The Man Who Designs FFXIV Savage Raids | Xeno Reacts to Interview With Mr. Ozma

Xeno Reacts to an article / interview by Michael Highman for Gamespot with Final Fantasy 14’s Lead Battle Content Designer …


24 thoughts on “The Man Who Designs FFXIV Savage Raids | Xeno Reacts to Interview With Mr. Ozma”

  1. Man I wanna go back to Stormblood 4.4 Mnking. Give me that tk rotation again and keeping melee uptime. That shit was really fun. Not these giga sized hitboxes that are everywhere and a non punishing rotation.

  2. Honestly, that makes me look forxard to see Xeno on a LL(or something similar? don't remember of it was that or something else) even more.
    I mean, he's one of those players who can give fresh and good perspectives on the game they love because of them being more outspoken about it, meeting a team of designers equally amazing at their jobs(though with a few fuck ups they're trying to learn from, considering the grievances we have with the current state of the combat system and the encounter design…) for said game. It's definitely going to be an interesting debate(which will ultimately be good for the game no matter what happens after that btw).

  3. I couldn't agree more with all the discussion around 8-11min. That's the part I try to explain to people, as a healer, I feel absolutely useless. I'm just mashing my DPS skill and calls it a day. Prog is interesting because that's where we're needed, but by the end of each tier et once the group is used to the mechanic, it's just bullshit. If it wasn't for the mechanics targeting specifically healers, forcing the group to have 2 of them, what's even the point of having 2?
    Sure back then SCH could solo heal content, but it was overall harder in general to heal and you had less opportunities to DPS. I think about Twintania but even other fights where DPS had to do something and take some individual damage, instead of raid-wide damage, we needed to cast single target heals way more often.
    I WANNA USE MY HEALS, NOT MY DPS T___T I'm a healer god dammit!

  4. Raid Mechanics are getting stagnant. I find the constant DPS race to be mundane and wish they would try some different avenues to beat the fight. I liked the gauntlet in Alexander or even the two bosses in Furor (Eden) raid bosses. Need some variety.

  5. I would love to see how the devs intended to do the fights after a tier is done or when a new expansion launches. Also I've seen some strats from Twin back in the day where WHM used Stoneskin for death sentence, and DRGs had no magic mit. I didn't raid back then so idk how true that is.


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