Easy Savage Mount Farms | Unsynced Guide: Heavensward, Stormblood & Shadowbringers | FFXIV

8 really easy to obtain Savage mounts. 5 can be easily tackled solo! Here we run through getting all savage mounts from Heavensward to Shadowbringers. Including; The Burden of the Father, The Soul of the Creator, Deltascape v4.0, Sigmascape v4.0, Alphascape v4.0, Edens Gate Sepulture, Edens Verse Refulgence and Edens Promise Eternity. Enjoy!

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0:00 Intro
1:00 How to Unsync Content
1:33 Gobwalker / Burden of the Father
2:57 Arrhidaeus / Soul of the Creator
3:42 Alte Roite / Deltascape v4.0
6:44 Air Force / Sigmascape v4.0
9:25 Model O / Alphascape v4.0
12:48 Skyslipper / Edens Gate Sepulture
14:02 Ramuh / Edens Verse Refulgence
14:56 Eden / Edens Promise Eternity

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10 thoughts on “Easy Savage Mount Farms | Unsynced Guide: Heavensward, Stormblood & Shadowbringers | FFXIV”

  1. Pretty cool ngl and thx for the guide. ive managed to get all the mounts earlier this week with a full party though most of the participants also needed the mounts so it was a win win situation. good guide

  2. I easily cleared O8S as whm, how you handle the no healing debuff is you need to heal to full before that mechanic. If you do, the debuff lasts 4 seconds instead of 12 allowing you to heal soon enough to survive. You can also shield yourself with benison or divine caress, whether those are big enough I’m unsure of off-hand as I did it the intended way.


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