Welcome back to dumb Lalafell achievement hunting adventures in Final Fantasy XIV! This week we’re crafting. VERY EXCITING! This is obviously much more awesome than raiding or pvping or whatever it is the non-afk people do.
twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/ciderspider
twitter: https://twitter.com/CiderSpiderr
lalachievements: https://lalachievements.com/char/35184079/
Now this is the fun stuff
I bought both of my FC's airships, that's about the most I've dunked in-game ever. About 800k per piece averaged out, so I spent a nice 6.4M gil. Thank goodness I'm going to make it back with all that Dusk Leather and Company Tabards/Company Hats!
Maybe. I'm probably going to make more from grinding through Eureka to get three relic weapons lmao.
It's hard to tell without seeing their full names, but if the standing people in Famfrit had names like Weeb'cia or anything with Weeb in the name, then that person is actually mentally unstable – some of those look like them, but others might not be associated. If it is those bots, they are run by someone called Ava Ashley (used to go by Post something, idr). They are an ex convict who is a pedo and a massive racist. They used to fill the bios of their bots with slurs and spam shout chat with some really racist stuff. They would also go around hopping worlds telling people to send them cp in /say chat. It's nuts and they are one of the worst people in the game
The Jades just broke up fairly recently. Famfrit Limsa isn't the same without them 😢
Wow seriously, I bet Athena's shout of "TREMBLE!!!" is haunting your nightmares, Cider. Maybe you should take a week long break from FFXIV like I'm doing to recover. XD
Still, congrats on getting all the Alchemist achievements. Crafting is stupid expensive. 🙁
As someone who makes a large portion of my money selling shards, I salute you and others like you.
retainers can also fetch trillium bulbs…
I look forward to seeing where TRMEBLE! is each time.
For those attempting to do this in the future, Always try universalis. Edit: DON'T CALL ME OUT, DAMN IT!
It's funny, I just started doing the gathering achievement grind, so this video acted as inspiration. 🙂
Im on the free trial doing crafting log achievements and self gather, crystal shard farming and worst of all inventory. But one day I will have done it all solo.
You got me back to playing 14 by having me go after achievements. Today I Just crafted all of BSM's ARR items and turned in all of its ARR levequest so its pretty funny seeing you do crafting too. XD
oh snaps there's competition now! soooo it's come to this has it. alright let's TREMBLE~!
Your videos have kinda inspired me to start working on achievements for fun! I've been chipping at the crafting ones first since I had already been doing stuff for that anyway 🙂
I actually have a good answer for this question. I probably collectively spent a few million gil getting the achievements for getting fisher to level 90. I don't wanna fish. My fishing log is empty. I did it all with grand company deliveries.
Eww, Famfrit got worse somehow.
As someone who has bought gold in other games, hand grinded gold is mildly safer to buy. Cos if the bot farm you bought from gets got, the devs can usually see where the gold goes.
Most amount I've spent was in fact on the crafting log because not only do you need to do the regular crafted items but you also need to do all the furniture, and all the flower stuff that alchemist makes. There's a lot of special furniture that needs materials from airships, submarines, Eureka, retainer ventures, tribe quests, maps, and most notably a whole lot of stuff from Coils. Because the Coils crafting items are classified as "monster drops" instead of regular loot it means you either have to do Coils synched or spend literal millions on marketboard. The Hakutaku eyes from Eureka are also stupidly expensive.
Thankfully for HW onwards a lot of the more annoying stuff got moved to master recipes, so you don't need to worry about it. That's why those orchestra rolls didn't count, master recipes, tribe quests, ishgard restoration recipes, custom deliveries, dyes, side stuff like that doesn't get the check of completion so doesn't need to be done for achievements. Don't need to grind every extreme dozens of time for crafting materials.
“Is Crystal the only datacenter that gathers things?”
As an Aether resident I can confirm yes.
(Totally the economics of it, trust me).
As an Aether native the moment you said you said you were hoping for better prices I let out an involuntary laugh so loud I woke up my cat. I literally leveled my gatherers just to be able to supply my own crafts b/c the economy on Faerie is so borked, and the other worlds aren't much better.
i love that even with a very boring and uninteresting set of achievs you manage to make it entertaining and heck i even learned some stuff about the first iteration of doh relics!
my current little hobby is ocean fishing so i can't wait to see you tackle that too 😏
huh. that is my character right there. forgot i was afk with that werewolf outfit in limsa lol
Since you're doing
allof the achievements, you might want to keep in mind that you can use the Ishgard restoration expert crafts that you'll need to do ~500 of (for each crafter) to get a lot of progress on the 71-80 craft achievements.Not me ironically watching this video while crafting
I spent 30 million gil on win trading for Mahjong achievements.
the music only counts after you have used the item to add it to your thing, otherwise it is still an item
Is the Tremble a mod or edited in?
Cider making custom achievement icons lol.
5:34 – I commend the dedication to the bit for like a second, tops, of background audio that half the audience won't notice.
I've done a fair bit of crafting log completion, though I haven't done the "synthesize nine thousand boolsheets" grinds for most classes yet. Money isn't a concern, because I hit gil cap off crafting in HW/SB when the barrier to entry was substantially higher (and thus competition was much lower)… but holy shit the strain on your inventory is rough when crafting a lot of different low-level stuff. (I actually really enjoy log completion though… I do it even after the achievements are done. Monkey brain likes checking things off.)
8:34 – "because I'm too lazy in most cases to gather the items myself" – that's good! People talk like farming everything yourself is "efficient" – but man, if you spend 15 minutes gathering a few hundred dirt cheap items in the world, when you could've just spent 8k to get them on the market board, there's nothing efficient about that! Unless you put zero value on your own time and effort, the MB often is the most efficient way to go. (Of course, some people just LIKE to get their own mats, which is fair.)
9:08 – man, I'm not going to complain about the hordes of naked people in Limsa any more. Seeing it that dead just looks wrong.
12:55 – maybe they should add femroes to universalis
HEY! what's wrong with Primal?
Battle advice: Always Be Casting
Crafting advice: Always Be Lazy
Never been Truer words.
Yeaaaaah Hali is where true grifters get rich lol. We have no choice no one crafts or gathers in large numbers.
Dynamis overpriced cause no player base, go to Aether.
I absolutely love this series. It's become a religious watch for me <3
For some reason Exodus on Primal seems to be the crafting world among all the NA dc's? and the market board being super screwy is the greatest testament to that
Electrum Wristlets of Crafting. You need only one root input, the rings can be grabbed off the market cheaply, and if you desynth the results you get demimateria that sells relatively well on the market.
17:51 Recipe search looks for recipes that use that item as a component, not the recipe to make that item.
(Insert The More You Know star here.)
As a resident of Maduin… yeah… prices are all over the place.
"Materiel" (with an E) refers to equipment and supplies for a military-type operation. "Materials" (with an A) are just generic stuff. That's why the two tabs in the GC.
600k isn't that hard to get back
Farming elemental crystals and shards while working on getting the botany and mining achievements is how I've been passing the time the last couple months. Also how I've scraped up enough gil to bid on a medium house (and am now only ~10mil away from the cheapest large!).
This week in achievement hunting I knocked out 'Beast of Brewers Beacon', 'Feast of Famine', and some generic catch unique fish and big fish achievements. Also it was Margrat 120 items week or maybe I'm a week behind from taking vacation
The most I've spent on an achievement is around 8 million gill to craft all of my Splendorous tools. 99% of that was spent on materia. The amount of materia needed to penta-meld is excruciating. Plus, I was getting terrible RNG. I was losing 60-70 materia at a time. Not fun. But I got them all.
Actually, with the gil stuff: AFAIK, they claim it's ethically sourced… so it's not two crimes, just one!
As a Famfrit native, Fated replaced the Jades pretty quickly after the Jades disappeared. Heard the Jades came under fire for talking to some minors or something and dipped. 🤷♀ All I know is that Famfrit Limsa is something else. Haven't quite been to another world's Limsa that hits the same and Famfrit's.
Carpenter and alchemist crafter log. After doing all the normal crafts I was left with the furntiure and I could not be arsed to gather any more mats
QotD: I spent over 10mil leveling all my crafters. I used the Ishgardian Restoration for all my gatherers, so I used all the mats from that to level my crafters, but I still needed items not obtained from that and I kinda gathered the highest star items when gathering from 80+ so I had to do normal crafting from 80+. I gathered what I could, but I bought anything that needed more Bicolor Gemstones than I had since I didn't want to farm fates.
Halicarnassus has some of the worst prices of any MB. Everything is so expensive here. I DC hop for most big purchases.
The being bad at math by just a few numbers is me everytime I make a plan with crafting
"Crafting one of every single item in the crafting log for every single crafter is not particularly difficult. It's just tedious and annoying." Oh, brother. You definitely hit the nail on the head, there. When I went through all of that crafting nonsense, I made it a point to not keep a tally of how much I spent on buying items from the Market, as I knew it would only make me sad. To be honest, I'm super glad that they don't make you craft Master Recipes for completion. A lot of those recipes really suck (from a cost/item standpoint.)
As a small heads up, there are more recipes beyond the "Level-based Recipes" on the first page that count for "crafting unique recipes." All the items under the "Housing" section on the "Special Recipes" page count for unique recipe completion, including all those "Grade 1 Wheel of…" recipes (specific to Alchemist). Also, as an "Alchemist only special," there are a bunch more recipes that count for completion that are cleverly "hidden." At the very bottom of the "Special Recipes" page for every crafter, there is an "Others" tab, (located below the "Sidequests" tab), that only lists Dyes, which do NOT count for completion. However, if you are looking at the list of Alchemist recipes, you will notice that there are 2 extra headers listed under "Others," Ornaments (1) and Ornaments (2). This is where you can make your own Corsages, that I'm sure you enjoy throwing away so much (among other things). And, yes, these recipes DO count for "crafting unique recipes." Enjoy! 😉