Some people may say it is
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#Shorts #FFXIV #FinalFantasyXIV
Got got 😂
How long until we find out jesse is actually YoshiP and hes trolling himself?
This kind of stuff is why Yoshi-P is so fun.
I love whenever you're twinning with the devs lol. But yeah, there were SO many better/more obvious examples of the graphical overhaul that were in the other panel, IDK why they couldn't have led with one of those. My god, even show some of the hair retexturing that gets rid of a lot of the jaggies… THAT would have at least been obvious to a casual observer, as opposed to this.
Could be worse. Yoshi-P could've gone on another 40 minute lecture on why teleportation fees increased.
This almost certainly was filler to cover the lack of content to show for the new Lifestyle System they're working on. YoshiP straight up said they wanted to premiere it at EU and the dev team asked him for more time before their initial showoff.
FF devs are the best at roasting themselves
Burned into my brain for the rest of my entire life, is the trailer for wow DF. And Jesse's 'I hope we get something new and not another "10 thousand years ago" BS' Then instantly first thing you see in the trailer is "10 thousand years ago".
Good job yoshi-p
They have clearly bugged Jesse's office
When you hit your peak early in the stream
The odd thing is that the graphics panel that followed displayed enormous graphical improvements. Making this 5-minute tangent even more baffling.
Jesse and Apollo's Gift of Prophecy
Jesse you where cursed with the best worse timing to getting burned by your reaction to somethings you wrre born to be a content creator.
Coxstridomis strikes again!
Listen Lalafel community appreciates that it was in the keynotes
Coxtradamus strikes again!