The Meaning of Flow – FFXIV Lyrical Lore

The songs of FFXIV often tell us much and more about its story, themes, and people. The song Flow is both comfort and requiem and acts in counterpart to Answers. Join us as we dissect and explain the sentiment behind the song.

#flow #endwalker #finalfantasy14 #finalfantasyxiv #finalfantasy #ffxiv #ff14 #ffxivlore #ffxivendwalker

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19 thoughts on “The Meaning of Flow – FFXIV Lyrical Lore”

  1. I remember finding a tweet a few weeks back stating that "Flow" is Venat's "thank you" to the "I'm sorry" that is "Answers". I think about that a lot. I'm sorry that you've had to suffer, but thank you for still being here after all this time.

  2. <3 this Lyrical lore!
    Shout out to the singer Amanda Achen-Keenan! <3
    Also, check the FINAL FANTASY XIV 2021 FESTIVAL – AROUND THE WORLD. It was awesome!

  3. It's funny to me how much after so long being called the Mother Crystal how much Venat/Hydaelyn feels like a Mother. Nurturing and Enduring, A Mother to the whole world and one whom we never get a chance to see but was always close by. A lot of self sacrificing love, wise someone who knows the miracle of life and the burden of all its sorrows. I like that about her.


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