play with my best friend, real life has precluded the possibility of engaging in the game's social aspects over the years. When I first started playing, I was in college, and now, well, I've graduated from medical school and am currently participating in the 2022 match cycle, hoping to enter residency. With this in mind, Endwalker carries a special sense of finality for me, and yet it is not the End, of course, but more of "an ending to mark a new beginning" haha. I look forward to playing this game well into the future and to keep making memories of its world, its characters, story, and of course, its players… Whether or not you're reading this, I hope you do, too.

    Apologies once again for the long post. Have a great day!


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