Dawntrail is finally here, and with it comes a whole slew of new achievements! But what would a Final Fantasy XIV expansion be without some unexpected surprises? It turns out, our levequest grind is going to be even worse than I thought thanks to the newest content additions. Woops!
twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/ciderspider
twitter: https://twitter.com/CiderSpiderr
lalachievements: https://lalachievements.com/char/35184079/
Chocorpokkur Promo: https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/topics/detail/50502fc1b3f3a42ca2bf68e6001a14f1df8597cc
I work as a dancer on a cuise ship, Whenever I was in port after 1-2 weeks I would find a starbucks, Download anything I needed and accept Large scale crafting leves just to burn through the allowences 😀 Was very handy!
Is no one going to comment on the 'Child Labor' sidequest that was on the screen for the entire video…? Hilarious sense of humor.
I showed my husband the Paissa Palace & told him it reminded me of him. He asked if I thought he was going to collect owls.
Every time I watch one of these crafting leve videos, I always leave with a new tip to help level my crafters. So thanks for these lol.
I tend to gather and sell in quantities that are required for the average craft. Like 5 dark hemp since that’s the amnt for one roll of fabric. You can tend to up charge a bit and it’s not a huge inventory so you can turn over your inventory slots pretty quickly. I tend to over gather but craft just enough.
sits here having done every single new leve for Weaver with the HW Large Leves already done
I wish you luck my dude
this baby be scamming AF!
Zlatan looks like he didn't get a mansion.
I too love taking over the new item market on the MB with each expansion! II made a good chunk of gil without doing a dang thing but doing the MSQ and then reselling the Air Wheeler mount from Solution Nine. I sold 2 to streamers a few hours after launch, one of them paid me 50M for it too even though I told them it cost me 7.5M to buy it. They said it was my "tip" because they wanted to put out the first video about it. I sold so many more of them for 15-20M for the first day and then throughout day 2-3 continued to resell them for 10M+ on the market board. To pay my respects to all the gil people made me, I gave 4 of them away on July 4th to the first 4 players who found me and set off a firework for me. I was sitting right next to the aetherite in Mor Dhona and people were flying all over trying to find me.
I got my Twitch drops from your stream. I had it going when I went for a run and then played MSQ.
19:00 so much room for activities!
You shouldve waited on those. If you get enough crafters complain, they may have fixed it so that it all counts.
I….did not know that Cornservant minion was a thing. I'm not at Solution Nine yet, and the servers are down for maintenance at the time of writing so….I'll get it eventually!
Yeah. When I looked at crafter skills ingame I was shocked af, because I only had heard about full durability restore and not the other. Fucking crafter got giga buffed
tremble every time you spend gil is a mood
I always level a healer. I like options. I’ve decided to level SCH this time. I’m like. I watch Cider Spider. I’ll get better from it. Naw. I’m still a shit SCH. TY tho lol at least I’m challenged.
> Paissa Palace
I am glad that i am not your neighbour
i dont get this over 100000 times repeated meme "dont go" ?
oh shit. this is full of unmarked spoilers.
Ooooooh… He ignored the Temple Leves… Yeah, those'll get'cha. 😉
we butterfinger buyers are the true rightful owners of the ugly chocolate puffball
“Proud owner of the piassa palace”. You evil potato!
So jealous on the large plot! I’m on like my 10th attempt.
There was a quest in the new expac called “and the land will tremble” and all I could think was your sound effects. XD also, paissa palace? You truly are an evil potato, sir.
There was a quest in the new expac called “and the land will tremble” and all I could think was your sound effects. XD also, paissa palace? You truly are a lalafell, living down to your people’s rep.
Congrats on housing Ultimate.
lar weapons and tools made me just under 7m rocks ang logs 8mil durring early weekend
The only 200 point mtn dew flavor to be found near me is rather nasty. But I have stupid bird.
They really ought to reset player leves to 100/100 upon new expansion releases to shave off a little of that mess. Maybe on a couple major patches per expansion too.
'making tonnes of money'
Has 22 million gil on hand compared to a previous video where he broke 100 million for the first time.
I'm assuming the gil is banked on retainers, or he's spending a lot.
Best Girl Zhloe, my day is made.
selling the very first stargazing deck on balming for 5 million gil is one of my proudest achievements in the game, honestly
I did a handful of large scale leves thankfully, but gosh. It's insane how they manage to make the grind somehow worse, as leves feel like a dying system. No other grinds are that insane of a timesink and are not allowed to put in time to chip away at it more, and the rewards are not that good either outside of maybe 2-3 per expansion!!!! So many things could be done to make it feel like you are getting somewhere, like Large Leves counting for 10 completed leves, GC overlapping with Battle Leves, and address some issues with the pacing of them like the 5 minute ones, and the whole Evaluation one making no sense on what that means. Everything in this game feels reasonable with getting to push for some achievements, but this!!!
Fionnuala is pronounced (roughly) "fyun-ool-uh"
Its an irish name, which is odd cuz the ishgardians usually go pseudo-french, but hey
Lmao between moving away and not buying my weaver hide I'm starting to think you are avoiding me 😂
happy to see your channel and stream evolving and getting the deserved recognition for your great work! Genuinely happy and proud of you! Keep it up!
Yay, new video! Thanks for entertaining me as I "learn" new stuff at work❤
Hey Cider! I just got all my crafty and land jobs up to 100 yesterday. That was on hell of a grind! I'm still 5 large leves per class away, but I got the new single leves done in the process of leveling! Multi-tasking is a beautiful thing. My advice to everyone is to level you miner and botanist first, then do crafters with the gathered materials.
I've been sitting on my capped leve allowances. I don't play this game for completionism, but I do feel like I'm just letting them go to waste.
The Cornservant comes from a random yellow quest line that begins in tuliyollal and takes you through each zone, one quest per zone, before finally giving you The Cornservant at the end. theres no achievement tied to it, but who cares. CORNSERVANT!
God I'd love a large to play with. Or even just a medium. I need to earn more gil I guess.
Progress report. Lalachievements score: 16,870.
New expac, new achievements. For spoiler sensitivity, I'll be culling achievement names here, so have no fear. I picked up 5 of 6 MSQ progress achievements, the Mapping the Realm and Freebird achievements for 5 of 6 new field zones, and the Mapping the Realm achievements for 5 of 8 new dungeons. In the process, I picked up Through the Gate X and Stick Them with the Pointy End X, as well as the role quest achievements for tank, caster, and healer.
Aside from this, I picked up I Am the Alpha I Am the Omega III while doing Khloe book for Picto XP, and got enough poetics from doing roulettes a bit more actively to grab Well-oiled: Amazing Manderville Milpreves, Samurai Blade (I hate that they won't just localize these as "katana"), Torquetum, and Axe.
you know with the new expansion coming out, now I'm wondering, when's mad because small coming back?
Gratz on the Large House! You deserve it!
There he is, the bane of the HOA wherever he goes.