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8:47 that story is cap! Lmfao
I would be a mentor but I forget mechanics quicklyđ
I've personally had more negative interactions with mentors in dungeons than anywhere else. Many have outright quit after a single wipe or berated other players because they weren't playing their job properly. Many mentors seem to only be in it for the mount and if there was no reward for the .time you put in as a mentor, I'm quite sure the amount of mentors would plummet
The only thing I learned in the Novice Network was how to leave it. Everything else I figured out myself or already knew from a decade and a half of WoW. Lets just say that I wasn't very enthusiastic about being thrown in a chat group where people who had never played an MMO before went.
The NN is really bad… But I think the crown is useful to let sprouts know that I have played for some time, so if they have some questions about the game they can ask.
Wanna fix Mentors as a whole? Get rid of the mount achievement. That's literally the only reason anyone becomes a mentor really. Get rid of it and watch the toxicity drop lmao
Kinda wanna start playing again… Novice Network sounds like a chat I could laugh at for hours .
i think in order to be a mentor there needs to be higher barrier of becoming one like clearing a current raid tier or something cause so many mentors spew out so much misinformation its insane.
10:30 Yes none of you, Asmon and whoever shouldn't xD
A lot of mentors are ACTUALLY trying to help but all you guys are accomplishing is making them look bad when they just want to help because it became more of a meme than ever now being a mentor.
On the other hand the troll mentors/sprouts don't care and they will just keep on trolling :/
The only peeps in FFXIV that knows my cc info is the cute little Moogle in the mog station kekw
I was waiting for a group for the Tam Tara Deepcroft and when the dungeon began a healer was helping out a tank. Knew alot about what to do and said she was a Mentor, so It made me think the tank was in the Novice network. Had no problem with the dungeon.
i think the idea to give the mentor's a watering can as a symbol is beautiful
Yep it's like Barrens Chat, but if you have a question people are quick to answer. I'm a mentor, and yet I alway check NN first before going online if I have a question.
My only gripe is with how kicking someone from NN works.
On Cactuar, there is a guy that has a macro spams the N-word with max character limit multiple times. He'll hop on, spam the macro really quick then log out before anyone can kick him, then log back in a minute later and do it again. NN doesnt let you kick people when they're offline, so hes able to do that often. Don't know if he still does it, I managed to blacklist him once before he logged out.
âItâs probably Charlie. .. Fu**ing Charlieâ
Bringing back Chuck Norris jokes. If I could give this video 1 mil likes, I would… I mean who do you think I am, Chuck Norris?
Being serious, the reason why mentor chat sucks is because of the requirements of savage content. Now, I am not saying all Savage raiders are toxic assholes. But at least 70-80% of the mentors are not just casual and gaming is all they do. So you get a lot of elitist jerks that love to sniff their own farts.
NN was GREAT.. in Heavensward. After Stormblood came along it started going down hill
Agreed, I dont need mentor chat cause I watch zepla vids ^_^ Thanks for all the hard work!
I recently got my mentor crown and I have taken the stance of not imposing info on people unless they ask. I like being helpful, but mostly got it to give an experience boost to all my WoW friends who recently migrated over when we party. If a sprout ever messages me I do my best to help but after that I go back to my own business.
Brynhildr NN is pretty good. They get chatty so I adjusted my chat tab filters but they're friendly and helpful. Brynhildr is quite friendly overall.
Pretty sure my novice network should just be converted into a glamour linkshell.
Zepla as soon as you mention Pickle and show the pickle and hand motion my youtube gave me a warning stating that content was 18+ lmao
Little known fact the voice lines from Mt.Gulg was actually the voice actor just reading novice network eu
Oh, I heard Tonberry got the helpful burger king employees award. Good!
nice feet
I do think mentors having to earn a certain number of commends to keep their mentor status is a great idea and changing the icon from a crown would be fantastic.
I also think there should be a middle icon for ppl that aren't exactly sprouts but are still learning.
I definitely don't like seeing mentors in prae or castrum, in my experience they tend to push everyone to finish it as fast as possible without explaining things. In all honesty msq roulette is another issue, but it's what I've noticed.
If there was a chat where ppl who just want to be helpful and need help can join without getting any sort of crown or anything like that would be nice. I know I can help with some things, def not end game stuff but the lower level things and wouldn't mind answering questions.
Hello asmond
I can't stand how Mentors have been demonized. I want to wear my crown with pride and have people WANT to ask me questions. It's pathetic.
"Been in one, only German language there." Sounds like Shiva to me …
Now they're Just useless chit chat Networks. not helpfull.
Yeah it makes a lot of sense players would have to consistently earn their mentor status. I also think they should open it up for players who want to be helpful but have absolutely no intention of ever playing a healer.
Just play free trial until 3.55, you're immune to NN in free trial
I did not even know that novice network even existed….
I help out sprouts all the time on NN. Sure, the chat drifts and there are conversations that happen off topic but we drop all that when a sprout asks a question. Helping them comes first. We are also very watchful to ensure spoilers are kept to an absolute minimum, especially from anyone wearing a mentor crown. I'm honestly kinda shocked that the NN of other servers are this bad.
I did suggest a change to trade mentor status to reduce the amount of hammer crowns. Ishgard Restoration made it so easy to get trade mentor that a sprout can achieve it in less than a day. The amount of crafts and gathers needed to get the certification needs to be MUCH higher.