The PROBLEM With Streaming FFXIV

I lay out the reasons why I don’t stream FFXIV on twitch, and whether or not I ever will in the future.

0:00 I started as a streamer
4:00 streaming is bad marketing
5:51 having a genuine FFXIV experience
7:00 entertaining an audience vs playing a game
8:18 why do content creators stream?
9:21 chase two rabbits, catch neither
11:34 my goal is to entertain you
13:06 will I EVER stream?


12 thoughts on “The PROBLEM With Streaming FFXIV”

  1. It's hard to stream a game like ffxiv. Not impossible but you have to prepare for it. I wish it was bigger on twitch but the nature of ffxiv prevents it from doing so. I'll be happy with progress report videos on youtube.

  2. For me the problem is spoilers. I didn't really go on the internet for FF14 until after I caught up on the MSQ. Streamer mods have a full time job trying to snipe the unintentional spoilers. Preach says he streamed the game because he didn't think he would like it. Like if the game got boring he can at least have fun in stream.

  3. I don't think FFXIV Twitch (or FFXIV streaming culture for that matter) has really been built yet. There are a lot of good ideas out there but not a lot of people are innovating. Def wanna further this conversation for later because its something i've been thinking about for a long time now

  4. Wait, did I miss the problem with streaming FFXIV? I've watched it twice and I think he's saying that FFXIV is more of a personal experience or something, but he never explicitly said so.

  5. Honestly I just found this video from YouTube recommendations. You seem like such a genuine guy and I happen to play ffxiv sometimes. I’ll subscribe and look forward to what you create! 🙂

  6. I don't have the capacity to watch streamers all day. I have to stick with their highlights on YouTube. And I appreciate edited streamer content made for YouTube specifically, because there's a lot of filler and junk that occurs in a stream…. a good editor takes out the bathroom breaks, the travel in a game, etc.

  7. Plenty of streamers have had quite a bit of success streaming FFXIV, you seem like the type that could stop (or even during boring parts) and eloquently give your thoughts on what is currently happening in the story, what your theories are for what is coming up and so on. Many of them read the dialogue so there isn't constant dead air, some even do voices.

    Pyromancer is a good example of this, he's very in to the lore and sometimes the minutes just tick by as he writes notes and it's basically dead air… but people still watch because he respects the game, its story and the community. You would be surprised how insanely good the story gets later on and the amount of people that would come along on your journey so they can get just a snippet of those original feelings they had on their original playthrough. It's live reaction content basically, and this community just eats it up.

    I think this really comes down to what YOU want. Continue to provide your thoughts in a very organized way with a wall that separates you from the FFXIV community, or break down that wall and become a part of it.

    A good example of a channel that is just starting to grow in to its own is Grinding Gear, those guys were doing a quality weekly FFXIV video, they then decided to dabble in streaming and they are just now getting the full blast FFXIV community, for better or worse. They seem to be having a good time with it at least, but I imagine their weekly videos will turn in to every 2 weeks and so on.

    Another thing to note, Grinding Gear started to build a small following on youtube and they streamed there as well, so that's always an option if you want to build your audience here and carry it over in to streaming.

    Either way I'll enjoy whatever you end up making, good luck dude.

  8. The way I always heard it was this. 'People don't want to watch FFXIV streams, because they're already busy PLAYING FFXIV.' Which is far cry from how other games tend to be. Which, is both a good and bad thing.

    Good because it means the game is active. Bad because Twitch is literally free publicity.

    Then again, another saying is 'You either quit in ARR or become a walking advertisement for FFIXV the critically acclaimed mmo-"… XD


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