The New Shield of FFXIV – Sage Prerelease Overview

Are you excited about the new healer as I am?! I can’t wait to dive into everything and see how Sage plays! I’m hoping it shakes up the FFXIV healer meta!

Couple Notes!
Shortly before posting this video a lot of abilities were leaked from the Media Tour, I can assure you that information in this video was only information shown in the live letter and translated from tooltips that Yoshida showed us during the gameplay!

Second! I want to give a huge Shoutout to my Discord & Patreon Community. This last month has been amazing! YOU GUYS ARE AMAZING! I am truly thankful to have such an awesome community!

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23 thoughts on “The New Shield of FFXIV – Sage Prerelease Overview”

  1. Couple Notes!

    Shortly before posting this video a lot of abilities were leaked from the Media Tour, I can assure you that information in this video was only information shown in the live letter and translated from tooltips that Yoshida showed us during the gameplay!

    Second! I want to give a huge Shoutout to my Discord & Patreon Community. This last month has been amazing! YOU GUYS ARE AMAZING! I am truly thankful to have such an awesome community!

    If you'd like to join the discord you can join here:

    If you're interested in being a Patreon Supported and want to become a member of the Scions or the Forum you can check out my Patreon Page here:

  2. Loved the video! X3 I'll be stepping into Endwalker with my AST and I am SO excited to see the Sage lazer blasting everything, they have such a clean aesthetic to them!

    It'll be nice to have a dedicated damage to heal type healer in the game to shake things up!

  3. Another win for Tallia!! You can tell how much work went into this and honestly, this iteration has me so excited for follow on videos. Thanks for you work here. Truly a great overview and love the new edits and techniques.

  4. GAH! I can't wait! Since I love DNC and I also plan on maining Sage and WHM as well I love how Sage seems to blend them all. Probably helps the addage "The best defense is a good offense" seems to apply more to Sage than the other heals ^_^

    Funny thinking about it, before finding your videos I had Heal-xiety now I'm a full healer convert.

  5. After playing the Battlefield 2042 beta, its nice to be excited for something that almost certainly won't disappoint. That, and Sage is gonna be great for me as I have a bad tendency to be too aggressive as a healer, so this is perfect!

  6. I’m personally very excited about Sage as it has a cool aesthetic and gets rid of many of the gripes I have about the Scholar. That being said, I fully expect to see a TON of confused Sages and Reapers running around in the first months of Endwalker. To that, all I can say is to read your tooltips and PRACTICE! My routine has always been to immediately take new jobs into POTD and HoH so that I can see the skill progression and wrap my mind around where to put all the buttons after seeing their interactions. After that, I’ll maybe spam dungeons or go into Bozja before proceeding into the next expansion proper.


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