The Limsa Lominsa AFK experience – FFXIV

i see them all over the place, they never move, they never log off

they just… stand there. MENACINGLY!

but for real some people in FFXIV are really into AFKing in limsa

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28 thoughts on “The Limsa Lominsa AFK experience – FFXIV”

  1. NPCs: "Nobody understands why the Warrior of Light has been standing in the quicksands dancing for fourteen hours straight. Perhaps it is their riggerous exorcize routine that makes them so powerful against the Ascians! :O"

    The WoL: dancing trying to swoon some manbear Hroth or Roe for that strong-arm ERP they heard so much about in shout chat

  2. In the balmung quicksand, there's always someone afk behind the inn desk called Fake Employee or something.

    If you're reading this, please stop using the sweep emote. The sound is so annoying. 😢

  3. in Aether Jenova we have Mint Dew, the eternally dancing catgirl who still manages to get raid gear. Currently she dances at the aetheryte in the latest hub.

  4. This reminds me of the Link player in Brynhilder. Always dancing at the top of the stairs by the aetheryte in Ul'Dah

    That man has not stopped jamming for like over a year

  5. To this day there is still a person dead in front of the atheryte in Ul’dah. He appeared like two or three months ago and he is still dead there. Don’t know how he got there or how he has died and remained dead all this time but people have started to play music and other things around the body. It’s become a landmark at this point

  6. I remember back in the days of Everquest (i'm old) there was this one elf guy who was sat in Kelethin AFK for many weeks straight. He was there so long (back in the days before regular maintenance restarts) that urban legends began to circulate about how he had died at the keyboard.

  7. There was this lala on Crystal (Zalera) named Bug Boy who’d always be sleep every time I’d log in two years ago, haven’t seen him since the AFK time limit during EW’s launch sadly

  8. Day 31:

    The wax sculpture switcheroo was a complete success! No PC is aware I have already departed, observing from the comfort of my hotel room.

    Additional note: One player was intrigued enough to observe for a month straight! Must test with other sculptures for future study.

    … that's really all I could think of. 乁⁠(⁠ ⁠•⁠_⁠•⁠ ⁠)⁠ㄏ

  9. Once upon a time I was apart of Oliver nexus’ free company in balmung. He stands in the same spot every time he afk’s, apparently he’s been doing it since the beta. Travel to balmung and you can see him in limsa I guarantee it.

  10. There's this one Lala I know that literally I've never seen him move he's always standing under the tree in Limsa.
    Granted I'm normally in Gridania but yeah. It's odd. Like he doesn't even queue dungeons or anything.

  11. My afk spot of choice is locked on to the Limsa main aetheryte, already tabbed to the world list menu. Reason: people are so impatient that there's basically no other way to get to off-world S ranks than to just sit there waiting at one of the three places in the entire game where world transfers are possible, one click away from the actual transfer–and even then, your odds are 50/50 at best. (Yeah yeah, early pullers, don't blame everyone, blah blah blah, but you can only blame them so often when even established pull times only give you about 3 minutes at best to get through potentially huge queues, nobody shows even the slightest sympathy to folks who miss out due to trolls/impatience, and mob mentality absolutely kicks in once anyone pulls and the whole group goes ham.)

    I do my best to ignore the…activity going on around me in the meantime.

  12. [Meanwhile in Crystal – Coeurl server – Ul'dah]

    NPC 1: See that? Points at Nosaj Blackrock That's the Warrior of Light.
    NPC 2: I see.
    NPC 1: What's funny is that he's been dancing on those stairs for as long as I can remember. Like for years.
    NPC: Really?
    NPC 1: Yeah. I mean there would occasionally be other people to join dancing around him from time to time.
    NPC 2: Huh…btw why is he naked, only wearing 2B thigh boots, and a pope hat?


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