The Painful World of Expert Crafting – Getting Every Achievement in FFXIV #20

Wait a minute, this isn’t Minecraft. Oh, right. We’re back in Final Fantasy XIV with another scam- I mean, achievement hunting session! This week we’re taking a look at expert crafts and why Yoshi P is prejudiced against Lalafells.


47 thoughts on “The Painful World of Expert Crafting – Getting Every Achievement in FFXIV #20”

  1. Hehe remember when we had to attempt every single overmeld materia individually? I was by that MB grinding through 10mill gil worth of meld attempts one by one while random passers-by commiserated.

  2. God, the Hasty/Rapid RNG is still as fucked as ever. I've been saying (since ARR, mind you) that the crafting RNG favours chains of outcomes… and this video is doing nothing to disprove it.

  3. Craftsmanship: 3794, Control: 3991, CP: 690
    Food (HQ): Tsai tou Vounou
    Potion (HQ): Cunning Craftsman's Draught

    Macro #1

    /ac "Muscle Memory" <wait.3>
    /ac Manipulation <wait.2>
    /ac "Waste Not" <wait.2>
    /ac Veneration <wait.2>
    /ac Groundwork <wait.3>
    /ac Groundwork <wait.3>
    /ac "Delicate Synthesis" <wait.3>
    /ac Innovation <wait.2>
    /ac "Prudent Touch" <wait.3>
    /ac "Basic Touch" <wait.3>
    /ac "Standard Touch" <wait.3>
    /ac "Advanced Touch" <wait.3>
    /ac Manipulation <wait.2>
    /ac Innovation <wait.2>
    /echo Macro #1 finished <se.1>

    Macro #2

    /ac "Prudent Touch" <wait.3>
    /ac "Basic Touch" <wait.3>
    /ac "Standard Touch" <wait.3>
    /ac "Advanced Touch" <wait.3>
    /ac Observe <wait.3>
    /ac "Focused Touch" <wait.3>
    /ac "Great Strides" <wait.2>
    /ac Innovation <wait.2>
    /ac Observe <wait.3>
    /ac "Focused Touch" <wait.3>
    /ac "Great Strides" <wait.2>
    /ac "Byregot's Blessing" <wait.3>
    /ac "Basic Synthesis" <wait.3>
    /echo Craft finished <se.2>

  4. Eh, I never macro Expert recipes. There is no bad luck protection. And being locked into a macro that you can’t pull up out of a nose dive is a No Thanks for me.

    Just got to go step by step.

    But man, you think THIS is bad? Just wait for Dragon’s Deep. Hahaha

  5. I'd like to note, that the "advance meld in bulk" was not always an option. I believe that was introduced at the start of this expac.
    Meaning not only was overmelding a great way to watch gil burn, you had to do it one by one with an animation between each attempt.
    So you were not just burning gil, you were painfully throwing it away one materia at a time.

  6. Me: thinks my Ultimate raider friend is a hardcore madlad for progging each ultimate raid up to TOP back to back

    My friend: thinks I'm a hardcore madlad for completing all the Skysteel tools in a week and all the Splendrous tools in two weeks

  7. I'm sure you already know these things, but thought I'd throw out some of my crafting tips.
    1) As long as you have 1 durability left, you can use any skill. Say you still need a fair amount of progress but only have 5 durability left. You can still use Groundwork (360% progress) even if you don't have 20 durability left. Not quite as much as Rapid, true, but it does have a 100% success rate.
    2) My opener for these is: Muscle Memory, Manipulation, Veneration, Waste Not 2, Groundwork, Final Appraisal, Groundwork. It will leave you with 1 point of progress left. Certainly much higher CP usage than what you are doing, but also a guarantee. Adjustments can be made based on conditions.

  8. Thank you for doing this so I don't have to F that lol. Personally, I would have paid however many million gil to just buy the petamelded gear outright instead of begging RNG to not screw me.

  9. Can you believe YoshiP feels they made the game too accessible and easy? It took me over an actual week to get one legendary fish and then I… Accidentally deleted it

  10. Expert Crafting is literally Ultimate for crafters.
    – you need to grind scrip to buy those mats
    – you need to always pop food buff and potions just like raiding
    – you need to pentameld on all piece of gears (huge gil sink because crafter materia are more expensive and has to do it again every 2-3 patches)
    – you need to look on succeed player's crafting/macro on internet for reference. just like studying raid strat
    – you need to adjust what you've learned to suit your current crafting stats. only copy-paste then go macro not always work
    – you need good decision (to choose/execute craft action) and tremendous amount of luck to deal with RNG condition
    – you need to plan ahead to manage and fully optimize your remaining buffs
    – you need a lot of time (complete just one tool to max tier could take hours)

    best advice I could gives is that take it with Ultimate reward mindset but worse. its purely glam ! on a job that no one cares about !! don't torture yourself !!!
    RIP if you're completionist who try to collect them all, just like me xD

  11. I've been getting into leveling my crafters up from 80 after leaving them at the end of ShB's cycle, and I was tempted to look at the shiny blue relics for crafters this time around… but man, no, I don't think I will. I don't have that kind of gil or that kind of time.

  12. I still, to this day, remember the one time I was standing next to the marketboard and saw someone lose over 200 materia while trying to pentameld one of their crafting gear pieces.

    That particular attempt didn't succeed.

  13. I noticed that the RNG in FF14 when I played it was very streaky. I failed an 89% chance 13 times in a row while mining one time, while I once hit a 9% chance 6 times in a row as well. Plenty of other outliers but those the ones that really stuck out to me.


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