I did it for Endwalker, I’m doing it for Dawntrail… my 2 problems with the expansion, talked in a bit more of a light hearted manner, just to have some fun really but also offer feedback!
0:00 Intro
1:10 Content Schedule
7:50 Job Design
19:40 Outro
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I dislike the msq, but im not one to swing a sign saying how much i hate it. Yes, i did savage cleared rather quickly and was put in a very bord state. Have the ultimate now to keep me tied up along with the 24 man savage.
The game need overhaul they keep recycling everything for more 10 years
bring back range stance like how it was in 3.0 having to dealing cast times to give up your free movement for 10-15%% dmg for all 3 jobs
it gives more casual player the option to not use stance to have free movement that would put Mch in the realm of a melee dps and they would have to bring back old wildfire that was able to crit and DH
I am constantly baffled by the criticism that the pace of content generation is slow….I have worked in a game studio and have tons of friends who do. Getting systems implemented in code, testing, using it to generate battle content like enouncters, feedback cycles, art, QA takes so much time. In 6 months you have gotten a raid tier (4 Normal + 4 Savage) with its own gear set, 3 normal trials + 3 ex trials (2 sets of weapons i.e. 42 unique weapons), 9 dungeons, so many new locations with unique NPCs, environments, and so much more. They are human beings. Look at your own content creation schedule. This 21 minute video must have taken you a couple of hours to make. Your guides for FRU (which are awesome BTW) must have taken longer. You know yourself how hard it is to constantly create new content that's: 1. liked by ur audience 2. able to compete with others. Everyone one has different needs as well. Please. Stop pulling on that string over and over again. They are trying their best within their means. If anyone here thinks differently, I encourage you to take up a job at a studio and see how it works. They are resuing assets to keep up and even that is criticized. I am honestly very tired of hearing this point in every damn video.
You play this game for hours on end with a dedicated group and are able to burn through it. Majority of players cant or don't do that. You finished the new ultimate in a week. I am still at P3 Enrage in week 4. Please. Just for once take up another point in the video.
Personally I am sick to death of the party finder. With the new chaotic alliance raid, i groaned seeing it would be in the raid finder. Yet another bullshit where we have to sit in party finder and idk…. craft…. for an hour until it fills. So tired of it.
do you want to get rid of job homogenization? Or have really good balance? Pick one.
So basically u say : go nolife to enjoy content. You, little casual who can only play perhaps 2h in a week stfu.
Lol picto complainers clearly dont see its 4th or 5th in r and adps….wtf yall talkin about? Mad that 1 fight is optinized for picto? Melle beat it, blm beats it. Its harder than ranged dps so yes it should do more damage.
I tend to be more of a lurker when it comes to YouTube videos, but the balancing issues currently in the game annoy me, so I felt I should at least offer my perspective.
I'm an omnicaster, but I've been playing a lot of RDM and SMN recently, particularly the former. I'm currently progging FRU on RDM. Nobody has been ballsy enough to straight up tell me to swap to PCT, but I've gotten a lot of passive aggressive comments and general antagonism about it. People have less patience for me fucking up mechanics. Every few pulls, the reminder to "pot because we don't have a pictomancer" (you should be potting on pull anyway). I can't find parties 75% of the time because they already have a caster or have PCT only locked for their caster slot. The horrible state of casters seems to have brought out the worst in PF I've seen for a while.
"They never nerf, just buff" is the dumbest cope that people spew. They circle jerk the FFXIV devs that can do no wrong… this is a huge example of this flawed ideal of "buffing never nerfing"…you make the ADPS jobs stronger, but at the same time, the RDPS jobs get a buff because of it. It's dumb. Buffing EVERY JOB because of ONE outlier is STUPID. It's caving in to baby manchildren players that can't handle nerfs. It's dumb. Get over it. Take the nerf. Would you rather stroke your favorite job at the expense of the health of the game? it's DUMB. JUST NERF PICTO. No other job needed adjustments that badly except for a few big ones like Samurai but that was more of a core mechanic thing. Now, instead of just ONE variable to deal with, they have nineteen. Brilliant. Peak incompetence.
This is a great video. I am loving Dawntrail, but I can't knock anyone who doesn't log in or just unsubbed. Even some of my friends who just raid are playing other games right now and not bothering with reclears. If I wasn't excited to raid, I wouldn't be online much right now either. I think the expansions need their relic weapon questlines in the x.15 patch at the very latest. It sucks that we won't be able to enter the field exploration zone until like almost summer 2025. My friends who won't even go into an EX trial regularly are straight up bored. People love quoting YoshiP about being able to play other games, but people who want to just play FFXIV and do something simple, fun, and new are just like 🧍
The saddest thing about balancing MCH is that it is literally just a potency per minute calculator issue.
If MCH puts out 10500 potency per minute in full uptime, if you increased the potency of some abilities and brought it up to 11200 potency per minute, it would fall around where DRG is in the middle of the DPS pack. Yes, there are some downtime factors and battery guage yada yada, but in general, MCH is extremely easy to tune by just adding potency to drill, anchor, chainsaw, third GCD, or their oGCDs.
Yet, it has not happened. Their "buff" was 2%, and MCH is still ass.
This means that they WANT mch to be ass, because the other alternative is to say the entire balancing is incomptent buffoons.
I get the story complaints (not a fan of what they did there either) and i am lucky that i started only a year ago so i have content and do some experts after my raiding party fell apart i stopped doing playing for awhile with the new raid i came back.
I am doing DRS regulary and enjoy that content alot i did level eureka you know doing "OLD" content and the Raid.
My fav DRS community is interested in chaotic so i made sure i am prepared as best as possible without savage.
NOW i have hopes for a nice chaotic prog till the new Fieldoperation.
And i must say i am lucky i have the older content otherwise i would have stopped playing.
The job guide are fair points but i am not a Raider so i can talk about that.
I am just happy they gave GNB and DRK some physical resistance to their MITs
Healing i can agree
Tanking well yeah it feels like all tanks soon will be a WAR in a different color
I mean old summoner sounded cool and new Summoner is Braindead…
But i am here since the end of EW and beginning of DT what do i know?!
I understand that PCT is really strong, but please don't touch it too much. I spent 90% of last expansion feeling like it would be better if I just brought in a third melee as a caster main. Even when I did feel appreciated, it was because I had to one-trick BLM because RDM and SMN were in such terrible states. Buff BLM to be the best again, take away from the utility ribbons, but please don't touch PCT's DPS too much.
With regards to the content releases taking as long as it does, it's another instance where if Square would invest even some of the money 14 generates back into the game instead of using it to make up for their other games that flop or fund shit nobody asked for like Foamstars, we could theoretically maybe have the team hire more people and either get content out faster or maybe have them develop smaller scale stuff to occupy us in between major patches. Like actual events that are more than just talking to like 3 NPC's and getting a reward
Dungeons have peaked, they are fantastic, i don't fall asleep anymore.
The savage raid tier was at a good difficulty for an entry level raid.
EX trials have been extremely fun.
FRU is at a good difficulty level to be fun and not a burnout like TOP.
Job balance.. is just shit, And i don't mean Picto… Look at MCH/BRD/DNC, the disparity between these jobs is horrible. The same thing with Tanks, If you aren't playing paladin why are you trolling?
Yes the story sucked, its half the game and was a disappointment.
The only thing they need to do is actually make content faster, with a game making ~$20-30m a month, they are totally capable of that. They just need the wake-up call from the playerbase that what we are currently getting, is absolutely ass.
Good points made, I would however suggest not being so dismissive over people hating msq, I get it you're sick of people telling you. Im sick of people complaining about pct but i understand its an issue. Rather than being dismissive you can freely say its not something you are bothered about that way you dont lower the value of your own critique.
I'm actually wanting you to make a Dark Knight rework discussion, where you go over what you think DOES work for Dark Knight currently and how it can be improved, and what DOESN'T work which requires an expansion level re-work that might somehow also requires a mid-expansion require if there is not enough time to implement all of the changes such a rework requires.
But other than that Leveling experience sucks because you're only allowed to start having WAY after level 50 and that is depending on the job, or can just do A Realm Reborn content only as a Samurai because ever since Kaiten got removed Samurai has lost a LOT of its burst damage, and I'm sick and tired of spamming Shinten and pretending it's Kenki "management" when it might as well be called the "don't overcap your Shinten" gauge…
Don't even get me started on Dragoons losing a jump skill because the developers set a VERY dangerous precedent going forward with Dragoon…
No way a MCH should out damage any melee. It’s in a bad spot where it’s at but the amount of work to play melee optimally compared to MCH is drastic.
"The" Problem… Lmao.
Dawntrail is filled with stupid shit, FFXIV will not get better, I'm moving on. The Japanese are just like any other humans in that they're creatures of habit, but when it comes to formulas? They rarely break it. Dawntrail and on is going to be terrible and the decline of XIV started with Endwalker. The community is similar to Destiny 2's community, the loudest people have no fucking idea what they want, what's good for the game or for themselves and THOSE are the people SE gets the most feedback from.